The sink is an indispensable and important design in our home, but when many people design the sink, they usually use conventional thinking to place the sink in the bathroom. In fact, the sink does not have to be placed in the bathroom. In fact, it also has other designs. And if

The sink is an indispensable and important design in our home, but when many people design the sink, generally adopt the usual thinking of placing the sink in the bathroom.

The sink does not necessarily have to be placed in the bathroom. In fact, it also has other designs. And if your bathroom is relatively small, the sink, toilet and shower area are crowded in the bathroom, which will make it difficult to turn around in your bathroom. .

For the installation of sinks, you can take a look at the post-00 designs. Their sinks have two very clever designs.

The sink is installed in the entrance or outside the bathroom

00. When designing the sink, most people will adopt a Japanese design and place the sink in the entrance or outside the bathroom.

It is convenient to place the sink in the entrance. We wash our hands as soon as we get home, or the first thing we do when we come home is wash our hands.

However, there is an inconvenient thing about placing the sink in the entrance. It is very troublesome for us to wash up, so we came up with the second design , which is to place the sink outside the bathroom.

Placing the sink outside the bathroom not only separates the dry and wet areas from the bathroom, but also allows the family to use the bathroom in the morning without queuing. If there is enough space outside your bathroom, it is recommended that you place the sink outside the bathroom. .

Placing the sink outside the bathroom can improve the efficiency of bathroom use. Sometimes the family lines up to go to the bathroom when they get up in the morning, but now the sink is placed outside. One person can wash up first while the other person goes to the bathroom.

You can also do this at night, so as to reduce family conflicts.

How to design a sink when there is not enough space outside?

However, many people say that there is not enough space outside and there is no way to move the sink to the outside. If there is not enough space in your home to move the sink outside, you can learn how to do it after 00 The sink is designed to be suspended.

The suspended design of the sink is to prevent the cabinets under the sink from getting moldy due to frequent contact with water. Moreover, the suspended design of the sink is also convenient, which is that it is more convenient when cleaning.

The design of the sink has been changed. What else should be prepared in the bathroom?

diatom mud floor mat

There will still be a lot of water in the bathroom after the sink is suspended. We can put a diatom mud floor mat under the sink, this diatom mud The function of the floor mat is to absorb water from the ground and the water from the soles of our shoes.

If there is too much water on the bathroom floor, we will easily fall when using the bathroom. It may be avoidable for adults, but it is a very dangerous thing for children and the elderly.

Therefore, it is very necessary to put a diatom mud floor mat in the bathroom. It is very functional and has a very obvious water absorption effect. When we stand on it for a few seconds, the water on the soles of our feet will be absorbed by it.

And if this diatom mud floor mat gets dirty, it is easy to clean. Just rinse it with water and it will be clean. It will not get moldy because it will evaporate water on its own.

It can stay clean and tidy even if it is placed in a humid and dark bathroom, but it is recommended that you occasionally take out the diatom mud floor mat to bask in the sun.

Although diatom mud floor mats will not become moldy, they can still breed bacteria. Exposure to the sun can make the bacteria on the diatom mud floor mats disappear.

Mildew Removing Gel

Some places where glass glue is used in the bathroom will cause mold. Because glass glue will become moldy when it comes into contact with water, black gaps will appear in the gaps between the toilet, the sink, and the floor tiles in the shower room. Mold.

When mold appears in these places, we can learn from the post-00 generation to use mildew removal gel to remove the mold instead of squatting on the ground and scrubbing away the mold with a brush.

In the past, we squatted on the ground and scrubbed with a brush for a long time, but the mold was not cleaned away. But with this mildew removal gel, the mold will disappear automatically in just one hour.

Apply this mildew removal gel to the area with mold. After leaving it for an hour, wipe the area with mold with a rag, and the mold will be wiped clean. This method is both trouble-free and convenient.

However, everyone should note that this method is only suitable for places where the mold is not serious. If the mold is serious, you need to let the mildew removal gel sit for 6 hours before it will be effective.

Summary at the end of the article:

Although I can’t change my bathroom to these advanced designs now, I can have mold removal gel and diatom mud floor mats. When I change my house, I will definitely move in these advanced designs. The bathroom is really practical.