When we grow flowers at home, what we fear most is "root damage." If a novice does not grow flowers well, it will also result in damage to the roots. So if we want to grow the plants well, we must first grow the roots well. How to grow the roots? Today Xiao Qi will tell you in de

When we grow flowers at home, what we are most afraid of is "root damage". If novices do not grow them well, it will also cause damage to the roots. Therefore, if we want to grow the plants well, we must first grow the roots well. How to grow the roots? Today Xiao Qi will tell you in detail the five most common root damage situations. As long as we avoid them during maintenance, there will be no problems. If you are not careful, the flowers will die after the root damage.

, Excessive water damages the roots

Most novice gardeners will have root rot due to overwatering. This is the so-called excessive water damage to the roots, because the root system of the plant is in the soil, and you cannot see it after it rots. Eventually the entire plant will wilt and die completely. Therefore, when growing flowers at home, you must water them properly and never overwater them.

, drought damages roots

Plants need more water than people. People drink water directly when they are thirsty. Flowers also need to be watered when they are thirsty. Do not over-dry. If the soil is dry, the roots will be in dry soil. Dry roots will appear, and the entire plant will wilt. Even if it is watered later, its roots will be severely damaged and difficult to recover. Finally, the leaves of the entire plant will wither and die. Therefore, growing flowers at home should not lead to excessive drought.

So how should you water the plants? There are two types of plants we raise, one is moisture-loving plants and the other is drought-tolerant plants. Plants that like moisture, such as the herbs we raise, gardenias , jasmine, etc., all prefer moisture. Under normal circumstances, under the premise that the soil has good air permeability, the soil should be dried by one or two centimeters in time. Just water it thoroughly. Don't water it directly while the soil is still wet. Waiting for the soil surface to dry out before watering it will not damage the roots and will only make it grow faster.

Drought-tolerant plants, such as the money tree , happiness tree , rubber tree, succulent , cactus we raise, are relatively drought-resistant. If your environment is well ventilated, you When watering, just make sure the potting soil is dry and water it thoroughly in time. If you don't know how to control it, there will be no problem if the potting soil is more than half dry before watering again, as long as it is during their growing season.

3, hypertrophy damages roots

The so-called hypertrophy means that we use fertilizers frequently or in high concentrations, which will lead to root burn. When the root system is burned out, it will be difficult for the entire plant to recover, and it is also difficult to repot. It is difficult to get it to grow back. Therefore, we must master the concentration of fertilizer and do not use it too frequently. Generally, when we buy fertilizer, there will be a concentration ratio on the outer package. We can directly irrigate according to what he said by multiplying it by two. Generally, if plants are treated two to three times a month during the season of vigorous growth, there will be no problems.

4, less fertilizer hurts the roots

The lack of fertilizer here means that the flowers we raise have not been fertilized. If the fertilizer cannot keep up with the root system of the plant, it will not grow slowly. If the root system grows slowly, it will cause it to grow slowly. Some If you buy flowers without fertilizing them, there will be no nutrients in the soil, which will cause the soil in the pot to become hardened, the roots to wither, and eventually the entire plant will die. Therefore, fertilization must be kept up and used regularly and quantitatively. The flowering plants we raise must choose fertilizers with high phosphorus content. The foliage plants we raise can use general fertilizers, or fertilizers with high nitrogen content that are not lacking in other elements, such as the Huaduoduo series.

5, alkaline root damage

When growing flowers at home, you must remember that more than 90% of flowers like slightly acidic soil, and only a few can grow in slightly alkaline soil. If you are like Xiao Qi It's from the north, and the water quality is alkaline. When we grow flowers, if we water them alkaline, it will cause the plants we grow to have yellow leaves.

The roots of plants will grow slowly in alkaline soil. When the soil becomes severely alkaline, the roots will stop growing and the entire plant will drop leaves and die.Therefore, if the water quality and soil quality in your area are alkaline, you must adjust it regularly. For example, when watering, add something to increase the acidity. Common rice vinegar, , citric acid, are all acceptable, but not too much, one Use it once a month and adjust the concentration.

The most fearful thing about growing flowers in the family is root damage. These five points will all lead to root damage, so we must avoid them. The flowers we raise will die if we are not careful even if we save them.