1. Excessive storage is a mental inertia caused by past life. When we decorate our houses, we always reserve a lot of storage space, and even go out of our way to leave a lot of space for storing things in rooms and living rooms that are not spacious. place. Clothes, quilts, sund

1. Excessive storage is a mental inertia caused by the past life.

When we decorate our houses, we always reserve a lot of storage space, and even go out of our way to leave a lot of space for things in rooms and living rooms that are not spacious. The place. Clothes, quilts, sundries, children's toys, we always feel that there is not enough room to store things at home.

But when we actually use it, we will find that many things placed deep in the cabinet may not be used once for half a year, a year or even two or three years, but they take up a lot of space in vain.

Even if we don’t use it very much, we still don’t want to throw it away. This is actually a living habit left to us in an era of long-term material scarcity, a kind of inertia in thinking.

"What if it is useful one day?" "Why throw away something that is good and not broken?" Think about it, will your parents educate you like this when you want to throw away something? This kind of thinking inertia will cause The result is over-storage. This is actually the same reason that people who have experienced famine will unconsciously hoard food, and it is the same reason that squirrels store a tree hole full of acorns before winter.

2. Consumption habits have changed, but storage habits have not.

But in fact, with the development of the economy and the progress of society, our habits of using items have already undergone tremendous changes. Many of the original durable goods have become Consumables lose their storage value. For example, in the past, if a piece of clothing had a hole, we would mend it and continue wearing it. But today, many people will most likely choose to throw it away. Similarly, new clothes that you could only wear during the Chinese New Year in the past can now be bought and worn at any time if you want.

Think about how many pieces of clothing you owned when you were a child, and then think about how many pieces of clothing you buy every year today. You buy more and more clothes, but most of them may not be worn once a year. However, because of the deep-rooted storage mentality, you will not throw these clothes away directly, but will choose to stuff them into boxes. Inside, in the cupboard, it wasn’t until the next time I moved that I remembered, “So I still have this dress.”

In fact, our storage habits have not changed with our living habits.

3. We don’t need so many cabinets at home

If you find time to carefully sort out all the things in your home, you will be surprised to find that many things can be thrown away, using up valuable indoor space to build a large number of cabinets. In fact, it is not of much use, and considering the current high housing prices, it simply becomes a huge waste.

uses tens of thousands of yuan per square meter of space to store some items that have very limited value and are highly substitutable. Anyone with an investment mind will find problems in it. Another advantage of

is that it does not reserve too much space for excessive storage, and it also allows us to develop the habit of regularly cleaning and updating items, which can simplify our lives and improve the quality of life.

4. What if there are really a lot of things that need to be stored?

In Western countries, personal warehousing services are a very common business. It is definitely more cost-effective to rent a warehouse, put items that are not used much, and pick them up when needed. From the actual cost of use, it is definitely more cost-effective. of.

But in our country, except for small-scale attempts in a few first-tier cities, personal warehousing services have not been popularized. People always feel that renting an additional warehouse to store things adds extra expense to themselves. After all, in many countries In people's minds, it is a zero-cost thing to build a cabinet at home to store things. But which way is more cost-effective? After reading the above analysis, everyone should already have the answer in mind.

personal warehouse

It takes time to change the concept, but believe me, if you are renovating your house now, don't pack so many cabinets.