Today I will introduce you to a prickly pear variety that is worth raising. It has a dignified and lovely sphere, beautiful and brilliant colors, and is easy to care for and easy to care for. Flower lovers who like prickly pear can take a look.


Summer is the "home field" of cactus . When other plants enter a dormant state, they can bloom despite the high temperatures. Today I will introduce you to a prickly pear variety that is worth raising. It has a dignified and lovely sphere, beautiful and brilliant colors, and is easy to care for and easy to care for. Flower lovers who like prickly pear can take a look.

1. Get to know "Bishop Kalai"

Bishop Kalai

There are many varieties of cactus. Common ones on the market include various types of cactus, australia, genus Trichoderma, Orchidacea , etc., most of which are Artificially bred horticultural varieties. The one introduced today is called "Bishop Calle" (callecallensis), which belongs to the genus Callecallensis. It is native to the high mountain areas of South America and is now widely cultivated around the world. It is one of the more "favored" ones in the genus Callecallensishtml.

The sphere is dignified and cute

The Bishop Kale sphere is long cylindrical, with a diameter of 2-3 cm. It has many side buds and is easy to grow into groups. The whole plant is dark green. There are short radiating spines on the surface of the sphere, pointing diagonally downward. It does not prick your hands, so it is more suitable for home cultivation than other prickly prickly pear cactus. It is very suitable for planting in flower pots. It can be grown in a small pot or cup with a diameter of 10 cm. It can be placed on the balcony, windowsill or even on the tabletop. For viewing.

Brilliant flower colors

When not blooming, Bishop Kalai can watch the balls and thorns. The balls are dignified, small and cute. They bloom every spring and summer. With proper maintenance, they can bloom several times a year. The flowers are single-petaled, like lotus. The shape, flower diameter is 3-5 cm, and the flower color is red + yellow, like a flame. When viewed under the sun, it is extremely brilliant, beautiful and spectacular, and has high ornamental value.

The amount of flowers is considerable

Some cacti are very "lazy" about flowering. They will only bloom when they grow to a certain size. It is common for them not to bloom for several years. If you want to grow cactus that blooms from an early age and has low maintenance time and cost, Kalai Bishop is good. This variety will bloom from small balls. The larger the ball, the greater the number of flowers. The longer it grows, the more spectacular the flowering will be. Just like the picture above, there are so many flowers that the ball can no longer be seen.

2. Bishop Kalai’s planting suggestions

Maintenance is not difficult

Bishop Kalai belongs to the cactus family after all, and its vitality is still very tenacious. Its habits are similar to those of other gemstones. It is not difficult to cultivate them well if you master the methods. Here are the instructions Some suggestions for novice flower lovers:

Flower pots: The requirements for cultivation containers are not high. Ceramic pots and plastic pots can be used. The diameter does not need to be very large. A 15-20 cm is enough. Flower pots that are too large can easily cause excessive water accumulation. , which in turn leads to root rot;

Soil: Baoshan cactus likes soil that is a little dry and has good drainage. You can use nutrient soil as the base and add more vermiculite, perlite and other particles, sand and gravel to increase drainage and breathability. It is not suitable to use garden soil directly;

Suitable environment: This variety has a strong demand for light, and it will grow easily if there is insufficient light, so it should be placed in a sunny place and get as much sun as possible in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The more it grows, the better it will grow;

It is easy to explode

Water: Yangbaoshan is a cactus. You must take care of your hands and don't water it all the time. The cactus is a succulent plant and stores a lot of water inside. Wait until the soil is completely dry before drying it. It’s okay to just water for a few days. In addition, water should be strictly controlled in winter, or even cut off completely;

Fertilization: In spring and summer, give some flower-promoting fertilizers, and flowering will be more vigorous, such as Huaduoduo No. 2, diphosphate Potassium hydrogen and the like should be applied frequently with thin fertilizers, but it is not suitable to fertilize in autumn and winter;

degree summer and overwintering: normal maintenance in summer, just a little shade and avoid sun at noon, there is no problem of "difficulty in summer"; in winter, it can tolerate low temperatures of 0 degrees, If the temperature is below 0 degrees, it should be moved to a warmer place;

Propagation: Use the method of dividing balls and cuttings. When the diameter of the side balls is 2 cm, you can break them off and cut them. The survival rate is very high, and you can also directly graft them onto other cacti families. , the growth and flowering will be more powerful after grafting.

Excellent potted prickly pear

Summary: Laizhu is the representative of Baoshan prickly pear, and it is also a favorite species among prickly pear lovers. It has a round and plump ball, is dignified and cute, has no obvious thorns, and has beautiful colors. If you master the method well, you can raise it well. It’s not difficult. It is an excellent potted ornamental green plant. Flower lovers who like cactus can try it.