Summer is here, and everyone likes their balcony to be covered with all kinds of succulents, but the ideal is always too plump. You will find that some leaves have fallen off, some are shriveled, or even rotten. What causes it? Healthy succulents that accumulate too much water an

Summer is here, and everyone likes their balcony to be covered with all kinds of and succulent , but the ideal is always too full. You will find that some leaves have fallen off, some are shriveled, or even rotten. What causes it?

Too much water

Healthy succulents that suddenly drop leaves may be caused by overwatering. Watering should be stopped immediately, which will cause waterlogging at the roots, leading to leaf drop. At this time, watering should be stopped and the succulents should be placed in a naturally ventilated place. When the soil becomes drier, you can return to the original planting method.

Replace soil and flower pots with good air permeability. Good air permeability and water permeability can allow succulents to grow healthily, especially on outdoor balconies. It is rainy in summer, so be more careful not to accumulate water.


Succulents are all sun-loving plants , and the balcony is the best choice. The sunshine time is long in summer, so avoid exposure to the scorching sun. Although they like the sun, they are not resistant to the sun. Exposure to the sun will cause dormancy, or the leaves will lose water. Wrinkles will affect its normal growth and development. The succulent should be moved to a place with astigmatism and ensure that the sun exposure time does not exceed 5 hours a day.

Fertilizer weight

Succulents do not require much fertilizer. Generally, thin fertilizers need to be applied during their growth period. If raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer is applied immediately, it will cause fertilizer damage and cause the succulent leaves to explode. Dig up the succulents immediately, wash them with water, and then plant them in new pots.


If the succulent leaves are easy to fall off, especially if the leaves become transparent, there is a high probability that they are infected with bacteria. If it is not serious, you can cut off the rotten parts, and spend more time in the sun and use ultraviolet rays. to sterilize and allow plants to heal themselves. Of course, protective fungicide sprays such as chlorothalonil can also be used to prevent later deterioration. After drying, plant it into new bonsai soil, and then place it in a semi-shady place for maintenance.

If black spots appear on the leaves, the spots will fester and spread, causing the leaves to become dehydrated and fall off, or even the entire plant to fall off. This will harm the stems and spread to the entire plant through the stems. This situation is usually caused by fungal and bacterial invasion due to moisture. Generally, when this happens, there are not many dark spots and they do not expand and spread, so no treatment is needed. Just increase ventilation and get more sun.