Introduction: To make cactus bloom, you can try three methods. One ball will bloom 10 large flowers, which are very beautiful and gorgeous!

Introduction: To make the cactus bloom, you can try three methods. One ball will bloom 10 large flowers, which are very beautiful and gorgeous!

Recently, the cactus that many friends keep at home are blooming one after another. The flowers that bloom include bright red, light yellow, pink, and purple. The colors are very gorgeous. The flowers of cactus are generally very beautiful. The big, bright and blooming cactus is really lovely, and the flowers that bloom are really beautiful and stunning.

Especially the colorful cactus and the Scarlet Flower Jade are very suitable for novices to grow. They are easy to grow until they bloom, and they are easy to re-flower. One ball can bloom several, or even more than a dozen, at the same time. Flowers, are really beautiful with their heads full of buds.

Some friends will take their potted cactus with them even to work just to appreciate the moment when their cactus blooms, for fear of missing the opportunity to enjoy the flowers. So how can you make your cactus bloom smoothly? Can more and more colorful flowers bloom? Why do the cactus I raise sometimes not bloom at all? You can try these methods.

1. Make the pot soil fertile and loose, with good drainage.

Because the root system of the cactus is basically very small and not very developed, and it needs to absorb nutrients, all from the root system, so its root system must grow normally. When the root system is healthy, the ball will naturally grow fatter. To make the root system grow healthy, the pot soil must not be too compact.

It will definitely not work if you use all the sand or the soil dug from outside. At least add some nutritious peat or leaf mold to the soil, add some river sand or vermiculite and other particles, ensure that the pot soil It is nutritious, relatively loose and breathable and will not harden.

At the same time, before the cactus flowering period, in spring, some fertilizer , growth fertilizer, or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be given. Adding some diluted fertilizer can speed up its growth. The fatter it will be, the easier it will be. The buds are more likely to bloom.

2. There should be no less light

If you keep a potted cactus plant at home and keep it indoors in a dark place, it can still survive, but the sphere will definitely deform as it grows and is not round enough, so it may become ugly. , and it will also cause not a single flower bud to grow.

Therefore, you need more sun in spring. You should usually keep it in a sunny place. . When the temperature is high in summer, just provide proper shade. Do not expose it to the sun. In other seasons, you can get more sun, which can promote flowering and promote flower buds. Grow successfully.

3. Secondly, when raising cactus, do not water it too much to avoid water accumulation in the pot soil, root rot, and easy leggy growth. In addition, when raising cactus, don’t grow too many in one pot, so that it has a certain space to grow. If several cactus are planted in the same pot, there will be insufficient nutrition, which will affect its flowering.

At the same time, if a cactus has many babies, it will also affect its flowering, because the nutrients are taken up by the cactus, so to make it bloom, you can only pick off the cactus.

If the cactus kept at home has not bloomed, it may also be due to the variety. For example, the common golden tiger cactus, although it can grow to the size of a plate or even as big as a washbasin, it is difficult to grow it until it blooms. Therefore, when we raise cactus at home, we must pay attention to choosing some cactus that are easy to bloom.

Regardless of the variety, any cactus that can bloom is good. Moreover, cactus is relatively easy to grow. It is relatively heat-resistant, drought-resistant, and cold-resistant. It likes a growing environment with sufficient light and warmth.

Cactus also has a certain degree of cold tolerance in winter. It can grow well without watering so frequently. It is a kind of lazy plant that is relatively easy to care for.

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