I installed the sink on the stage. After a month, I dismantled it and reinstalled it. The difference between the upper stage and the lower stage is a few centimeters.

and her husband finally bought a new house, but they quarreled over whether the kitchen sink was installed on the stage or off the stage. Husband insisted that the stage is good, but I have to be on the stage alive and well. In the end, my husband couldn’t argue that I chose the stage basin. It took a month to decisively disassemble and reinstall! There is a difference between the stage and the stage by a few centimeters. I knew that my husband’s opinion was already in the first place!

It is estimated that there are still many people who don’t know what the basins look like on the stage and under the stage. Let’s talk about the difference between the two.

★Let’s take a look at the above counter basin first. The installation of the above counter basin is more convenient and quick. The cabinet will have a pre-designed opening. Just put it on top and fill the gap between the edges with glass glue. It is also very convenient to use and repair later, and the space under the basin will be much more than that of the under-counter basin.

However, in the later use of the above counter basin, cleaning and hygiene will become a major problem. Improper cleaning will cause the glass glue as shown in the figure below to become moldy and black. If the glass glue has gaps, water will leak into the cabinet through the gaps.

★Look at the undercounter basin again, you can see that the sink is obviously lower than the countertop. Compared with the above counter basin, the under counter basin is much cleaner. No matter what water and vegetable residues are on the countertop, it will enter the sink with a light sweep. There is no need to worry about moldy corners after a long time. , And the overall look is much more concise and generous.

Because the under-counter basin needs two layers of upper and lower plates to fix the countertop and the basin, it is more troublesome to install than the over-counter basin. The space reserved below is less than that of the over-counter basin, and it is also enough to prevent some smallness. There are many debris, but if you want to place a large object such as a water purifier, you have to think about the space.

Summary: In the home kitchen, the undercounter basin is more practical.

So what problems should be paid attention to when installing the under-counter basin? The editor summarized 2 points for everyone.

1. When installing the undercounter basin, be sure to drain the water in the water pipe. If there is water in the water pipe during installation, it will cause the water tank to leak and rust.

2. Drainage test shall be carried out after the installation of the under-counter basin. Fill the sink with water first, and then test the effect of the water and overflow holes to see if there is any water leakage. If there is no water leakage, you can seal the edge of the sink.

Some people may worry that the under-counter basin is not easy to repair. In fact, when there is a problem with your under-counter basin, your cabinet should expire too! So you don’t have to worry about this issue at all. In this way, it is more appropriate to choose an under-counter basin in the kitchen.

(This article was edited by the editor of the Qi family, infringingly deleted!)

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