There are really too many pitfalls in decoration. My friends who are renovating recently are asking every day which pitfalls should not be stepped on. Today we will summarize for everyone the pitfalls that must not be stepped on in decoration♢Picture source Network [Breeze] 1. Ha

There are really too many pitfalls in decoration.

My friend is renovating recently.

Every day, he is asking

what pitfalls are there that should not be stepped on?

Today we will summarize for everyone.

Don’t decorate again. Those pitfalls

♢ Pictures come from the Internet

[Breeze] 1. Hardware details

Many owners focus on the design of custom cabinets when decorating

but ignore the corner hardware

But if Poor quality of hardware

will not only shorten the life of the cabinet

but also prone to safety problems

♢ The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

hardware to choose

pre-sale quality control of major brands And after-sales services

are guaranteed

​[Breeze] 2. Installing soundproof doors

Sound insulation is a very key

in decoration. It guarantees the quality of our rest

If the door is not well soundproofed

during rest time It’s all in vain

♢The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

to choose a soundproof door

If the room has bathroom

, more attention should be paid to sound insulation measures

to ensure that no matter who in the family goes to the toilet

it will not affect each other's rest.

​[Breeze] 3. Replace windows

The windows provided by some developers

are of relatively average quality

If it is a new house to be closed

or an old house to be renovated

be sure to check the quality of the doors and windows

Don’t be dumb and suffer

♢The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

window will move when the wind blows

or the

that is more old is recommended to be replaced as much as possible

​[Breeze] 4. Window exhaust fan

is not recommended Install a window-type exhaust fan

Otherwise, when there is a strong wind in the middle of the night, the exhaust fan will start spinning by itself

The sound will make people collapse

♢ The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

If there is no hole above the window for installation Air fan

I would rather not install an exhaust fan

​[Breeze] 5. Complex chandelier

The chandelier with complex shape

looked very beautiful when it was installed at home

However, after a year and a half, the on it

accumulated dust It is so troublesome to take care of that it will collapse

If not taken care of, it will be dirty and an eyesore

♢The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

The complex chandelier is not as simple as 's ceiling lamp

If it is a bedroom

still You can consider no main light design

If you really want to choose a chandelier

try not to choose one that is too complicated

choose a disassembled

to facilitate later cleaning

​[Breeze] 6. Bottom box AP

was installed in every room during decoration 86 bottom box panel ap

During debugging, I found that the wifi was very fast. However, when I checked in and put it into official use, I found out that

would get hot after being used for a long time. The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo suggests that

you can consider the ap

of top-suction [Breeze] 7. There is no need to polish glazed tiles

Many owners are interested in the appearance of

glazed tiles

So Without saying a word, I chose

but glazed tiles are easy to leave scratches

They are particularly unsightly when used later

♢ The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo suggested that

you can consider full-body tiles

No matter how the blade is scraped, it will not work. Will leave marks

​[Breeze] 8. The seams on the balcony are somewhat similar to hard plastic after curing.

There is enough light in the balcony space.

The seams after long-term exposure to the sun are very easy to age and fall off.

♢Picture source On the Internet

​[Breeze] 9. The double basin sink

The position of the double basin sink is not enough

There is no way to put the entire pot into the sink for cleaning

Oil and water are easy to splash out

And the contact position between the edge of the pot and the countertop beside the sink

It is also easy for to become black and dirty

It is difficult to clean

♢The picture comes from the Internet

​[Gift] Hanmo recommends

Consider large single basin Make under-counter basin

Simple and convenient, large capacity

and you can easily wash the pot


Above 9 Pitfalls I hope everyone can avoid

Do you have any other tips for everyone?

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♢The picture comes from the Internet