The influence of home Feng Shui on the fortune of family members has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are many taboos in home Feng Shui that need to be paid attention to. In order to help everyone avoid unnecessary troubles, here are some Feng Shui items

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Home Feng Shui's influence on the fortune of family members has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are many taboos in home Feng Shui that need to be paid attention to. In order to help everyone avoid unnecessary troubles, here are some Feng Shui items that should not be placed at home, so that everyone can avoid them according to the situation.

Sharp Plants

Many people like to keep some green plants at home to add vitality and purify the air. However, household green plants cannot be cultivated randomly, and you must pay attention to selective planting. For example, cultivating cacti or cactus . According to traditional Feng Shui, this plant is easy to grow, but it is a bad thing in Feng Shui. According to traditional Feng Shui, cactus will be placed to suppress evil spirits only when the home encounters great changes. For example, if there are many disasters at home, use it to ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters, or to fight poison with poison. Otherwise, it will easily affect the feelings of family members and cause trouble at home.

The influence of home Feng Shui on the fortune of family members has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are many taboos in home Feng Shui that need to be paid attention to. In order to help everyone avoid unnecessary troubles, here are some Feng Shui items - DayDayNews

Old clothes of unknown origin

Some people like to buy second-hand clothes at flea markets, but it should be noted that in fact, clothes are most likely to contaminate people's breath and aura. Because they accompany their owners closely, some even accompany their owners to disappointment. The ominous nature of ancient clothes has been recorded in ancient books, so old clothes of unknown origin must not be left at home.


Some profiteers will make the hair of deceased people into handicrafts, such as masks of ethnic minorities, embroidered screens, etc. These items will retain the atmosphere of the original owner. Therefore, it is better not to collect similar hair crafts and keep them at home.

The influence of home Feng Shui on the fortune of family members has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are many taboos in home Feng Shui that need to be paid attention to. In order to help everyone avoid unnecessary troubles, here are some Feng Shui items - DayDayNews

Copper coins of unknown origin

If it is a copper coin passed down from the family, there is nothing wrong with it, and it can also bring you a talisman-like effect. But if it is not passed down from the family and is a copper coin of unknown origin, it is best not to display it at home. Because in ancient alchemy divination, turtle shells and copper coins were the most effective psychic tools. In particular, the copper coins handed down from the time when Taoism was popular in Ming Dynasty can often gather spirits because they have been influenced by fortune tellers for a long time.

Thick curtains that don’t allow any light to come in.

Indoor lighting is very important. If the indoor light is too bright, it will certainly make people uncomfortable, but if it is too dim, it will also tire the eyes and make people feel depressed. Therefore, it is best not to use too heavy blackout curtains . It is better to let the sunlight into the house as much as possible.

The influence of home Feng Shui on the fortune of family members has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are many taboos in home Feng Shui that need to be paid attention to. In order to help everyone avoid unnecessary troubles, here are some Feng Shui items - DayDayNews

Sad and twisted decorative painting
As a private and private space, the bedroom should be filled with vitality, and items with a declining aura should not be placed. For example, some people like art and will display sad, dark, abstract calligraphy and painting artworks. This will actually have a subtle impact on your own fortune.

Bedroom furnishing taboos
Bedrooms are generally used for rest, so the placement of things should be as simple as possible. Married people should not put peach blossoms on their bedside tables, nor should they put photos of other people, otherwise the marriage may break down, a third party may appear, etc. Bedroom decorations and objects should be mainly rectangular, square or round. It is forbidden to place objects with sharp corners. Such objects have an impact on health and fortune. Humanoid dolls should be put away as much as possible and should not be placed at the head of the bed.

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