Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have "big bellies". However, their big bellies are not filled with fat, but a lot of water, so they can grow without watering for half a month. The branches and leaves are luxuriant. Today, Fei Miao will introd

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Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have "big bellies". However, their big bellies are not filled with fat, but a lot of water, so they can grow even if they are not watered for half a month. Today, Fei Miao will introduce to you some drought-tolerant "big-bellied flowers". They are especially suitable for lazy people to raise. Just water them once or twice a month. You will no longer be afraid of drying out the flowers and plants at home because you forget to water them. died.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The first one, mountain tortoise

mountain tortoise is a climbing foliage plant . It is a plant that is easy to grow. In the wild, mountain tortoise can grow normally in the cracks of stones because of its strength. habits, so it is also called " cannot tolerate ". The huge belly of the mountain tortoise is actually its roots, which store a lot of water and nutrients in order to survive in harsh environments.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

Mountain tortoise is tolerant of shade, drought and waterlogging, but not sunlight, so an environment with sufficient scattered light at home is most suitable for it. When planting a tortoise, don't bury its "big belly" in the soil. Place it directly on the potting soil and press it gently to make the bottom of the root tube fully contact with the soil. Occasionally forget to water or water too much. Water doesn't matter, as long as there is no long-term drought or long-term waterlogging, it will grow well.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The second type, Buddha Belly Bamboo

The bamboos we usually see are thin and tall, but the Buddha Belly Bamboo has a fat belly. It looks naive and very cute. It can be planted in chic places. In the flower pot, there is a simple and elegant small bonsai, which is very interesting.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

Buddha belly bamboo is relatively drought tolerant and intolerant of stagnant water. The potting soil must be loose and breathable. Do not water too frequently in daily life. Wait until the potting soil is almost dry before watering. Buddha belly bamboo likes light but tolerates shade. It is also a plant that is relatively simple to manage. The only thing that needs to be noted is that Buddha belly bamboo is not cold-tolerant, and there is a risk of freezing to death if the room temperature is below 8 degrees, so it is not suitable for flower lovers in the north without heating.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The third type, spring grass

The leaves growing on the fat belly of spring grass are shaped like springs, and also like a head of fluttering curly hair. They are novel and interesting, and the leaves alone are very ornamental. Every spring, the spring grass will bloom fresh little flowers, and the flowers have an intoxicating fragrance, which is really cute.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

When planting spring grass, its bulb, which is its belly, should not be buried entirely in the soil, but one third should be exposed. Spring grass likes a dry and cool environment, likes light and is drought-tolerant. It will go dormant when the temperature is high in summer, and wake up and grow in autumn. Usually, it should be placed in a sunny place. If the light is insufficient, the leaves of spring grass will not curl and they will not like to bloom. During the dormant period in summer, place it in a cool and ventilated place and stop watering.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The fourth type, Tiger-eye Dieffenbachia

Tiger-eye Dieffenbachia has a round belly. It secretly hides a lot of water inside. You don’t have to worry about being thirsty at ordinary times. Just wait for the pot soil to dry and water it thoroughly. Watering too often will cause the problem. It will cause it to rot and die. Tiger-eye Dieffenbachia will also bloom, and the fresh and elegant umbrella-shaped small white flowers form racemes , which are very attractive.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

Tiger-eye Dieffenbachia loves light but tolerates shade. It should not be exposed to the sun in summer. In other seasons, it can be placed in full sun or placed indoors in semi-shade. Many small balls will grow from the big ball of Dieffenbachia. If you gently break off these small balls and plant them in the soil, it will become a new plant.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The fifth type, Elephant Leg Tree

The stem of the Elephant Leg Tree is very thick, just like an elephant's leg. Some people think it looks like a large wine bottle, so it is also called wine bottle orchid . The elephant-leg tree is a foliage plant. Its leaves are slender and elegant, and look very cool, like a head of long hair growing freely.

Plants are just like people, some are slender, some are fat, and some have

The Elephant Leg Tree likes a warm, well-lit environment and can also tolerate semi-shade. Elephant-leg trees are relatively drought-tolerant. You can choose sandy soil that is breathable and water-permeable to avoid water accumulation. In winter, it must be kept indoors for overwintering. If the temperature is below zero, it will cause frostbite and freeze to death. In winter, you should get more sun and control water.

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