Nowadays, people's living standards are getting higher and higher, and the home environment has also been greatly improved. Many friends who have high requirements for life like to have flowers blooming in their homes, colorful, colorful, and colorful. It is a pleasure. However,

Nowadays, people's living standards are getting higher and higher, and the home environment has also been greatly improved. Many friends who have high requirements for life like to have their homes blooming, colorful, colorful, and colorful. It is a pleasure. However, many novice florists have little experience in growing flowers, but they always want the plants to bloom at once, so choose some grass and flower plants. Those long-lasting and expensive flowers are really not suitable for novices to care for.

Although some grass and flower plants bloom very beautifully, they are full of flowers. However, their lifespan is relatively short. They can bloom within one or two months after planting. The growth cycle is short and they naturally grow faster.

It is most suitable for novices to care for. Look at these flowers. Although they bloom very brightly, the flowering period lasts for two to three months. But just throw them away after the flowers bloom. Don't keep them anymore, which is a waste of time, because their lifespan is also over.

First, throw away the zinnia after it has bloomed for 100 days.

Zinnia is also called zinnia . In many places in the countryside, it is called "step by step climbing". Their flowers are very colorful, especially the mixed-color zinnias. The flowers are colorful and colorful, very beautiful. The petals of zinnias are double and the flowers are relatively large. Moreover, the flowers come in many colors. If several colors are sown together, they will germinate in seven days and bloom in more than a month. The flowering period is as long as three months. No wonder it is called zinnia.

But after the zinnia flowers bloom, their flowers will wither, and they will slowly produce seeds, and they will die directly in autumn. So when you buy a zinnia, you only plan to watch it for three to four months. Once the flowers bloom, just pull them out or throw them away. Don't keep them. It's a waste of time. Keep its seeds and scatter them on the ground next year, and another zinnia will grow.

Second, the potted bellflower is a disposable flower

bellflower, also called bellflower. The blooms are very fresh and beautiful, and the flowers are like small purple wind chimes, which are particularly beautiful and glamorous. Its flowering period can last two to three months. They are tropical plants and like warm and humid environments. But after the flowers bloom, just throw them away.

Because they are annual grass and flower plants, raising them is a waste of time. It's better to throw it away and plant it again the next year, or just buy another potted plant. This kind of small grass and flower plants are also relatively cheap, so it’s not a pity to throw them away for about ten yuan.

Third, petunias are also potted flowers that everyone often maintains. The petunia plant is not big, but it blooms profusely, especially during the bursting period in spring, which can easily explode into flower balls. The flowers of petunias are like small trumpets, with various colors, colorful and colorful.

But it is also a biennial herbaceous plant. Moreover, the longer the old pile is grown, the yellower the leaves at the bottom will become, and the longer it is grown, the more unsightly it becomes. So after the flowers bloom, you can just throw them away in autumn. You can just sow them again next year or buy potted plants. Keeping them is a waste of time. The branches at the bottom will age and become more unsightly as they are raised. Experienced florists will only grow them for one year and then throw them away. Then they can cut seedlings, sow seeds or buy potted plants.

Fourth, hydroponic hyacinth , just throw it away after blooming

Hydroponic hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant. Although hyacinths planted on the ground can bloom every year. But hydroponic hyacinths are plants grown into bulbs in transparent glass bottles. Just throw them away after they bloom. There is no regrets. Because hydroponic hyacinths don’t have many nutrients in the water, they can’t absorb enough nutrients.

Flowering only relies on consuming the nutrients of the bulb. After flowering, the bulb will consume a large circle, making it difficult to recover and re-bloom.So just throw away the hydroponic hyacinths after they bloom. Don’t feel bad at all. You can just spend three to five yuan to buy another pot next year.

Fifth, good luck comes first, just throw away the flowers after they bloom

Good luck comes with the flourishing New Year's Eve flowers. Its flowers are bright red and are often displayed as a celebratory plant at weddings, Chinese New Year or new store openings. The flowering period of Lucky Flower is particularly long and can last for more than half a year. The flowers are bright red at the top and the leaves are green. The red flowers and green leaves are particularly in line with Chinese aesthetics.

But good luck comes. Although it is auspicious and beautiful, it is a disposable flower. Just throw it away after it blooms. Its plant can only bloom once in its life, and after blooming, seedlings will propagate from the side. However, the seedlings also need to be maintained for two to three years before they can bloom. The waste period is relatively long, and it is difficult to maintain, so just throw them away after the flowers bloom. There is no need to feel bad.

Sixth, daffodils , throw them away after they bloom

During the Chinese New Year, many people will buy some daffodils to put at home. They bloom during the Chinese New Year, which means reunion and family happiness. Narcissus is one of the ten traditional famous flowers in my country. It is fragrant, white and elegant. It is also very simple to maintain. You only need to throw the seed bulbs in the water, and small side buds will soon grow and bloom. It can even bloom in about a month if exposed to the sun, but after blooming, it has no maintenance value, so just throw it away.

Some friends bury narcissus in the soil, expecting it to bloom again the next year. In fact, it is difficult for it to bloom again, and it takes about three years. Moreover, it is too laborious to dig out and protect the bulbs during the dormant period in summer. Just throw them away and just spend a few dollars to buy another one next year.

Seventh, lupine flower, pull it out after it blooms

lupine flower is still relatively common in the yard. Its flowers are tall and straight, and the blooms are very beautiful in clusters. It is the famous "Three Arrows of the English Garden" one. Its flowers are tall and straight, the flowers are in bunches, and the colors are particularly rich and unique, but you can just throw them away after blooming. Although its leaves are like the leaves of money tree , they are very beautiful.

But they are afraid of heat and will enter a dormant state as soon as summer comes. Their seed pods will produce a lot of seeds, which can be collected and planted in autumn or the second year. The survival rate is very high. Therefore, if this kind of lupine flower blooms, you can just pull it out or throw it away. There is no need to feel distressed at all.

Eighth, Cineraria , throw it away after blooming

Cineraria is a very popular small chrysanthemum. The flowers of Cineraria are colorful and the flowers are in clusters and very dense. The flowers are beautiful and colorful, with various colors and colors mated together. It is really a fresh and refined small potted plant. But cineraria is not easy to maintain. Its leaves are relatively large, like the leaves of some melon plants. It likes a warm and humid environment, and the pot soil should not be too wet.

Usually it needs to be placed in a semi-shady place. Just don't water it frequently. Just throw it away after the flowers bloom. It is also a disposable flower plant, and the price is relatively cheap. You can buy a pot for a few yuan. If you feel it is a pity, you can also collect the seeds after it blooms and then plant them in spring, so that you can continue to enjoy the flowers.