But society is not a large-scale gossip map. "Black" does not need to exist, and "white" is the right way. Therefore, cracking down on gangsters and eliminating evil is an inevitable measure when the society operates to a certain extent.

Taoist Bagua emphasizes the balance between yin and yang, one black and one white, complementing each other. But society is not a large-scale gossip map. "Black" does not need to exist, and "white" is the right way. Therefore, cracking down on gangsters and eliminating evil is an inevitable measure when the society operates to a certain extent.

"Gangster" is not a concept that has only emerged in recent years. In the 1980s and 1990s, many people embarked on this road of desperation under the influence of bad habits. The "Ma Jiajun" has been rampant in Gansu for more than ten years. "" is the most typical example.

The boss of this gang Ma Bingbing has committed more than 100 crimes in 10 years. execution ground,.

Many criminal suspects in vicious social cases had an extremely rough childhood. Either they were ignored by their families, or they were hurt by the indifference of society. Some of them ended up carving their way through brutality because of poverty.

But these experiences have nothing to do with Ma Bingbing. Not only is his background not miserable, but it has even been at a level that many people cannot reach from the beginning. His mother is a teacher and his father is a leading cadre. He can be regarded as a young man. However, due to his parents' temporary negligence, he embarked on a road of no return.

Both of his parents are intellectuals. Ma Bingbing's IQ is naturally not low. He has been among the best in grades since he was a child. Studying cannot be called a problem for him, but precisely because of this, he feels that life has lost a lot of fun. When he was in high school, he met a group of social youths, and their life of fighting and killing made him yearn for it.

Both parents were busy with work and did not have time to discipline such an outstanding son. At this time, Ma Bingbing's heart had been eroded by bad thoughts. In 1986, Ma Bingbing, who was still in her second year of high school, actually robbed her with a knife. In the end, she even Plunging the knife into the opponent's body. At this time, he was not yet sixteen years old, so he was released to his family after receiving certain punishments. He thought he would learn a lesson from this, but he did not expect that this was just the beginning of his criminal journey.

While serving his sentence, he had been missing the thrill of crime. After he was released from prison, he was completely out of control. He once again found the gangsters he had met before, and under their introduction, he met some more powerful underworld "big brothers". In 1992, he and These people were spending money at a dance hall in Chengguan District, Lanzhou. When they were about to leave, they suddenly claimed that the store's price was too high, and they started to make trouble if they disagreed.

The boss of the dance hall was not easy to mess with. He immediately had a head-on dispute with them. Unexpectedly, there were more people on Ma Bingbing's side than expected, and everyone had knives and sticks hidden in their bodies. When the dance hall manager waited When he realized something was wrong and wanted to escape, it was already too late.

He was chased by Ma Bingbing and others to the window on the third floor, where he finally fell and fractured his bones. They trampled and beat the manager downstairs, beating him to death. After this time, Ma Bingbing's position in the gang was consolidated.

In 1993, Ma Bingbing and others were having fun at the Sanjin Entertainment Center in Chengguan District. During this period, a young man molested the wife of another customer. A dispute broke out between the two parties. When Ma Bingbing and others found out, they immediately stepped forward with knives, guns and sticks to support them. Flowerpots, chairs and other tools were shattered all over the floor, and in the end one of the other party was killed and the other injured.

Things like this have been happening repeatedly. Ma Bingbing and others hang out in major entertainment venues on a daily basis. Since they always go in groups, armed with guns and sticks, the boss of the entertainment city will try his best to avoid causing trouble. Following them, a dark and evil force headed by Ma Bingbing rapidly developed and grew at this time.

In February 1995, again in an entertainment city, Ma Bingbing’s younger brother had a conflict with a guest. There were not many people with him that day. Unexpectedly, he was tricked by the other party’s guest and ate him. After being defeated, he immediately asked Ma Bingbing to help him express his anger. Ma Bingbing believed that this was a good time to establish the prestige of his gang, so a bloody battle started again that day.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, all kinds of bewitching bodies were writhing in the entertainment city. Four luxury cars were parked at the door. Some of the people getting out of the cars were holding long knives and some were holding iron rods. They rushed directly into the hall. Inside, they found the customer who hit him, and there was a fight. In the end, Ma Bingbing won. They caused a total of 1 death and 6 staff members were seriously injured.

They have no jobs at all, and their daily high consumption is obtained through illegal means. In 1997, Ma Bingbing intercepted a piece of giant panda fur through illegal means. The fur of a national first-level protected animal is worth a lot of money. , but they also understood that once such a transaction was discovered, the consequences would be extremely serious, so they secretly found someone to conduct the transaction, but they did not expect that a mole would turn out.

After the transaction failed, Ma Bingbing found out the insider and beat him to death directly, in order to establish his own WeChat, which was also a warning to the monkeys. After that, he opened a casino to make money. The casino in Moulin Rouge Entertainment City allowed him to easily make millions. The casino in Lanzhou was also monopolized by him at this time.

In August 2001, the police finally grasped the evidence of Ma Bingbing's gang crimes. After setting up a special task force, multiple police officers worked together to take down the gang and arrested a total of 60 suspects. It is reported that they killed 13 people in the ten years from 1992 to 2001, seriously injuring 5 people, and countless other crimes.

The most serious crime committed by these people is intentional homicide, which according to the law can be punished by the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years. If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

The most obvious crime is the crime of organizing and leading a gangster. This crime is punishable by a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years and confiscation of property; those who actively participate are sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and may also be fined or have property confiscated; others Anyone who participates shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance, or deprivation of political rights , and may also be fined.

Ma Bingbing, as the leader of the gang, was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life for organizing and leading a gang-like organization, intentional injury, intentional homicide, robbery, extortion, illegal possession of firearms, provoking trouble, harboring, and harboring. Seven others were sentenced to death together with him.

was once vigorous, but he chose the wrong path. This kind of "vigorous" was a catastrophe to others. Failing the law is Ma Bingbing's rightful destination, and "gangsters" should not exist in the first place.