With the arrival of younger decoration owners, more and more young people will choose to design without main lights when decorating their houses. Today I will share several lighting designs without main lights in the living room. Friends in need can quickly like and add Collect i

With the arrival of younger decoration owners, more and more young people will choose to design without main lights when decorating their houses. Today I will share several lighting designs without main lights in the living room. Friends in need can quickly like it. Add it to your favorites, it would be even better if you could give it a follow.

1: Can we do a main light-less design without a suspended ceiling?

Can we do a main-light-less design without a suspended ceiling? Of course.

The ceiling-less main light actually divides the original main lighting main light into split lighting surface-mounted downlights, surface-mounted bold lamps and surface-mounted track spotlights, and then matches the table lamps, ambient lighting, etc. according to the style. Wall lamps, floor lamps. Advantages of

: save money and will not reduce the floor height.

Disadvantages: The lamp leaks outside and lacks aesthetics and overall coordination.

is suitable for people with limited floor height and tight overall decoration budget.

recommendation index: two stars

without ceiling and no main light schematic diagram

surface-mounted downlight surface-mounted track light combined with

single-row surface-mounted track light

double-row surface-mounted track light

Two: side ceiling without main light

side ceiling is in Hang a ceiling above the TV wall or sofa wall, or both walls at the same time. The function of the ceiling is to hide the pipes, level them, and weaken the beam structure. If you want to use a suspended ceiling like

without a main light, there are many changes. The most basic one is to use surface-mounted downlights or surface-mounted bold lights with recessed downlights.

Of course, there are many kinds of combinations. The effect of surface-mounted downlights and ceiling reflective light troughs is also very good. Advantages of

: Save money and will not reduce the height of the main floor.

Disadvantages: monotonous lighting and monotonous atmosphere.

is suitable for people with limited floor height and tight overall decoration budget.

recommendation index: three stars

side hanging without main light schematic diagram

three: large flat roof without main light

large flat roof without main light solution is to fill the whole house with suspended ceilings. The lamps are mainly magnetic track lights and recessed downlights with embedded spotlights. Lamp-based design is now the mainstream design scheme without main lights.

Advantages: Various lamps are embedded, good-looking, and good lighting atmosphere.

Disadvantages: High cost, high requirements for the lamps themselves, and reducing part of the floor height.

Suitable for people: floor height. Recommendation index for friends with good height and sufficient decoration budget

: Four stars

Schematic diagram

Four: Suspended ceiling without main light

This type is based on the large flat ceiling without main light, adding the effect of suspended light strips, and the effect is of course better Good, the cost will be higher

Advantages: Various lamps are embedded, good-looking, good lighting atmosphere

Disadvantages: High cost, high requirements for the lamps themselves, lowering part of the floor height

Suitable for people: The floor height is OK, and the decoration budget is Sufficient friends

recommendation index: five stars

5: Round ceiling without main light

Traditional round ceiling, add light strips, and match exposed downlights or exposed bold lamps. The overall approach of

is quite satisfactory and relatively traditional.

Advantages: Not good-looking, but when the circular light strip is turned on, it is bright.

Disadvantages: The overall aesthetics are lacking. Recommendation index for friends with super bright spaces

: two stars

To summarize:

The above are the several design methods without main lights that I have summarized for you. The specific planning and design should be based on the house type, lighting, budget, and overall style. Partially Lamps can be mixed and matched to produce great effects!

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