After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts!

2024/07/0316:03:33 home 1310

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts!

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

It’s hot summer now, and the temperature in many places has exceeded 35 degrees. Under such high temperatures, when buying flowers, you must avoid some heat-resistant flowers that like to stay cool, such as geraniums, longevity flowers, , and Liger crabapples. and so on, it is difficult to grow flowers in summer, and it will turn black and die easily. If you want to raise them, raise heat-resistant flowers, such as these. Don’t be soft-hearted when you see them. You can buy more. The hotter the weather, the more flowers will bloom. They are easy to raise and beautiful. You can’t go wrong with raising them now.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

1, Desert rose

Desert rose is not rose in the desert. It is a succulent plant, native to the desert area near South Africa. Because its flowers are as bright as roses, it is called desert rose. It is similar to the real rose. It has nothing to do with roses, but its ornamental value is very high. The thick branches are like a big storage bottle. It can not only store nutrients and water, but also can be made into a quick small bonsai, which looks special. It is high-end and has charm, and it has many varieties and rich colors. It has become a popular ornamental plant in the past two years, and many people will keep a pot at home.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

As you can tell from the name, Desert Rose is heat and drought resistant. It is true. As its name suggests, Desert Rose is resistant to high temperatures and likes strong light. It does not require high ventilation conditions. In summer, it can grow and bloom with a little care. Therefore, if we want to grow flowers in summer, desert roses are our first choice. They are easy to grow and beautiful. The more you grow them, the higher their value will be.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

Summer is the peak growth and flowering season of desert roses. As long as the light temperature, fertilizer and water are guaranteed, they can easily bloom in full bloom. When maintaining, control the water appropriately and cultivate small bonsais, which will become more high-end and noble. , it looks good wherever you put it.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

If you already have a desert rose at home, but it has not bloomed yet, we can apply some potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote flowering. Proper use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can not only promote more blooms and a large number of flowers, but also improve the color of the flowers. For a more delicate desert rose, if the buds have already grown, before the buds develop color and bloom, you can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate to make a 1:1000 aqueous solution and irrigate the roots directly. Generally, use it once every 10 days to make its flowers bloom. Larger and of higher quality flowers.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

2, Blue Snowflake

Blue Snowflake is a perennial upright herbaceous plant. It has the characteristics of fast growth, easy branching and easy flowering. The flower color is rare light blue with suitable shades. You can see it in the hot summer. , gives people a visual sense of coolness and is full of fairy spirit. It is very suitable for growing in summer. It has become a popular "Internet celebrity flower" in the past two years. Most people who like to grow flowers will raise a pot. The flowering period is very long, and can bloom from spring to autumn. It can bloom while growing buds, and one flower can last for twenty or thirty days. The small blue flowers are clustered in clusters, and can also bloom into a large flower ball, which looks clear. Cool and refreshing, pleasing to the eye.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

Blue snowflakes are strong in nature, and the branches can be cutted to propagate new plants. With a little care, they can continue to bloom. Even novices can grow "full" plants, so in the hot summer, you can raise a pot of blue snowflakes. It likes heat and is tolerant of sunlight. With a little care, it can bloom one after another.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

Blue snowflakes grow quickly and can be grown indoors and outdoors. You can easily grow flower walls . In warm areas in the south, many people plant them in their yards. They can easily create a small courtyard garden. It should be noted that, It grows quickly, but its branches are not well supported and prone to lodging. Whether it is a potted plant or a ground plant, it is recommended to build a flower stand for it in advance, otherwise it will easily grow into the shape of an octopus, which will affect the viewing.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

If you want blue snowflakes to bloom more, you must have sufficient light, fertilizer and water, and prune them appropriately. Some people say that blue snowflakes cannot be exposed to too much sun, and the leaves will turn yellow and scorched when exposed to the sun. In fact, if there is sufficient water, it will It is very tolerant to sunlight. When the temperature is high in summer, it is recommended to water it once a day or two, apply compound fertilizer at least once a month, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once 7-10 days before flowering to promote more flowering.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

3, Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a kind of bougainvillea . It is famous for its many varieties, full color, long flowering period and large number of flowers. Many people like to raise some bougainvillea at home. Because of its many varieties, many people Either on the balcony or in the garden, you can create a very beautiful small garden with just some bougainvillea.

Bougainvillea is especially light-loving and light-tolerant, so it is suitable for growing in summer. As long as the temperature is suitable, it can bloom in all seasons. Under natural conditions, spring, summer and autumn bloom the most, but it can also bloom in winter. Its single flowering period is very long. One crop of flowers can last for thirty or forty days and has a very high ornamental value. Summer is a great time to grow bougainvillea. Place it in a sunny place without worrying about it dying in the sun. Water and fertilize properly and you can wait for the flowers to bloom.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

It should be noted that bougainvillea requires an appropriate amount of water control to bloom, so it is more advantageous to raise bougainvillea in pots in summer because there is a lot of rain in summer. Many people raise bougainvillea with lush branches and leaves in summer, but small flowers. Caused by excessive rain, relatively speaking, potted bougainvillea prefers to bloom in summer because there is sufficient sunlight, the temperature is suitable, and we can promote flowering by controlling water.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

If the newly purchased bougainvillea was not planted in nutrient soil, it is recommended to repot it in time and change the soil. Use the nutrient soil that the bougainvillea likes and place it in a cool and ventilated place. Let it sit in the pot for 10-15 days, then it can be maintained normally. When new buds emerge, you can promote flowering and get more sun. When all the leaves of the bougainvillea have wilted, water again. Repeat the water control three or four times in this way. During this period, ensure sufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Most of them can After the flower buds grow and the flowers fail, cut off the remaining flowers and shorten the overgrown branches in time. Bougainvillea is more resistant to cutting and the more it is cut, the more flowers will bloom.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

4, water lily , water lily

water lily and water lily are both small lotuses. They are particularly sun-tolerant and light-loving plants, and their main flowering period is in summer, so they are especially suitable for summer cultivation. We can raise some at home with A small bowl or a stylish water-tight container can be used to grow it. The more it is exposed to the sun, the more it will bloom. It is best to use a cultivation method of half water and half soil. It can be grown simply and bursting with freshness, elegance and style. Interested friends can give it a try.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

Now I am raising water lilies. It is recommended to plant them with lotus roots instead of sowing them with seeds, because the seeds grow slowly. It is already mid-July. If you plant them too late, they will not bloom. If you plant them with lotus roots, they will grow very quickly. You can enjoy the flowers quickly, which is relatively more worry-free.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

5, Jasmine

Jasmine is quite common in life, especially in summer. There are many people who grow jasmine. Its branches and leaves are green, the flowers are small, fresh and elegant, and have a pleasant floral fragrance. Moreover, it likes light and can withstand sunlight, and the more it is exposed to the sun, the more it blooms. .

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

Jasmine is relatively easy to grow. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that it is a typical southern plant. It can only grow robustly and bloom in large numbers in acidic soil, so you must pay attention to keeping the soil acidic in the south. , because the water quality is suitable and relatively better. In the northern region, it is recommended to pour ferrous sulfate once a month. When mixing with ferrous sulfate, it is best to add some citric acid or ferrous sulfate partner to make a 1:1000 aqueous solution. , directly irrigate the roots, once a month to keep the soil acidic. For normal maintenance, it is best to apply compound fertilizer once a month, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once 7-10 days before flowering. Place it in a place with sufficient sunlight for more sunshine, and ensure that there is With sufficient moisture, they will continue to bloom.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

6, Pansy

Pansy is a kind of herbaceous plant. Although it is a herb, its flowering ability is really strong. Many people say that as soon as they hear the name, they know that it is a flower suitable for growing in summer. It is true. It grows faster when the summer is super hot, and the flowers are large and clustered in clusters. The flowers are fresh in color and look very comfortable.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

7, Glorious Years Sunflower

Glorious Years Sunflower is also a flower that is more suitable for growing in summer. Once grown, one pot can bloom thousands of flowers, and the amount of flowers is super large. It is a small flowering machine in sunflower flower , especially suitable for growing in summer. , whether you have a yard or a balcony with potted plants, you can get good results.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

8, Sunflower

Speaking of flowers that like sunlight and are suitable for growing in summer, sunflower cannot be left out. It can be said to be a cheap and easy-to-grow summer flower. The more it is exposed to the sun, the more it blooms, and the flowers are large. The sun does not bloom. If you don’t know what flowers to grow in summer, but you want to raise some plants that are easy to grow and love to bloom, then you might as well raise some sunflowers. They are very easy to grow and love to bloom. You can grow some at home and place them in a sunny place. Provide it with plenty of sunshine, water it when the soil is dry, and apply fertilizer and water once every ten and a half days. Its flower quantity will definitely satisfy people.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

However, when planting sunflowers now, do not use seeds. It is recommended to use branches to cut them directly. After inserting, keep them slightly moist. Generally, they will take root in about a week. They will grow after taking root, bloom when they grow, and enjoy flowers faster.

After growing flowers for a long time, you will find that there is a strong seasonality in growing flowers and grass. You must grow flowers in any season, and you must not do it the other way around, otherwise you will not be able to grow flowers despite all your efforts! - DayDayNews

The above is what I shared today: "Under the high temperature of 35℃, don't be soft when you see them, buy more, and the flowers will bloom if you don't care much." I hope you like it, see you in the next issue!

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