5 kinds of flowers "nourish people". Keep a pot indoors. They are beautiful, beautiful and beneficial to health. Growing flowers at home can not only beautify the home environment and cultivate people's sentiments, but some flowers and plants are also particularly nourishing. The

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5 kinds of flowers "nourish people" , Keep a pot indoors, beautiful and good for health

Growing flowers at home can not only beautify the home environment and cultivate people's sentiments, but some flowers and plants are also particularly nourishing. The plants themselves can absorb air harmful substances, and releases oxygen to purify the air quality, which is also very beneficial to people's health. The five kinds of flowers below are very "nourishing". They are beautiful and elegant when placed indoors, and they are also good for health.

5 kinds of flowers


Yew is a very nourishing plant. This ancient plant has high medicinal value. It can not only fight cancer, but also has good air purification effect and can absorb harmful gases in the air. It is very suitable to be placed in Indoor viewing.

5 kinds of flowers

Yew has very high requirements for the growth environment. It likes a cool and humid environment. If the surrounding air environment is relatively dry, yellow leaves will fall easily. During normal maintenance, try not to expose it to the sun, and often spray water mist on the ground and branches and leaves, so that its branches and leaves will be more green.


Jasmine is a flower that many people like to keep at home. Its flowers are white and elegant, and it also has a strong jasmine fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy when smelling it. Moreover, its air purification effect is also very good, so it is suitable for long-term display indoors for viewing.

Jasmine is a very easy flower to grow. During the peak growth season, it is necessary to maintain sufficient water and fertilizer. As long as the branches are longer, more buds will bloom. After each flower blooms, prune off the remaining flowers in time to allow more new branches to sprout and bloom.

5 kinds of flowers

Jasmine prefers sunshine. If you maintain it indoors, you should often move it to a sunny place and let it get more sun. Otherwise, it will become leggy, and the branches and leaves will not bloom without buds.

Money tree

Money tree is also called Cerata . It is a very popular foliage plant . The leaves are like strung coins. Not only are the branches and leaves beautiful, but they also have an obvious effect of purifying the air and have a very good meaning. .

5 kinds of flowers

Money tree likes semi-shade and is afraid of strong light exposure. You can put it in a place with scattered light for maintenance. During the peak growing season, keep enough water. Water the pot in time when the soil is dry, but do not let the pot sit inside. There is water accumulation, or the pot soil is too wet for a long time. Watering it with thin fertilizer and water once a month can meet the plant's growth needs.

Smooth sailing

Smooth sailing, also known as White palm , is also a kind of flower that is very suitable for indoor cultivation. It has beautiful leaves and unique flower shapes. It is beautiful when placed at home and can improve air quality.

5 kinds of flowers

Although white palm likes a cool and humid environment, it is also afraid of waterlogging. If it is watered too frequently, it will also suffer from rotten roots and withering. During normal maintenance, you should pay attention to watering. If the pot soil is not dry, you don't need to water it all the time. In addition, it is also very afraid of direct light. You can allow it to receive some scattered light, but it cannot be placed in direct sunlight to avoid withering the branches and leaves.


Clivia is a very high-quality flower. Its leaves are wide and full, bright green, and its flowers are bright and festive, with the style of a modest gentleman. This kind of flower not only has high ornamental value, but also has a very good air purifying effect when placed indoors.

5 kinds of flowers

Clivia is a plant that likes semi-shade and is afraid of strong light exposure. In summer, you should pay attention to shade. In other seasons, you can see more soft sunlight, which is beneficial to the growth and flowering of plants. This kind of flower with a fleshy root system is also very afraid of waterlogging. When maintaining it, you should not water it too frequently. Just water it after the pot soil is dry. Fertilize it regularly during the peak growth season to replenish nutrients, so that the leaves can grow. It grows lushly and blooms smoothly during the flowering period.

There are also many things to pay attention to when growing flowers indoors. Flowers with thorns and poisonous flowers are not suitable to be raised. It is best to raise flowers and plants with beautiful shapes, beautiful and generous, and can purify the air.

To learn more about flower cultivation, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower cultivation experience with everyone every day! (Some pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them)

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