People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today

2024/05/2622:16:32 home 1839

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes. One is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical. For the sake of health, flowers are used to change indoor air quality and provide a suitable living environment for oneself. Especially in today's society, more and more houses are decorated with fine decoration. A large amount of phenol and formaldehyde exceed standards. The haze contains a large amount of smoke, dust and other harmful substances, which erodes people's health.

Therefore, if you live in a high-rise building that has been renovated for less than 10 years, it is best to put a few pots of flowers with strong exhaust gas absorption capabilities in the bedroom. The five popular flowers recommended today are inconspicuous in appearance, but their practical effects are very good.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

Adiantum , Figure 1

1, African jasmine

African jasmine is not cold-tolerant, the leaves are thick and fleshy, and the branches and stems have high water content. It likes loose and fertile sandy humus soil ; placing it in the bedroom is consistent with its characteristics, warm and humid, strong scattered light and ventilation; resistant to pruning.

Its advantage is that the volatile oily gas emitted by the leaves at night can kill fungi in the air, allowing people to relax subtly and improve sleep quality.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

African jasmine, picture 2

2, smooth sailing

, also known as white palm , peace lily , is our common Araceae flower. Spathiphyllum has strong adaptability and can grow well indoors with low light and little ventilation. It is not cold-tolerant and generally cannot be lower than 10 degrees.

Spathiphyllum likes moisture. When the air humidity is greater than 60%, the leaves are full and shiny. When the humidity is less than 50%, the leaves are curled and pointed. Spathiphyllum is grown in the bedroom and can grow as long as there is low light.

Its blades are characterized by large transpiration pull, just like a humidifier, which can decompose nitrogen , ammonia , and absorb phenol, ozone , formaldehyde and other volatile gases in the bedroom. Having two pots of Spathiphyllum in the bedroom can increase the humidity and reduce viral infections caused by dryness.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

Spathiphyllum, Figure 3

3, Adiantum fern

Adiantum fern is a negative plant, likes a cool and ventilated environment, is afraid of cold and heat, and likes bright scattered light. If there is strong direct light, the leaves will easily lose water and dry up, so they should not be placed in front of the window in the summer.

When we usually care for maidenhair ferns, we should pay attention to three points: first, the potting soil should be loose, water-permeable, and breathable, and the planting material should not be too rough;

Second, naturally growing maidenhair ferns prefer moist air, and the north is dry in winter. , when growing plants indoors, some florists like to spray water to moisturize them. The leaves of maidenhair ferns will wither and turn yellow when exposed to water, and some may even rot;

Third, maidenhair ferns like phosphate fertilizer , and some gardeners like to use domestic waste, such as unrotted eggshells and bone residue. In the bedroom, such semi-cooked fertilizer will have a peculiar smell. It is recommended that flower lovers use authentic phosphate fertilizer. Use bone meal and eggshells, which must be sealed and decomposed before use.

Adiantum fern has a strong purifying effect. Among all plants, the flowers that best absorb formaldehyde and phenol are maidenhair fern and water tower flower (Flower Encyclopedia). If the new house has just been renovated and the smell of paint and putty powder is very strong, you can put a few more pots of maidenhair ferns in the room.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

Adiantum fern, Figure 4

4, duckfoot wood

duckfoot wood, also known as Schefflera , is the most adaptable green plant. The duck's foot wood has only one weakness, it is afraid of water accumulation. As long as there is no water accumulation, the overwintering temperature is not lower than 5 degrees, and the lighting, ventilation, and fertilizer are slightly different, it will be fine. Some people say you shouldn’t be exposed to the sun, but that’s not true. The exposed duck's foot tree has thick dark green leaves and short and strong branches.

To maintain duck foot wood in the bedroom, do not use too good red jade soil , ceramsite , just mix river sand, vegetable garden soil, and broken bricks and tiles evenly. The role of the duck's foot tree: Flower lovers who care for the duck's foot tree can observe the leaves every week. There will always be dust attached to the leaves. According to Flower Encyclopedia, duck foot wood also has the function of absorbing nicotine and formaldehyde.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

duck foot wood, picture 5

5, spider plant

Speaking of spider plants, they can be seen everywhere.No matter it is gold edge, gold heart or silver edge, you can survive by just breaking off a branch. Chlorophytum has an unattractive appearance. It likes moisture and tolerates drought and shade. The key is that it has a very powerful purification function and can absorb volatile gases such as ozone and formaldehyde.

Plant two pots of spider plants in the bedroom, which release oxygen at night, and can also absorb harmful gases such as aldehyde, benzene, phenol, carbon, and diethylstilbestrol from buildings. So spider plants are green purifiers that cost nothing.

People grow flowers and grass for two purposes, one is to be eye-catching and improve the home environment; the other is practical, for the sake of health, they use flowers to change indoor air quality and provide themselves with a suitable living environment. Especially in today - DayDayNews

Chlorophytum, picture 6

Conclusion: Regardless of fame, health comes first when growing flowers in the bedroom. These five simple flowers are experts at purifying the air. The home environment we live in is closely related to health.

Because most people, besides going to work, just go home and rest. If the air quality in our home is poor, it can affect our health. Therefore, if you plant these flowers and plants in your bedroom and create a green oxygen bar for yourself, you will be a winner if your body is healthy; if your body is broken, you will be a loser if you have hundreds of millions of wealth, because it belongs to others.

Of course, in addition to the above five kinds of flowers and plants, there are also tiger orchid , ivy , pineapple, aloe , Dripping Guanyin and other plants, which also have the ability to absorb waste gas and reduce pollution.

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