Summer is the second season of the year, starting from the beginning of summer and ending at the beginning of autumn. High temperatures are the most significant climate feature in summer, but depending on the region and the dry and wet environment, different climates can be hot a

Summer is the second season among the four seasons of the year, starting from the beginning of summer and ending at the beginning of autumn. High temperatures are the most significant climate feature in summer, but depending on the region and the dry and wet environment, different climates can occur: hot and dry or hot and humid rainy. Our country has a vast territory, and the summer climate in different regions is not the same.

The focus of summer health care is: "nourishing yang in spring and summer", and the most important thing in nourishing yang is "nourishing the heart". Deshang Doors and Windows tells you what you must know about health maintenance in summer:

Calm mentality

Entering the summer, the mood becomes irritable easily. " Huangdi Neijing " says that in summer, you should keep your mind free of anger, that is, you should be in a happy mood and avoid being angry. Vent, don’t suppress yourself. This is the principle of staying within the spirit and recovering from illness. Therefore, to cultivate your mind, it is best to install broken bridge aluminum doors and windows that are economical, energy-saving, and effective. Isolate all noise at home and let yourself feel calm.

broken bridge aluminum doors and windows can keep the summer from being too hot and the winter from being cold. You can also enjoy tranquility in noisy areas without being frightened by thunder and lightning. You will not get water and moisture in your home due to heavy rains, allowing you to enjoy safety all year round. Comfortable life.

Summer health maintenance requires heatstroke prevention

During summer, the country has high temperatures, sufficient sunlight, and abundant rain, and crops grow vigorously. After the summer solstice, the hottest period of the year is coming.

People’s gastrointestinal function will be relatively weakened due to stimulation by heat, and appetite will slow down. And there are often heavy rains and lightning strikes, so the safety of doors and windows is very important. It is recommended that you install broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. broken bridge aluminum doors and windows have very good sturdiness and durability, and their ability to withstand wind pressure is also very strong.

Diet and health

The climate is hot in summer, and people’s digestive function is relatively weak. Therefore, the diet should be light and not fat, sweet or thick. Eat more coarse grains to cool the body, and do not overeat hot foods to avoid harmful effects. Heat; eat cold melons and fruits in moderation, not overeating to avoid damage to the spleen and stomach; eat less and not too much thick and greasy food to avoid heat, wind, and boils.

Daily health maintenance

Daily maintenance, in order to adapt to the changes in nature when Yang is strong and Yin is weak, it is advisable to go to bed late and get up early. Summer is hot, and "heat is easy to damage the qi". Excessive sweating can cause dizziness, chest tightness, heart palpitations, thirst, nausea and even coma. Therefore, it is best to move indoors in the summer, and choose an indoor space with broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, because broken bridge aluminum doors and windows use broken bridge isolation and heat conduction technology and insulating glass, which have the functions of heat insulation, energy saving, sound insulation, and waterproofing. Compared with ordinary doors and windows, heat loss is reduced by 50%, and heating costs are reduced by about 35%. The sound insulation, water tightness, and air tightness all meet the national A1 category window standards.

Moxibustion for health

Most of the sick people have Yang deficiency constitution . Mugwort is warm in nature and belongs to pure Yang. Moxibustion can warm and dredge meridians, remove cold and dampness, and replenish the human body's yang energy. Summer happens to be the time when the yang energy in nature is the strongest. When the yang and heat of the two are combined, the warming effect is stronger. Therefore, moxibustion can achieve its best replenishing effect in summer when the yang energy is at its strongest.

Replenish water properly

The weather is hot in summer, and it is more expensive to squeeze into the subway. You should drink more water and don't wait until you are thirsty. Drink less ice water. Drinks that are too cold will irritate the gastrointestinal tract, affect the secretion of digestive juices, reduce appetite, and cause indigestion, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases . Therefore, avoid being greedy for cold drinks in summer. Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows can isolate the heat from outside to a certain extent and keep the indoor cool. Therefore, if broken bridge aluminum doors and windows are installed, it can be cooler than the general indoor environment.

Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows have introduced the styles of European and American countries in design, becoming more and more high-end and beautiful. With the deepening of China's energy conservation and emission reduction work, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows will have a leap forward and have become one of the most technically mature and best-used types of aluminum doors and windows among aluminum building materials.

Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows with such good quality can be found at Deshang Doors and Windows! There are also a variety of styles for you to choose from!

Deshang Doors and Windows was established in 2007. After more than ten years of development, it has , which is mainly engaged in the design, production, sales and installation services of mid-to-high-end broken bridge aluminum alloy doors and windows, sunrooms and other products. The company adheres to the business philosophy of "advanced science and technology, keeping pace with the times, and persists in striving for survival by quality and development by reputation" to create a first-class enterprise and establish an international brand; through multiple strict production processes, every product has been refined. Every window and every door, after years of companionship and tempering, still remains new and charming. In the economic wave of China, Deshang Doors and Windows is marching forward with a vigorous posture.