The most suitable plants to grow in summer are green plants. Green plants themselves like heat, and they are maintained indoors. They can increase the indoor air humidity and lower the indoor temperature. The most important thing is that they are easy to care for and look good. G

2024/07/0120:29:32 home 1108

The most suitable plants to grow in summer should be green plants. Green plants themselves like heat, and they are maintained indoors. They can increase indoor air humidity and lower indoor temperatures. The most important thing is that they are easy to care for and look good. Today I would like to recommend a Nordic-style plant to you, which is Monstera .

The most suitable plants to grow in summer are green plants. Green plants themselves like heat, and they are maintained indoors. They can increase the indoor air humidity and lower the indoor temperature. The most important thing is that they are easy to care for and look good. G - DayDayNews

Monstera deliciosa brief introduction

Monstera deliciosa is a plant of the genus Monstera in the Araceae genus. It is native to Mexico and likes a warm and humid environment. The stems of Monstera deliciosa are thick and knotted, similar to Mangosteen , and are easy to grow aerial roots. The leaves of Monstera deliciosa are quite peculiar. When they are small, the leaves are whole. When they grow up, the leaves show cracks on the back of the turtle, so it is called Monstera deliciosa. Monstera deliciosa is very shade-tolerant and suitable for indoor cultivation. It is a large-scale plant. indoor foliage plants , placed in the hall, look very grand.

The most suitable plants to grow in summer are green plants. Green plants themselves like heat, and they are maintained indoors. They can increase the indoor air humidity and lower the indoor temperature. The most important thing is that they are easy to care for and look good. G - DayDayNews

Monstera deliciosa maintenance tips and precautions

Monstera deliciosa is a large foliage plant. Its maintenance is relatively simple and is very suitable for novices to breed. When maintaining Monstera deliciosa, it is recommended to focus on the following points. The back bamboo can be preserved and grow vigorously.

1. Loose and breathable potting soil

Any potted plant . If you want to manage it easily, using suitable potting soil is the first element. Monstera prefers loose and fertile soil. For potted plant maintenance, it is recommended to use 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of compost. 1 part leaf soil and 1 part river sand, mix evenly before planting, or use peat soil 1 part, 1 part humus soil and 1 part perlite, mix evenly before planting, and add some fermented organic fertilizer as base fertilizer when potting .

When transplanting Monstera deliciosa, it is recommended to transplant it with the original soil ball. Summer is the growth period of Monstera deliciosa. Bare root transplanting will affect the normal growth of Monstera deliciosa.

2. Control light

Monstera deliciosa is very tolerant to shade and not tolerant to strong light. Therefore, when maintaining Monstera deliciosa, it is recommended to place it indoors in a place without direct light, especially in summer. Pay attention to avoid oblique light from being exposed to it. It is easy to Causes sunburn or yellow leaves.

3. Adequate fertilizer and water

Monstera deliciosa generally needs to grow to more than 5 leaves before it can open its back. If the monstera does not have enough nutrients and grows weak, it will easily fail to open its back. Therefore, during the growth period of the monstera, it should be Pay attention to keep enough fertilizer and water.

Generally, after April in spring, Monstera deliciosa enters the rapid growth period. It should be kept and applied with growth water-soluble fertilizer every 10 days or so, such as Huaduoduo No. 1. Because Monstera deliciosa is mainly used for foliage viewing, you can also use high-nitrogen fertilizers when topdressing, such as Huaduoduo No. 10, or urea fertilizer. It is recommended to use high-nitrogen fertilizers and general-purpose fertilizers alternately, so that the stems and petioles of Monstera deliciosa will grow strong. are smaller and more likely to bloom.

If you want to make management simpler, you can also use slow-release fertilizer regularly, and then topdress with water-soluble fertilizer every 10 days or so. Monstera deliciosa can also maintain strong growth.

Monstera likes moisture. During the growth period, you can keep the pot soil moist without water accumulation. You need to water it every time. In autumn and winter, watering can be gradually reduced and watering can be done until it is completely dry.

4. Control humidity and temperature

In the summer, more people turn on air conditioners indoors. If you are cultivating Monstera deliciosa in an air-conditioned room, Lan Yao recommends that you spray water on the leaves frequently to increase the air humidity to prevent the air humidity from being too low. Causes the edges of Monstera deliciosa leaves to turn yellow. Water-soluble fertilizer can also be added when spraying water. This combination of fertilization and increasing humidity is of great benefit to the growth of Monstera deliciosa.

Monstera deliciosa likes a warm environment. Monstera deliciosa is not afraid of the heat in summer, but Monstera deliciosa is more afraid of cold in winter. It will stop growing when the temperature is below 15 degrees. The safe overwintering temperature requires no less than 5 degrees. It should be placed in winter in a warm place.

For more flower gardening experience, please visit Lan Yao’s official account: Lan Yao Garden

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