The weather is getting hotter and hotter. When summer flowers are blooming, some flowers are growing more vigorously and blooming more and more day by day. In terms of maintenance, we also need to be more diligent than in other seasons. Otherwise, problems such as no flowering or

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. When summer flowers are blooming, some flowers are growing more vigorously and blooming more and more day by day. In terms of maintenance, we also need to be more diligent than in other seasons.

Otherwise, problems such as no flowering or sparse flowering, yellow leaves, fallen leaves, wilting or diseases and insect pests will easily occur. Below, these 3 kinds of "beautiful flowers", don't be "lazy" in maintenance, they bloom profusely and frequently, and the summer will be more brilliant. See if you have one at home?

Blue Snowflakes

Blue Snowflakes bloom in a light blue-purple or aqua color. The flowers are single-petaled and shaped like six-petaled snowflakes. They look particularly refreshing and peaceful when they bloom in the hot summer. Moreover, the flowering period lasts for more than half a year, and the flowering time in the south is longer.

After entering summer, Blue Snowflake also began to enter the vigorous growth period, with fast growth, luxuriant branches and leaves, and large blooms, officially starting the bursting flower mode.

However, if you want it to bloom more, you must have sufficient sunlight and water, as well as frequent application of thin fertilizer and proper pruning. Otherwise, there will be few flowers or "only one flower" but no flowers. You cannot be "lazy" in the following aspects.

1. Sufficient light and moisture: Blue Snowflake can tolerate both sun and semi-shade, but sufficient light can make Blue Snowflake bloom abundantly and beautifully. Otherwise, the branches will easily become leggy, thin and long, and will easily fall over and break.

At the same time, pay attention to watering in time and maintaining ventilation. Don't just bask in the sun. Without watering, water evaporates quickly in summer. After water shortage, the flowers will wilt, and even lead to poor growth, and the branches and leaves will turn yellow, wither or curl up. This will affect the number of flowers and become scarce, or some flowers will not bloom at all.

Generally, when you see that the surface of the pot soil is 2 to 3 centimeters dry, water it thoroughly in time. Although it can tolerate a certain amount of drought, if the pot soil is dry and exposed to the sun, its branches and leaves will easily turn yellow and wither.

2. Apply thin fertilizer frequently: Summer is the flowering season. If there is a lack of fertilizer, the blue snowflake plants will not be strong enough, the flowers will be sparse, and the color will not be blue enough.

In order to promote the longer buds of blue snowflakes and more beautiful blooms, fertilizers must also keep up with sufficient moisture and light. Generally, thin liquid fertilizer should be applied once every half month during the growth period. You can use compound fertilizer or organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Add potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Huaduoduo No. 2 before the flowering period.

3. Prune frequently: The branches of blue snowflakes grow rapidly in summer. If they are not pruned at the right time, the vines will grow slender and appear messy, arrogant and unattractive. Moreover, they bloom on new branches. If they are not pruned, , it consumes nutrients in vain. After pruning, it can reduce nutrient consumption and promote it to grow more side branches. The more side branches , the more flowers it will bloom.

After each flower blooms, it should be pruned in time. Pay attention to and cut it one branch at a time. Don't wait until all the flowers have finished blooming to save trouble. : Cut off the broken inflorescences, messy and over-long branches, and dead branches and leaves.

After pruning, add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer , and it will bloom quickly. Such repetition of can promote the growth of more new flower branches to bloom, and the re-flowering will be faster and easier. More new branches will bloom continuously, and the plant shape will be more beautiful. The flowers will be abundant and frequent, and the flowers will be more and more beautiful.

Pruning should be carried out in a sunny and ventilated environment. Do not prune on rainy days or in a humid environment to prevent the wound from being infected by bacteria and affecting growth.


Milan flower has dense plants, green leaves, and a long flowering period. If the temperature is suitable, it can bloom all year round, so it is also called "Four Seasons Milan". Every summer, gardenia , jasmine and Milan, they are beautiful and fragrant, with rich floral fragrance, bringing summer coolness and extraordinary beauty, and become the "darling" of summer.

The golden flowers are like millet grains. Although they are finely divided, they are very dense. They exude a floral fragrance that is more pure and charming than perfume. The fragrance is refreshing and refreshes the irritable and depressed spirit in summer.

However, if Milan is not properly maintained, yellow leaves, fallen leaves, and sparse flowers will also appear. So how to make Milan millet grains hang all over the branches, full of fragrance, fragrant and beautiful?

1. More sunshine

Milan is a light-loving plant, so it is best to give it sufficient light all year round. If you want Milan to bloom more and have a rich fragrance, even in summer, sufficient direct light is indispensable. Sufficient photosynthesis can promote the flowering quantity and quality of Milanese flowers.

If it is exposed to insufficient light or shade for a long time, the growth of Milan will be weakened, and it is easy to have elongated branches, yellow leaves or fallen leaves.

2. Water in time

The temperature is high in summer and the evaporation of water is relatively fast. Pay attention to watering in time and maintain ventilation. If there is a lack of water, the leaves of Milan are prone to dehydration. After dehydration, the leaves will become spotted or dry and fall.

Generally, in an outdoor environment with high temperature and strong light, it should be watered almost every morning and evening to prevent yellow leaves and falling leaves due to lack of water. However, if it is maintained indoors, insufficient light and excessive watering will also cause a large number of yellow leaves and fallen leaves in Milan, affecting growth and flowering. Generally, wait until the top 3-4 cm of the pot soil is dry before watering, and keep it ventilated so that there is no shortage of water or accumulation of water.

3. Apply thin fertilizer and apply frequently

Milan has lush branches and leaves in midsummer and has a long flowering period. It needs to be supplied with sufficient fertilizer in time. Applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once every 7 days can promote more flowering of Milan and a stronger fragrance.

Milan, like jasmine, is an acid-loving flower. To prevent yellow leaves, water ferrous sulfate solution once a month. It can not only supplement fertilizer efficiency, but also keep the soil slightly acidic, promote flowering and prevent the occurrence of yellow leaves caused by iron deficiency.

4. Prune frequently and use more ventilation.

Milan is constantly growing new branches, budding, and blooming throughout the summer. If you find that the branches are too long or too weak, you can cut them off at any time to reduce the nutrient consumption of useless branches and accumulate more nutrients for flowering. More nutrients.

In the early stage of flowering, timely pruning can promote the germination of side branches. Soon each branch will grow new buds and the buds will bloom. After each flower fades, it should be pruned in time to cut off diseased flower branches, or branches that are cross, leggy, weak or non-flowering, so as to make the shape more beautiful, the plant to be more ventilated and light-transmitting, and to Reduce pests and diseases. At the same time, it can promote more new branches and the plant shape will grow fuller, which is conducive to the next flowering. In this cycle, Milan will continue to bloom, with abundant flowers and frequent flowers.


As the saying goes: "Jasmine will never die in the sun." After entering June and July, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and jasmine has also entered its peak flowering period, with accelerated growth and larger blooms.

Jasmine especially likes to bask in the sun. It is heat-resistant and sun-resistant, and does not need to be shaded when the sun shines brightly. The more it is exposed to the sun, the more it blooms and the more fragrant the flowers are. Therefore, you should be diligent in maintenance.

1. Get more sun and water frequently

When the sun is strong, water evaporation will also be accelerated. Therefore, it is necessary to provide sufficient water supply to jasmine. In hot weather, it must be watered almost every morning and evening.

If it is placed indoors, just keep the pot soil moist without water accumulation, the air is dry, and spray water around the plant to moisten it. Generally, the surface of the pot soil will turn white and the leaves at the bottom are a little wilted, so water it thoroughly in time.

2. Apply thin fertilizer frequently and prun frequently.

Jasmine has a long flowering period, so pay attention to "fertilize thinly and frequently." After each crop of flowers blooms and fails, the remaining flowers should be cut off promptly. Pay attention to cutting off the remaining flowers and 1 to 2 pairs of leaves under the flower stalk. After pruning, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers should be added in time to promote the germination and growth of new branches.

When entering the flower bud differentiation stage, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Use 1:1000 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Huaduoduo No. 2 to promote flower bud differentiation. Apply once every 7-10 days, and flower buds will soon grow. When the flower buds become larger and begin to bloom, stop fertilizing and wait for the flowers to bloom.

The above three kinds of flowers can bloom one after another in the hot summer as long as they are given sufficient light, watered in time, thin fertilizers are applied frequently, and they are pruned frequently. The flowers bloom abundantly and frequently, and bloom more brilliantly. Spend a perfect summer with you.

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