"Construction started in August last year and the construction period is 90 days. No matter how slow it is, it can be completed by the end of last year, but now the decoration company has not completed it yet!" Mr. Zhang, a citizen, reported to the Baoji reporter station of the C

2024/06/3022:46:32 home 1402

"Construction started in August last year, and the construction period is 90 days. No matter how slow it is, it can be completed by the end of last year, but now the decoration company has not completed it yet!" Mr. Zhang, a citizen, reported to the Baoji Reporter Station of the Chinese Business News - Ersanli Information that he worked in Baoji High-tech The decoration industry of Yijia Decoration Company in the district encountered troubles during decoration.

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Mr. Zhang bought a house in Yucai Tianyue, , Chencang District, , and handed the house over to a company called "Decoration Industry" "Yijia Decoration" was renovated by the company. I originally wanted to move in as soon as possible after the decoration was completed at the end of last year so that my children can go to school in September this year, but the completion time of the decoration has been delayed again and again. "The contract signed on July 30 last year, the decoration fee was 78,000 yuan, and the construction started on August 1. The contract stipulated a construction period of 90 days. But now there are problems with the kitchen flue and the wall covering of the TV background wall, and they have not been repaired." , and the switch panels and lighting throughout the house were not installed. "Mr. Zhang said that the contract stipulated that the project payment should be paid in three times, and now they have paid 95%. The remaining balance of 3,900 yuan has not been paid. The reason why there is no payment is because the agreement is to pay after completion, but the project is not over yet, and they do not want to pay." May pay.

"After the construction period was delayed, I contacted the decoration company, and the person in charge of the other party always refused. Later, the company changed the person in charge, and the person in charge continued to refuse. Either they didn't answer the phone, or they promised to decorate as soon as possible, but there was no movement at all. "Mr. Zhang said that the last time he contacted, the other party said that the project would be completed in May and all installations would be completed, but now it is already July, and there is still no movement.

html On July 14, the reporter and the client came to the "Decoration Jieyi" located on Gaoxin 1st Road. "Home Decoration", and found that the door was locked and a "one day off" notice was posted on the glass door.

The reporter called the two persons in charge of the company at the scene, but no one answered.

After that, the reporter called The company’s engineering manager, Manager Huang, said that the construction period was 90 days, but due to the epidemic in the past two years, many goods could not be delivered in time, and various reasons led to the delay. This is now completed, but the gift items have not been installed. We will deal with it as soon as possible. "

" We will handle the installation and maintenance within four days. As long as the parties concerned pay the balance, the gifts agreed in the contract can be delivered as soon as possible. "Manager Huang said, it's not that we don't install some things, it's because the client's balance has not been paid in full.

Regarding this, the client, Mr. Zhang, communicated with Manager Huang on site and reached an agreement through negotiation.

China Business News reporter Li Lin and editor Zhao Xin

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