As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange?

2024/06/2601:32:32 home 1119

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator has brought us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially after it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

Why does the refrigerator smell strange?

There are two main reasons. First, if you put food with a strong smell, such as leeks and durian, and it is not sealed and stored, it will easily fill the refrigerator with smell; second, the odor emitted by the rotten food, although the refrigerator compartment Generally kept at around 4°C, low temperature can delay the reproduction of bacterial microorganisms, but this does not mean that bacterial microorganisms will not reproduce, so food will still deteriorate if left in the refrigerator for a long time.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

After understanding the reasons for the odor in the refrigerator, let’s take a look at the methods to remove the odor.

1, baking soda

baking soda is the common name of sodium bicarbonate . It is a chemically active substance that can react with both acidic and alkaline substances. Baking soda can react with some odorous substances to remove odors.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

How to use: Put an appropriate amount of baking soda in a wide-mouth open container, and then put it in the refrigerator to remove odors.

2, orange peel and grapefruit peel, etc.

Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are materials that are easily available to families. The peels of these fruits have good adsorption capacity, and the peels themselves emit a light fruity aroma, so they have always been the first choice for many families. In addition, tea also has the function of absorbing odors, but be careful to store the tea in a sealed container before putting it in the refrigerator to avoid odor transfer.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

3, activated carbon

Activated carbon is a very excellent adsorbent. It uses charcoal, various fruit shells and high-quality coal as raw materials. It uses physical and chemical methods to crush, screen, activate catalyst, rinse, and dry the raw materials. It is processed and manufactured through a series of processes such as screening and screening. It has dual characteristics of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Activated carbon is a very small particle with a large surface area. There are many small pores in the carbon particles. These small pores have strong adsorption capacity. Because of its large surface area, it can fully contact with impurities and purify odors. role.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

Now there is a new type of weapon on the market - reactive oxygen . Its principle is to rely on its own strong oxidizing properties to destroy the cell membranes of bacteria and mold, killing these microorganisms before they develop odors. Usually the higher the humidity, the better the results will be.

Note: The above three "artifacts" for removing refrigerator odors have their own "shelf life". Remember to replace them after a period of time to avoid the deodorizer becoming a new source of pollution!

The above methods are indicators but not the root cause. If you want to keep food fresh and keep the refrigerator smell-free, the most fundamental way is to purchase according to the consumption rate and eat in a timely manner. In addition, when putting food in the refrigerator, store it in categories so that it is as clear as possible. Some foods that are prone to odor must be sealed and stored. Finally, it is recommended to clean and wipe the inside of the refrigerator once a month or quarterly, and deal with expired and spoiled food in a timely manner.

As a necessary household appliance for every household, the refrigerator brings us convenience, but sometimes it smells strange when it is opened, especially if it has not been cleaned and tidied for a while. Why does the refrigerator smell strange? - DayDayNews

Refrigerator is a good thing, it depends on how you use it ~

Contributed by: Wan Jingyi

(Shanghai Disease Control and Prevention)

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