The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot

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The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. They are Araceae Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia 'Reflector'). )'s foliage plants are very suitable for growing indoor potted plants.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

The above is the reflective imperial dieffenbachia

Tips: There is a kind of brocade leaf plant that is more beautiful than the reflective imperial dieffenbachia, but the price is many times more expensive. It is the following "Camouflage rough rib grass" (Aglaonema pictum) tricolor)

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

The leaves of camouflage rough grass have white, light green and dark green markings, which look like camouflage uniforms. A seedling costs hundreds of dollars.

If you want to raise a relatively niche large and medium-sized indoor foliage plant , you can consider the reflective imperial dieffenbachia. It is a very niche plant and is not expensive, but the plant can grow very tall. The leaves are particularly large, and the spots on the leaves are particularly beautiful.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

Reflective Dieffenbachia is particularly easy to maintain. It can grow vigorously in places with appropriate scattered light. It does not like excessive exposure to the sun. After growing as an indoor potted plant, ensure that there are more than 3 to 4 hours of soft light every day, and it can maintain normal growth. .

1. Cutting propagation tips

To propagate reflective imperial Dieffenbachia, you can choose the method of branch cutting. In the warm season, for example, the temperature is 18 to 25 degrees, you can cut its branches into multiple sections, each section is about 7 to 12 cm long, it doesn’t have to have leaves, just buds at the nodes.

Put the cut branches in a ventilated and light place, dry the wounds, and then cut them into loose and well-drained soil, or make some hydroponic cuttings, and soak the bottom three centimeters in water.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

Keep the environment moist and ventilated, with more than 2 to 3 hours of scattered light every day. Roots will take root in about two or three weeks, and small buds will re-grow at the bud points.

These cuttings of reflective Dieffenbachia can grow to a height of 30 to 60 centimeters in one year. If they are in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Hainan, they will grow faster, and they can even be planted directly outdoors.

If it is in a relatively cold place in winter and the winter temperature is below 0 degrees, then you must pay attention to moving it indoors in time. You can keep it outdoors during the warm weather season. It can keep the leaves green all year round.


Reflective imperial Dieffenbachia can also be propagated by division. It can easily grow some side branches at the bottom of the rhizome (as shown below). When these side branches grow to more than 12 cm and the leaves are relatively full, you can directly When repotting, break off the side branches and repot in a smaller pot.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

Above are the small seedlings of the branches

2. Maintenance precautions:

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Light

Reflective Dieffenbachia is suitable for growing in semi-shade, and can also survive in brightly lit places indoors, but the growth will be particularly slow. If given daily It provides more than 3 hours of scattered light, and it will grow better. Avoid long-term exposure to the sun, especially during high temperatures in summer, and pay attention to proper shading, otherwise the leaves will be sunburned.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

Don't keep it in a place with excessive shade, otherwise the leaves will easily fade. If there are lateral plants, the brocade will fade when the young leaves just grow. This is normal, and it will be fine if it grows longer.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Soil

The soil for planting reflective Dieffenbachia must have good drainage. You can use common peat soil ( coconut bran , garden soil or leaf mold soil) mixed with coarse sand in a ratio of 4:1. Soil Good ventilation and drainage will be more beneficial to its growth. When maintaining

indoors, avoid using yellow soil for cultivation, otherwise the soil will dry out slowly after watering, which will lead to root rot.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Watering and humidity

When maintaining potted reflective Dieffenbachia, you should pay attention to controlling watering. If it is grown indoors in a shaded place with no light, you should wait until the soil is completely dry before you can replenish it with water. Avoid keeping the soil in a constant state. Moisture.

If it is in winter when the temperature is relatively low, you must pay more attention to control and watering. If the temperature is below 7 degrees, it is recommended to stop watering.

Compared with other tropical foliage plants, reflective Dieffenbachia has a stronger ability to withstand air dryness, but it is necessary to avoid air humidity falling below 40% for a long time, otherwise the leaves will be in poor condition.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Temperature

Reflective imperial Dieffenbachia likes a warm environment. It grows best when the temperature is between 18 and 28 degrees. If the temperature is below 12 degrees, it will grow slowly. If the temperature is below 4 degrees, there is a risk of frostbite.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Fertilizing

Maintaining potted reflective emperor Dieffenbachia does not require frequent fertilization. It only needs to be fertilized during the peak growth season, such as when the temperature is 18 to 30 degrees. You can add water-soluble fertilizer every 3 to 4 weeks. The concentration is half lower than usual. Stop fertilizing during the cold winter.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews. Protection against pests and diseases

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

Above is the situation of black spots on the leaves

Maintenance of potted reflective imperial Dieffenbachia is rarely infected with diseases and insect pests. Poor maintenance is usually due to excessive moisture in the soil, leading to root rot. If the environment is too bad, it is not recommended to use too large flower pots for cultivation.

The leaves of Dieffenbachia 'Reflector' are colorful and beautiful. The leaves are particularly large and have irregular yellow and green spots. This is the foliage of Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia) in the family Araceae. Plants are very suitable for growing indoor pot - DayDayNews

After the disease has healed

In addition, it is necessary to avoid the growth of various fungi. If it is a newly purchased potted reflective Dieffenbachia, it is recommended to sprinkle small white medicine (dinotefuran) and small white medicine (thifuramide) into the pot soil in advance for prevention. Pests and diseases breed. If you are infected with leaf spot, you can spray common fungicides such as azoxystrobin, tebuconazole or triadimefon.

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