Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r

2024/05/1809:58:32 home 1766

Money tree Yellow leaf treatment

If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the reason why the leaves of money tree turn yellow? Today, the editor will introduce to you the reasons why the leaves of money tree turn yellow and how to solve them.

Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

Improper fertilization

Money tree prefers fertilizer. Apply enough base fertilizer before potting in the early stage, and then topdress during the growth stage. Apply decomposed bean cake fertilizer and water every 10 days or so. You can also apply some nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium slow-release fertilizer, every time When fertilizing it, pay attention to applying thin fertilizer frequently.

If you apply too much fertilizer, it may cause the leaves to turn yellow, wilt, and fall off. Once the plant is damaged by fertilizer, repot it as soon as possible, check whether there are any rotten roots, cut off the ditch, and then use potassium permanganate and other drugs for sterilization. Then replace the pot with clean and sterile culture soil.

Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

Too much light

Money tree is a plant that likes scattered light and a semi-shady environment. If it is placed in a place with sufficient light, its leaves will gradually turn yellow, which is very serious. , so when we raise it, we just need to ensure that it receives one or two hours of scattered light every day. If your family does not have this environment, you can find a sunshade net or the like to block 50% to 70% of it. Light and it won't cause problems.

Improper watering

The money tree likes to grow in a dry soil environment. Daily watering must be carried out according to the method of seeing dryness and wetness to avoid the pot soil being too wet or water accumulation. Waterlogging in the roots will also cause its leaves One of the important reasons for yellowing is that the pot soil should not be allowed to dry out or should not be watered for a long time, otherwise the leaves will wither and turn yellow.

Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

Pot soil compaction

If the plant has not been repotted and replaced with soil for a long time, the nutrients in the soil will be scarce, and tap water will be used for irrigation, which will cause the pot soil to gradually become alkaline and easily form a hardening phenomenon, so that the root system cannot absorb it. Without nutrients for the growth of branches and leaves, the branches and leaves will become thin and yellow.

In this case, it is necessary to repot and change the soil when the temperature is suitable, and prepare some loose, breathable and fertile culture soil for potting.

Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

Root rot treatment

First of all, we should take it out of the pot soil directly, and then rinse its roots with clean water. Or slowly remove the soil on it, so that we can see which places are festered and which are intact.

At this time we should keep the good root block. Soak some good rhizomes in carbendazim solution for about half an hour, put them in a cool place to dry, then put them into soft, loose and breathable soil for planting, and irrigate them with rooting solution root.

Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

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Money tree yellow leaves treatment If the money tree is properly maintained, it can be green all year round and has high ornamental value. If the money tree is not properly maintained, many problems will occur, such as root rot, rotten leaves, yellow leaves, etc. So what is the r - DayDayNews

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