Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by

2024/06/2913:05:33 home 1426

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes , independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. The built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized, and independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available for purchase. You can ask the manufacturer to customize it. The editor will share the design plans of these four types of wardrobes with you today. I hope everyone can find a wardrobe design plan that suits your home.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

The first thing I want to talk about is the independent wardrobe, which is a common choice for most homeowners. The disadvantage of choosing an independent wardrobe to buy is that the size is not easy to control, and there will be gaps at the top and around, making it difficult to clean.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

And if you choose to customize it, then most homeowners will choose a wardrobe that reaches the top, so that the space can be fully utilized for storage. The editor recommends this.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

The second is the built-in wardrobe, which uses part of the space in the wall to expand the bedroom space, and the wardrobe has more depth and storage space.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

As long as the wall where the wardrobe is used is not a load-bearing wall, it can be changed to an embedded design. Some homeowners will also choose to use a wardrobe instead of the wall, which saves more space.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

I believe that every woman hopes to have her own cloakroom. In fact, a small cloakroom only requires 3 to 5 square meters of space. If the bedroom is more spacious, the cloakroom can be squeezed out.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

It would be better if you could have an independent walk-in closet~ Find a space around the bedroom and bathroom to make a closet, fill it with your favorite clothes, and it will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

The biggest advantage of an open wardrobe is that it is more convenient to get clothes. However, an open cloakroom is only suitable for hard-working homeowners. If it is not carefully taken care of every day, it will be very messy.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

Most open cloakrooms will use curtains as the partition between the wardrobe and the bedroom. After all, a completely open cloakroom means you only have to look at your clothes every day, and there is no beauty in it.

Wardrobes are mainly divided into four categories: built-in wardrobes, independent wardrobes, cloakrooms and open bookcases. Built-in wardrobes and cloakrooms are customized. Independent wardrobes and open wardrobes are available as finished products, or they can be customized by - DayDayNews

Among the above wardrobe design plans, have you found the one you like? The editor feels that if the space in the home is large enough, then building an independent cloakroom is definitely the best choice. If the space is not large enough, then independent wardrobes and built-in wardrobes are everyone’s choices. They can be paired with some vertical clothes rails as an open space. Style design, there is a place to put the outer clothes that you usually change, no need to pile them on chairs or tables~

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