Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f

2024/05/2508:28:32 home 1044

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many flower lovers. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many florists don’t know what kind of terrestrial orchids they have at home.

In fact, we can distinguish the varieties of orchids based on their flowering period, flowering period, leaves, shape, flower amount, etc.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f - DayDayNews

How to identify orchid varieties? What kind of orchid do you have? You can tell them apart at a glance


Jianlan generally blooms in autumn, with more than ten flowers on one stem, with a strong fragrance, and there are usually spots on the flowers. The leaves are very upright and highly adaptable, so the price is generally relatively cheap.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f - DayDayNews

How to identify orchid varieties? What kind of orchid do you have? You can tell it at a glance as


Chunlan. It blooms in spring with straight stems. Generally, only one flower can bloom on a stem. In rare cases, it can have double flowers. Spring orchids have a relatively long flowering period, strong floral fragrance, and short leaves. High-end spring orchids are mostly grown in purple clay pots.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f - DayDayNews

How to identify orchid varieties? What kind of orchid do you have? You can distinguish

Molan and Hanlan

at a glance. In winter, both Molan and Hanlan will be open. However, the color of black orchids is darker, while the color of cold orchids is lighter. You can easily identify them just by looking at the color of the flowers.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f - DayDayNews

How to identify orchid varieties? What kind of orchid do you have? You can tell it at a glance


Cymbidium will bloom in summer under natural conditions, but this variety is often used as a New Year flower by artificially controlling winter blooming. The leaves are bright and glossy, and there are often more than ten flowers on one flower stem. The flowers are slightly fragrant and often have small purple spots on the petals. The flowering period is very long, from spring to autumn.

Orchid maintenance tips:

1. Choose a pot

It is best to choose a pot with good air permeability, such as a clay pot or a mud pot. Be careful not to choose plastic pots, pots, or ceramic pots. They have poor water and air permeability and can easily cause orchid root rot.

2. Light

Orchid is a semi-shade plant. It likes a cool and shady environment and avoids strong direct sunlight. Especially in summer, be sure to pay attention to shade.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in my country and is loved by many florists. There are also various varieties of orchids, which can be roughly divided into terrestrial orchids and epiphytic orchids. Generally, what we plant in flower pots are terrestrial orchids, but many f - DayDayNews

How to identify orchid varieties? What kind of orchid do you have? You can tell it at a glance

3. Moisture

Orchids like a humid environment, but avoid stagnant water. In summer, spray water on the ground or around the orchids to keep the surrounding environment moist; in spring and autumn, you can stop spraying water around the orchids.

When spring is the peak growing season, the amount of watering can be appropriately increased; in summer, when the temperature rises, the evaporation rate of water accelerates, so watering should be done more frequently; in autumn and winter, when the temperature is low, the amount of watering can be appropriately reduced.

4. Fertilizing

The best temperature for fertilizing orchids is 15 to 25 degrees. Fertilizing is generally done in spring and autumn. Hot summers and cold winters are not suitable for fertilizing orchids. Fertilizer for spring orchids should be slightly thicker, while fertilizer for autumn orchids should be slightly lighter. If the seedlings are weak and the leaves are sparse, the amount of fertilizer must be less.

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