After years of research, Harvard Business School has discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I clean

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Harvard Business School After years of research, we have discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness often have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes.

Whenever I am in a bad mood, I clean.

Whenever I am in a good mood, I clean.

Cleaning is a process of sorting and repairing.

After years of research, Harvard Business School has discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I clean - DayDayNews

If the windows at home are clear and the floor is clean, you will be in good health, in a good mood, and have good wealth.

The landlady came to sign the contract yesterday.

She had just walked in and was in a bad mood.

Seeing that the house I have lived in for three years has been well maintained,

she immediately softened.

Everything is easy to discuss and I understand everything.

got more than I thought.

After years of research, Harvard Business School has discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I clean - DayDayNews

A good home environment will make people feel calm.

So, when you have nothing to do, just clean.

When you tidy up your home, you also tidy up your soul.

After years of research, Harvard Business School has discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I clean - DayDayNews

"If you don't clean one house, how can you sweep the world?"

During this period of time, I relied on cleaning to adjust my state.

solved one thing after another that was difficult for me before.

Good emotions and a stable mentality are the keys to handling problems well.

After years of research, Harvard Business School has discovered a phenomenon: successful people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have very clean and tidy home environments; while unfortunate people usually live in messy and dirty homes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I clean - DayDayNews

Today is the weekend and I can finally relax.

Let's see tomorrow and see if there is anything else that needs to be given up.

Make good use of the sweeping power, and wealth will roll in.

Come clean with me.

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