When decorating a new house, doors are an indispensable decoration. When it comes to choosing bathroom doors, some friends will choose wooden doors, while others will choose aluminum alloy doors. But some friends will be confused about which material is better. In my opinion, eac

When decorating a new house, doors are an indispensable decoration. When it comes to choosing bathroom doors, some friends will choose wooden doors, while others will choose aluminum alloy doors. But some friends will be confused about which material is better. In my opinion, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. When we choose, we must make it based on our own house type.

When choosing solid wood door for the bathroom, it is recommended that all friends choose according to the dry and wet separation conditions, otherwise the wooden door will become moldy, swollen, and deformed over time if water vapor and water droplets invade the door.

If you really like a wooden door as a bathroom door, it is recommended that the floor inside the bathroom be lower than the floor outside the bathroom, so as to prevent the door cover from being soaked by water. In daily use, wipe off the water droplets on the door in time and ventilate it.

Aluminum alloy doors are not only stylish and beautiful in terms of decorative effect, but also have the advantages of moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, stain resistance, and practicality. Aluminum alloy doors have a high gloss and are easy to clean and maintain.

Comparing aluminum alloy and wooden doors, wooden doors need to use materials such as paint and glue, which will produce some formaldehyde and other harmful substances. However, we choose aluminum alloy doors, which are non-toxic and have no harmful substances. They are the first choice for health and environmental protection. .

I personally prefer aluminum alloy doors. After all, my home is not big enough to separate wet and dry doors. Therefore, friends who like wooden doors must do a good job in dry and wet separation and moisture-proof treatment.

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