Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations.

2021/10/1017:22:05 home 784

Hello everyone, this is Xiaodong. Follow Xiaodong to talk about home improvement, and take you to decorate and avoid pits!

The content of this issue mainly tells you how to choose the right materials to avoid using products with high formaldehyde content as much as possible. can improve the coefficient of environmental protection and reduce the pollution of formaldehyde in home decoration. The harm!

1. Use ceramic tiles for floor materials, and try not to use wooden floors.

There are three common wood floors for home improvement. First of all, laminate flooring and solid wood multilayer flooring have glue adhesives. As long as there is glue, it contains formaldehyde. Let's talk about solid wood flooring. Although there is no glue, there is paint, and there is benzene if there is paint. Therefore, if you are concerned about environmental issues, it is recommended to use ceramic tiles for the paving material of the ground, and use ceramic tiles as much as possible. If you have to use the floor, it is also recommended to use the solid wood multi-layer floor of the big brand as the most cost-effective.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

2. The indoor door can use metal doors instead of wooden doors.

Everyone is very concerned about the environmental protection of custom-made panels throughout the house, but ignores the wooden doors. Wooden doors are also the hardest hit area for home decoration formaldehyde pollution. So if you can use metal doors at home, let's not use wooden doors. For example, the sliding door of the kitchen and the metal glass door of the bathroom door are not only environmentally friendly, but also better in moisture resistance than wooden doors. Secondly, try to choose solid wood composite door for bedroom door to reduce formaldehyde pollution. Of course, if the budget is high, you can directly choose solid wood door .

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

3. Choose the board brand for the whole house,Do not choose custom brands.

When discussing environmental protection in home decoration, the only thing that can never be avoided is the custom-made panels for the whole house. For custom furniture, the important thing is to look at the choice of panels, whether you are customizing or carpentry making cabinets, what brand of panels to choose and the panel’s environmental testing certificate, the decoration budget is high, you can choose a customized brand, the decoration budget is low, you can choose the panel Of the big brands. Another point is to make cabinets as little as possible. If cutting occurs during the on-site assembly process, be sure to seal the edges.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

4. Use latex paint for wall decoration materials and try not to paste wallpaper or wall covering.

wallpaper, wall covering is not environmentally friendly, it has always been controversial, but there is an indisputable fact. It is the glue that will be used for pasting wallpaper and wall coverings. If there is glue, there will be formaldehyde. It is just a matter of more than less. The genuine latex paint has only a small amount of VOC, and it will basically tasteless after a week of drying. Secondly, if you want to improve a good effect, you can use colored paint as the background wall, but soft packs, hard packs, and wall panels can be used.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

5. Sofa and bed fabrics, try not to use leather.

Although the finished furniture made of fabric material is a bit inferior, it is definitely more environmentally friendly than leather products. In the process of processing the finished leather, dyeing, spraying, and fixing agent are required, and harmful substances such as formaldehyde, VOC and benzene are bound to exist; and it is not easy to volatile after being wrapped, and it may not be able to disperse after three or five years. In addition, this kind of furniture products can be purchased in physical stores as much as possible, not only can you see the real materials, but also experience whether it is comfortable.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

6. Use plain curtains as much as possible.Don't use too bright colors.

Because the process of making curtains requires dyeing, printing, and shaping, a lot of chemicals are added to it. In principle, the brighter the color, the higher the formaldehyde content, so choose plain or pure color as much as possible. In addition, you must believe that you get what you pay for, and try not to buy too cheap fabrics. Its environmental protection coefficient is relatively more secure. You should look at the environmental protection certificate when purchasing.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

7. Household glass glue can be bought by yourself, so don't use the master's own glass glue.

All kinds of glue used in the decoration, including glass glue, styrofoam, and structural glue, try to buy it yourself. Don't use the workers themselves. The quality and environmental protection are generally not much better. No formaldehyde, no glue, everyone knows this truth. Millions of houses have been bought, and hundreds of thousands of renovation funds have been spent. Don’t save this little money, which is only a few hundred dollars. Don’t lose too much!

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

8. The skirting line uses metal or ceramic tiles instead of wood plastic and solid wood.

Still the same sentence, if you want to minimize the formaldehyde pollution of the decoration, try to distinguish from the choice of materials. In other words, if you can use metal or ceramics, we don't need wood or glue. A whole piece of solid wood or wood-plastic baseboard may meet the environmental protection standards, but if the amount of home improvement is large, the environmental protection cannot be guaranteed. The ceramic tile and aluminum baseboard are environmentally friendly, and you can also choose to conceal it, which not only has a good effect, but also eliminates the trouble of cleaning.

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews

9. Finished putty for putty, no glue putty powder.

Many people buy imported paint and children's paint at a high price for environmental protection, but ignore the existence of putty.To be honest, it's useless to choose a glossy finish, and you should choose the right putty. Putty is not environmentally friendly, and pollutants are buried in the wall and will not be evaporated for decades. If your decoration company is still giving you putty powder that needs building glue for construction convenience and good work, it is recommended that you immediately stop the workers and terminate the contract and change to a decoration company. Home improvement putty must use environmentally friendly brand products water-resistant putty .

Home decoration formaldehyde pollution is harmful to health. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you must choose the right materials for these decorations. - DayDayNews


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