The construction of beautiful seams seems simple, but there are also many tips. In fact, in the construction of beautiful seams with polyurea, it does not matter whether the seams are done by a master or the owner himself, as long as the polyurea seaming agent is used , we will a

The construction of

beautiful seams seems simple, but there are also many tips. In fact, in the construction of polyurea and beautiful seams, it does not matter whether the seams are done by the seam master or the owner does the beautiful seams by himself, as long as the polyurea is used When it comes to seaming agents, we will remind and recommend: When constructing polyurea seams, it is recommended that two people work at the same time. One person is applying material and the other is pressing the seam. Why is there such a reminder? Why can’t polyurea seams be constructed by one person? But epoxy caulking agent is totally fine.

It is recommended that two people work together when constructing the polyurea caulking agent. The main reason is that the polyurea caulking agent cures quickly. The glue can be cured in 2-12 hours. The 2-12 hours are determined according to the construction environment. Two people are working at the same time, pressing and pressing at the same time. Construction is in the morning and glue is shoveled in the afternoon. Two people are to speed up the construction of beautiful seams and can use polyurea. Press seams are completed when the seams begin to solidify. In this way, you can avoid the embarrassment of finding that the sealant has solidified while waiting for the joints to be pressed. Of course, it is not impossible for one person to do the work. When only one person is working, it is recommended to use one material to apply glue and press the joints multiple times. , one piece of glue is applied in 3-4 times. Never press the seam after applying one piece of glue just to save time. Or wait for the caulking agent to start to solidify before pressing the seams. Then the surface of the caulking agent will not be smooth, and naturally it will not be smooth. Did you know? Of course, there are also people who think that they should be able to apply one glue and then press the seams when it is about to solidify, but this is basically a rollover scene. Do you know that polyurea seams must be pressed within 10 minutes after gluing?

Epoxy Why can one person do it? The curing time of epoxy resin seaming agent is 12-24 hours, so as long as the seam is pressed within 2 hours, there will be no problem.

Someone here wants to ask why polyurea caulking agent cures so fast and cannot cure slower like epoxy caulking agent. This is actually mainly due to the raw material. The raw material of polyurea is "Asparagus polyurea". This material itself is a fast-curing and durable material, so good things also have their own pros and cons.

The fast curing speed of seams is not a disadvantage, it just means that the requirements for seamstresses are relatively high. But if you want to complete the construction of beautiful seams quickly, you can consider using polyurea beautiful seams. Moreover, polyurea beautiful seams can also be quickly cured in winter. Only polyurea beautiful seams can achieve the same day of making and cleaning the remaining materials. , the effect of same-day use, while also greatly shortening the time for beautiful seams to wait for curing, and also improving the efficiency of beautiful seam construction.

So does everyone know it? Especially for seamstresses, it is not because of other reasons, but because of the polyurea seam agent material.