What happened to the children of Guo Yonghuai and Qian Xuesen?

today is the 109th birthday of Qian Xuesen , but I don’t write about Qian Xuesen, I want to write about his children and the descendants of the "two bombs".

It has been half a century since October 16, 1964, when my country’s first atomic bomb was successfully detonated.

The scientists who were anonymous at the time have now passed the declassification period and can live in people's field of vision.

Unfortunately, most of them are gone. Only three of the 23 champions are still alive: Wang Xiji , Sun Jiadong and Zhou Guangzhao.

Guo Yonghuai was 59 years old at the time of the plane crash and the cause has not yet been found out;

Deng Jiaxian suffered from nuclear radiation and suffered from rectal cancer hemorrhage at the age of 62 when he died;

Qian Xuesen and others were aging normally, most of them witnessed The motherland is strong.

People should always miss these heroes and thank their families.

, because of their choice back then, brought us a dignified life, but brought debts to their families.

01 The daughter of Guo Yonghuai -Guo Qin

In 1951, Guo Qin was born in the United States and lived a life like a little princess.

's father, Guo Yonghuai, is a professor at Cornell University in the United States. He has a salary of thousands of dollars a month, and he has a house, a car and savings.

's mother, Li Pei, is still in graduate school, but she also has subsidies. The housework is taken care of by a nanny, so her mother can spend more time playing with her daughter.

Guo Yonghuai and Li Pei have a deep relationship. They regard their daughter as a jewel in the palm and buy her the most fashionable skirts and the most beautiful dolls.

At the age of 5, Guo Qin 's life has ushered in a major turning point. In the face of fate, she has no right to choose.

As her parents return to China to participate in the construction of New China, her princess-like life will always be a memory. After

returned to China, Guo Yonghuai quickly joined the "two bombs" study, gathering less with his family and more separation. Guo Qin felt more and more unfamiliar with the father of

who often hugged him and played, and could not see him for a long time.

Guo Qin is an only child, lives in Zhongguancun with his parents, and plays with the children of other scientists.

has a generous life since she was a child, and her personality is very easy-going and generous, and she often brings her classmates home. The

students saw that Guo Qin's house was very generous and there was a black grand piano.

Guo Qin said triumphantly: "My father bought it for me. My parents like to watch me play the piano."

looked at the enviable eyes of her classmates, Guo Qin was still very happy, but she didn't expect it. These happiness is fleeting.

As her father was transferred to work remotely, her mother was quarantined and examined. When she was 15 years old, she had not graduated from junior high school, so she had to leave home and go to the rural areas of Inner Mongolia for labor reform.

Guo Qin didn't want to go so far, she wanted to join the army, so she begged her father to use her relationship.

However, Guo Yonghuai did not agree. He owedly said to his daughter, “It’s good to take some exercise, just pay attention to your body.”

When Guo Qin came to the countryside thousands of miles away, she saw the harsh living conditions and was so wronged. Howling and crying, I had to write to my father complaining:

"There is a washing machine at home, and I don’t know how to wash clothes when I come here. I am always laughed at. My beautiful daily necessities are always reported. Now my cloth shoes are bad. I don’t know where to buy..."

Li Pei has been quarantined as a spy because he taught in the United States and is forbidden to communicate with his family.

Guo Yonghuai looked at his daughter’s letter, both heartbroken and guilty. He replied, “When Dad returns to Beijing, I’ll buy you a new pair of cloth shoes.”

However, Guo Qin will never wear these shoes.

was worried about Li Pei's situation. In the early morning of December 5, 1968, Guo Yonghuai drove a plane back to Beijing overnight and crashed unexpectedly when landing. When

received a call from Beijing, Guo Qin almost fainted. She immediately ran to the highway, stopped a long-distance bus to the county, and then took the bus from the county to the railway station and hurried back to Beijing. When

waited for her to return to Beijing, her mother was still in isolation and could only attend the memorial service of her father in Babaoshan.

Relevant parties asked Li Pei whether as a family member of a martyr, he needed other care? The implication of

was to transfer Guo Qin back to Beijing, but the stubborn Li Pei said: "We don't need sympathy!"

just like that, after finishing his father's funeral, Guo Qin went back to the countryside in Inner Mongolia to jump in the queue.

The young Guo Qin had never experienced such a blow. All of a sudden, she lost a lot of weight. She was often silent and cried secretly.

In 1970, Guo Qin returned to Beijing due to illness, and worked as a martyr’s child in the unit where his father worked.

But her mother was subjected to 6 years of quarantine and was unable to take care of her sick daughter, let alone give her spiritual encouragement.

In 1980, Guo Qin went to the United States after suffering from cancer.

Li Pei’s students once asked with concern: "What does Guo Qin do in the United States?"

Li Pei said: "She is a junior high school student, what can she do in the United States!"

Later, soon after Guo Qin returned to China, In the winter of 1996, I finished my last life at the age of 45. After the daughter of

left, Li Pei immersed herself in work and devoted all her energy to education. She never gave her husband and daughter the death day, but quietly watched the happy group photos in the dead of night.

02 Qian Xuesen’s child

was also born in the United States and returned to China with his parents when he was 5 years old. There are Qian Xuesen’s daughter Qian Yongzhen and her 7-year-old brother Qian Yonggang .

Qian Yongzhen is about the same age as Guo Qin, and he was sent to the countryside in Inner Mongolia before graduating from junior high school.

's brother Qian Yonggang was in high school. After his studies were interrupted, he had to choose to join the army. After

resumed the college entrance examination, 29-year-old Qian Yonggang was admitted to the Changsha People’s Liberation Army National University of Defense Technology and finally realized his university dream.

and younger sister Qian Yongzhen followed his mother Jiang Ying to study music, and later settled in the United States to engage in music education.

Faced with children who were out of school, Qian Xuesen was panicked. He remembered that he had been educated by his father since he was a child and was admitted to a prestigious school. Finally, he studied in the United States at public expense and became a master of MIT, a Ph. Full professor.

However, Qian Yonggang missed the most precious 10 years of his life. It was the golden age of life, irreparable.

In 1986, 38-year-old Qian Yonggang followed his father's trail and came to the California Institute of Technology to study in the United States, where he was a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science.

When he saw the "1966" engraved on the foundation stone of the library, he couldn't help but feel very moved: "If my father did not return to China in 1955, I would be able to walk in here to study at the age of 18; if it was 20 years earlier, I would Wouldn't it be better than it is now?"

But he also knew that his father had never regretted it, because his generation of scientists made China a powerful country.

just, they sacrifice not only their own happiness, but also the future of their children.

After Qian Yonggang retired, he became the curator of the "Qian Xuesen Library" of Shanghai Jiaotong University, explaining the legendary life of his father to the children.

And he is not only a witness of those years, but also a participant in the tribulations of life.

So far, Qian Yonggang and Qian Yongzhen have not been able to surpass their parents. This is the debt their parents owe them, and it is also the debt of the times to them.

If you ask them, they will definitely have regrets, so they would rather choose to be low-key and ordinary and live the lives of ordinary people.

03 Qian Xuesenzhi asked

Ye Zhupei, a metallurgist who returned to China with his family after also staying in the United States, made his only complaint at that time: "I have dedicated my life to the country and the people, thinking of the motherland to take care of my children. ..."

Ye Zhupei died unfairly, and his children were forced to interrupt their studies and missed the golden years of schooling.

Premier Zhou once issued the "Qian Xuesen's Question": Why is it difficult to provide talents like Qian Xuesen?


oneThe background is different.

Qian Xuesen and others were born in an age when they were bullied by foreign enemies, and their national sentiment was very strong. At that time, as long as they were patriotic, they would have the heart to serve the country. And their goals are ambitious and transcend their personal interests, so they can be desperate.

has reached their descendants, the country is already peaceful, the feeling of being destroyed is not so strong, and naturally they will turn their attention to personal development.

Second, the environmental background is different.

Although Qian Xuesen and others were educated during the war, because they did not have a single-minded rule, they could still go to school through different channels, either publicly or at their own expense. When the Second World War just ended, other big countries were relatively friendly.

By the time their offspring went to school, the country was in a period of internal difficulties, so they missed the golden years of studying, and they all said that they had to become famous as early as possible, and it was difficult to catch up after middle age.

Three are different psychological gaps.

Guo Yonghuai and others are valued talents before and after returning to China. Their academic achievements determine their highly respected status.

And their offspring have lived under the aura of their parents since they were young, and the psychological pressure can be imagined. Since they cannot surpass their parents, it is better to choose ordinary life.

was born in sorrow and died in happiness. We should always remember the sacrifices of these great scientists, always be alert to ourselves, and work hard for the motherland to be strong. This is an outdated mission no matter the past or the present.