However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the "4 don'ts". It can grow luxuriantly in summer withou

2024/05/2421:09:33 home 1277

Geranium is a plant with very beautiful blooms. There are many varieties of flowers and colors. If raised well, it can bloom for many seasons. However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the "4 don'ts". It can grow luxuriantly in summer without drying out leaves, yellowing leaves, or root rot.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

1, cannot lack light

Many people are afraid of problems with geraniums in summer, so they will put them indoors in an environment with weak light. This approach is wrong. If there is no light indoors, the new leaves will be completely yellow when they grow. This is serious malnutrition. Even if you go to see the light in autumn, the entire plant will be scorched and the leaves will die completely. Moreover, without exposure to light in summer, the health of the entire plant will decline. We can understand that it is weak and problems will arise if it is not watered properly.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

Therefore, geraniums also need to be exposed to light in summer. The geraniums raised in Xiaoqi are kept in greenhouses with about 30%-50% shade from the sunshade net, so they will not have problems and the leaves will not be sunburned. So we can put it in a place where there is light before nine o'clock in the morning, and there will be no problems. Because its leaves need to carry out photosynthesis , only when photosynthesis is carried out well will the root system be developed and the plant will be stronger.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

2, don’t water it too much

It grows slowly during the high temperature season in summer. If the soil is always wet, it is easy for roots and leaves to rot. At this time, we are required not to water it too much. So how should you water it? We need to ensure that the potting soil dries out and wets out quickly. Generally, when the soil is about half dry, water it thoroughly in a timely manner. If there is a well-ventilated environment and the soil surface dries down to one or two centimeters, just water it in time. As long as you can get the soil to dry out and wet out quickly, you won't have a problem watering it this way. If you water too much and the soil stays wet, the roots will rot and become stuffy. If you water too little, the roots will dry out and the leaves will dry out.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

3, it should not be stuffy and not ventilated.

The biggest fear when raising geraniums in summer is stuffiness and lack of ventilation. If the entire environment has no ventilation at all, its roots will become stuffy. It is recommended to place it in a ventilated location, such as next to a window. If it is indoors, you can place it under an electric fan, so that there will be no problems. Stifling heat and lack of ventilation is one of the most common problems in growing geraniums.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

4, do not fertilize in large amounts.

Geraniums also grow in high temperatures in summer, but they grow relatively slowly. Fertilizer needs to be added at this time, but the amount cannot be large. Because its root system has a weak absorption function and the overall environmental temperature is relatively high, using a high concentration of fertilizer or a high frequency of fertilizer will lead to root burn. It is recommended to supplement it once a month, with the concentration as low as possible. As long as it gets water and a little nutrients, it can grow slowly and keep the leaves green, so that it can spend the summer stably. You just need to remember four words, less fat is the main thing, and that's it.

However, many flower lovers who have raised geraniums know that problems will occur with geraniums every summer. They usually die in summer. In fact, geraniums are also very easy to raise in summer. We only need to remember the

Geranium is very easy to grow. It is a herbaceous plant. Although it grows slowly in summer, it also grows slowly. We must remember these 4 things and do them according to the conditions. In summer, its leaves can remain dark green and its branches can be luxuriant. Wait until autumn comes to see more light, add high-phosphorus fertilizer, and then it will bloom. There will be no problem in blooming from autumn to the coming summer of the next year.

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