Who was the first person to eat crabs? No one has cracked the question after a thousand years, and now there is finally an answer

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "The first person to eat crab is very admirable. He is not a warrior. Who dares to eat it? Some people eat crabs and spiders must have eaten them, but they are not delicious, so People will stop eating in the future, and we should be extremely grateful for people like this.”

Mr. Lu Xun doesn’t admire the first person to eat pork or the first person to eat fish. Why? But thank you very much and admire the first person to eat crabs? Maybe it’s because the crab is really not so good-looking. If you look closely, it’s even a little scary. We can guess the surprise scene when people first saw this strange creature. However, after all, people overcome their innermost feelings. Fear, I gradually discovered this delicacy to satisfy the future generations. If there is no first person to eat crabs, I am afraid this delicacy will miss human history.

Nowadays every festive season, the restaurants around Yangcheng Lake are all ready to move, because Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are notoriously delicious. Back then, Mr. Ma Boyong also wrote about the scenes where the diners feast on hairy crabs. A poem that made the population fall three thousand feet straight down. The poem said:

Jinqiu's favorite rope-binding mother, a cute red lying on a steam bed. Only lift up the skirt and cover the cream, and then explore the bottom of the abdomen to test the temperature. The soft meat is towering and slow, and the fragrant juice is full and lightly sucked. The overlapping jade legs are open for the first time, and I dare to laugh at Po Xian and not a hooligan.

Gourmets in the past dynasties always have many poems and songs about crabs. As a delicacy that people eat daily, crabs have entered the tables of thousands of households and become recognized delicacies. However, since ancient times, there has been a question from the past. It is often mentioned, but no one has solved the puzzle. The question is: Who is the first person to eat crabs? Although this question has not been solved for thousands of years, there are many opinions. However, when we go to check historical materials today, we will find that the most powerful record of "who was the first person to eat crabs" is only the "Han Dynasty" written by Guo Xian of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Wudong Mingji.

"Han Wudong Mingji" This book contains a total of more than 60 stories and a total of four volumes. It records many rare and foreign objects from China or overseas, full of mythology. It can be said to be one of the earliest mythological and ghost novels, which records:

"Shanyuan country tastes a tribute crab, nine feet long, has four-legged crabs, because it is boiled. Its shell is better than yellow glue, which is also called chelating glue, and the glue of phoenix beak.”

For this novel of gods and monsters written by Guo Xian, although we can’t believe it completely, we can also find a lot of information from it. First of all, there is no evidence to test where Shanyuan Country is today. Perhaps it is a certain area on the northern coast. It claims that a crab is nine feet long and has four claws. The credibility is very low. The crab still has more than a hundred feet, isn't it a monster? But one thing we can be sure of is that at that time, there were countries that paid tribute to Emperor Wu of Han, but was Emperor Wu of Han the first person to eat crabs?

If according to the written record, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is undoubtedly the first emperor to eat crabs in history. In any case, it is not the first person to eat crabs. Now many experts and scholars believe that Emperor Wu of Han It is the first person to eat crabs. In fact, this view is very imprecise. Why? Because all the tribute, especially the imported food, in order to test whether it is poisonous, the royal family has a very strict test. The eating system, so the first person to eat crabs is probably the tasting servant next to Emperor Wu of the Han. After all, people didn't know much about this kind of creatures at the time, so the probability of Emperor Wu of the Han eating directly was very small.

In addition, in addition to the "Han Wudong Mingji" written by Guo Xian in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was also a famous university inquirer named Zheng Xuan in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was in the "Zhou Li·tianguan·庖人"It is mentioned in the commentary:

"It is said that the four seasons are the meal, if the fish delicacy of Jingzhou, the crab of Qingzhou, although it is extraordinary, it is filial to enter."

Attention everyone, actually this time Crabs have become a delicacy on people’s tables, but many ordinary people can’t enjoy them at all, because crabs at that time were very rare and rare things that were hard to get, and they were used to sacrifice the emperor of Zhou.Yes, but because of the inconvenience of transportation and the easy deterioration of crabs, the local officials thought of a way to make crabs into crab sauce to pay tribute to Zhou Tianzi, Xie Xu. We can check it through "Shu Wen Jie Zi" So, Xu is "crab yam." (That is, crab meat sauce), so the creature like crab became a gourmet tribute of Zhou Tianzi as early as the Zhou Dynasty. Of course, Zhou Tianzi was not the first person to eat crabs. He can only be called the first one to eat crabs in history.

So who was the first person to eat crabs? Legend has it that the first person to eat crabs was the "Ba Jie" during the time of Dayu. According to legend, during the process of Yu's water control, there was a kind of trapped insects that often caused chaos. Later, Pa Jie figured out a way to scald these clips with boiling water. Human worms, but PJ found that the scalded worms were actually very delicious, so in order to commemorate PJ’s discovery of this natural delicacy, they named the worms "crab",

later Crab-eating style is becoming more and more popular, and foodies are becoming more educated as they eat. In the Song Dynasty, two culinary works dedicated to crabs appeared in Fu Hui's "Crab Book" and Gao Sisun's "Xie Lue". Among them, "Xilue·Xipin" records the famous products of Luo crab, Wu crab, Yue crab, Chu crab, Huai crab, river crab, lake crab, river crab, pool crab, Zhu crab, crab crab, water crab, stone crab, and promoted "West Lake crab is the best in the world".

References: "Han Wudong Mingji", "Xie Lue·Xi Pin", "Zhou Li·Tian Guan·庖人"