The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences.

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The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

Three meals for two people in one house and four seasons, thousands of rivers and mountains, one heart for a hundred years

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

A small house of 85 square meters for the Dink couple, three meals and four seasons for two people, almost bringing the forest back home

Where there is sunshine, the most charming show will be performed every day According to the plot, sunlight is also the best decoration in the home. The couple often eats, chats and plays in this 85-square-meter nest, spending their days like gods.

Green plants are widely used as decorations in their homes. The brown floor is like earth, the dark green carpet and green plants create the most primitive natural atmosphere. Being in the sunshine is refreshing.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

The original wooden coffee table and staggered TV cabinet enhance the sense of hierarchy. Plants hang from the ceiling, and the distance between the dining table and the sofa is just right. It's like entering a primeval forest. While eating, enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window, sit comfortably on the sofa and enjoy the sunset.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

Next to the sofa, a set of most suitable cabinets and storage boxes are specially customized. Having exposure makes the space organized and tidy. Set up a small corner and put an laptop as a temporary desk, which is both beautiful and practical.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

The tall buildings in the distance are right in front of you, and the fusion of primitiveness and civilization becomes very wonderful~

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

Small round mirrors in the style of couples are cleverly used indoors, and the green plants and scenery are refracted in the details, forming a double scenery. Even if there is no high-end decoration, this small thought can reflect the owner's intention and dedication.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

The kitchen is a semi-open space. Although the space is not large, it is very convenient to use the in-line cabinets on both sides, which turns the original shortcomings into advantages.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

Looking out from the kitchen, you can see the dining room and living room, which facilitates daily communication between the couple. Place the placemat on the black wooden dining table in the restaurant, giving the two of you more time to prepare for the rituals of life.

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

The owners of this case are a DINK couple who have no plans to have children in their lives, so when decorating, the safety was only designed according to the couple's preferences. - DayDayNews

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