Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic

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Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t be soft, hurry up and buy them home, because they It is best to grow in summer, and it can bloom normally in summer. The flowering period is very long and very beautiful. Their flowers are fragrant, and you only need to plant them in a pot to fill the house with fragrance.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews, Crystal Jasmine

Crystal Jasmine, its leaves look like the leaves of gardenia , and the flowers bloom like gardenia flowers. The fragrance is similar to the scent of jasmine we know. It is called dogtooth flower . Its flowering period starts from the beginning of summer when the temperature is high. When it blooms, as long as there is enough light, the smell will be very strong. Now you can often see it in the flower market. If you like to keep it, you can keep one, because it does not Choose soil, as long as it is well ventilated and exposed to light, it will bloom continuously in summer.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews, Lace Gold Dew Flower

Lace Gold Dew Flower is a flowering plant that has been popular in recent years. It can bloom from the beginning of summer and continue to bloom until winter comes. The flowers are blue and hang in bunches. It is very beautiful, and it has a fragrance when it blooms. It has a creamy chocolate flavor, which is very pleasant. Its maintenance is also extremely simple. After we buy it, do not prune it, put it in the place with the most sunlight, and make sure there is no shortage of water. Use fertilizer two to three times a month. Choose one with high phosphorus content, and it will be able to quickly grow from the branches. Remove the long buds and bloom at the top.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

3, Tuberose

Tuberose is a bulbous plant , and it is also a plant that blooms in summer. When it blooms, it smells very good. It is a fragrance extractor used by many big-name perfumes. When it blooms, we can also cut the flowers and display them indoors as fresh cut flowers. It is a plant that is easy to grow and beautiful, and has a relatively long flowering period per bloom. Just plant it in one pot and the whole house will be filled with fragrance.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

Its maintenance is extremely simple, ensure sufficient light, the flower pot is not large, water the pot soil until it is half dry, and then use some high-phosphorus fertilizer, it will grow quickly and grow a foil to bloom. It is a bulbous plant. The bulb at the bottom is one when you grow it this year, and it can grow into multiple bulbs next year. Once you buy it, it will bloom every year.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

4, Milan flower

Milan flower must be familiar to everyone. As long as you go to the flower market and walk next to it, you can smell its fragrance. Its flowers are yellow and hang like millet grains. As long as you don’t prune them , ensure sufficient light, and it will be able to bloom continuously. It is a plant that blooms all year round. When growing it at home, as long as the soil is half dry and watered thoroughly, choose a fertilizer with high phosphorus content and no shortage of other elements, such as Huaduoduo No. 2, two to three times a month. Do not use it during the entire process. Prune it and it will keep blooming. Just plant one and its fragrance will fill your house.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

5, gardenia

gardenia is not talking about large-leaf gardenia , the flowering period of large-leaf gardenia is in spring, what we are talking about here is small-leaf gardenia, its leaves are relatively thin and pointed. , the flowers are white when blooming, similar to our ordinary gardenias in flower shape, and the fragrance is exactly the same. It is also a gardenia variety that blooms in many seasons, and its maintenance is simpler than the large-leaf gardenias we know. Let’s go When buying, you only need to buy a plant grown in nutrient soil, put it in a place with sufficient sunlight, water the pot soil until it is half dry, and apply it twice a month regularly with fertilizers that are high in phosphorus and not lacking in other elements. Can last for a long time.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

6, Jiulixiang

From the name, we know that it smells very good when it blooms.Guri incense is a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. Just like the oranges and lemons we know, the fragrance of blooming is very pleasant. As long as it is placed in a place with sufficient light, do not prune it after blooming. It will bloom again and again. You can start a second crop. Just like oranges and lemons, ensure sufficient light during the whole process of maintenance, and regularly replenish chelated iron once a month to ensure sufficient iron elements, so that the leaves can remain bright green and not yellow. As long as there is sufficient light and do not lack water, regular supplementation Click and , and it will continue to open.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

7, Jasmine

Jasmine is a popular plant. It is cheap, blooms fragrantly, and can be bought at the flower market. We only need to spend a few dollars to buy a pot, put it under the sun, and ensure that the soil Dry it for one or two centimeters, water it thoroughly, and give it fertilizer two to three times a month. If it has high phosphorus content and is not lacking in other elements, it will continue to bloom. Remember to prune the branches after each bloom. After cutting the branches short, they will quickly grow new buds. The new buds will grow long and then bloom again. As long as the temperature is not lower than 15 degrees, it can bloom all year round. A pot full of flowers floating around the house. fragrant.

Now that summer has entered, there are many flower friends who want to buy flowers but don’t know how to choose. In fact, if you go to the flower market or look at flowers online, you will find that there are 7 kinds of flowers. Don’t hesitate, go buy them and take them home quic - DayDayNews

These 7 kinds of flowers are more suitable to buy in summer. If you find them, buy them as soon as possible. Don’t be soft. After buying them home, just follow Xiao Qi’s instructions to avoid lack of light and ensure sufficient phosphate fertilizer, so that they can continue to bloom for a long time. Just plant it in a pot and you can smell its fragrance throughout the house.

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