He was the grandfather of Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the "Tang Guogong" of the Western Wei Dynasty, hence the name of the Tang Dynasty. He held a high position and was one of the eight pillars of the country, but he was not famous in history. There are

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He is the grandfather of the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan , and the "Tang Guogong" of the Western Wei dynasty, hence the name of the Tang Dynasty. His life experience is mysterious, and whether he is a barbarian or a Han Chinese has been debated throughout history; There is no biographical record;

He was posthumously named Tang Taizu by his grandson Li Yuan. Because he wanted to avoid the word "tiger" in his name, the tiger was called Da Chong from then on;

He was Li Hu, who came from the famous Wuchuan town in the Northern Wei Dynasty. At the end of the Wei Dynasty, he heard about it among the princes and laid a solid foundation for Li Yuan to establish the Tang Dynasty.

Whether Li Hu is a Hu or a Han

Historically, whether the Li Tang royal family is a Han or a Hu has been debated continuously, and it is still a hot topic in forums.

The first reason why the Tang royal family is said to be Hu people is that the Li Tang royal family has many Hu people's customs, especially the chaotic marriage relationships of the Li Tang royal family. Li Shimin forcibly married Li Yuanji 's princess Yang after the Xuanwumen Incident . Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi married Li Shimin's concubine Wu Meiniang , and later became the only empress in history, and Tang Xuanzong Li Longji even adopted his daughter-in-law Yang Yuhuan as his concubine.

These behaviors are unacceptable incest behaviors in the Han people's concept, but among the ethnic minorities, the Hu people believed that this was not a big deal at all. Because this kind of "step marriage" was very common among the northern ethnic minorities at that time. In this regard, The Southern Song Dynasty Neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi commented: "The Tang Dynasty originated from the barbarians, so the rudeness of the boudoir is not unusual."

The second reason for saying that the Tang royal family is a barbarian is that Li Hu once used The surname is Daye, Li Hu is also called Dayehu, and Li Yuan's original name is Dayeyuan. Li Yuan did not change his surname back to Li until Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, and his official name was Li Yuan.

Can these two reasons explain that the Li Tang royal family, especially Li Hu, are Hu people, not Han people?

Let’s first look at the second reason, the issue of Li Hu using the Xianbei surname.

In fact, this problem is caused by the policy of Yuwentai .

Yu Wentai basically adopted the Chinese version of the Zhou Dynasty official system when he reformed the official system of the Western Wei Dynasty. In terms of military reform, the government army system was established and the eight-pillar state was established.

The Eight Pillars Kingdom system actually draws on the Xianbei Eight Branches System. Yuwentai was from Xianbei. Although he had to rely on the Han people to fight against the Eastern Wei , he was always wary of the Han people. In order to maintain Xianbei 's control over the army, Yuwentai adopted a strategy of giving surnames to middle- and high-level generals.

Li Hu was given the surname Daye, and all other Han people in the Eight Pillars Kingdom also changed their surnames, such as: Li Bi was given the surname Tu He, Zhao Gui was given the surname Yi Fu, etc., including General Yang Zhong was also given the surname Pu Liuru's family, so the famous Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian was also called Pu Liurujian.

Most of the Han soldiers under their command also changed their surname to Hu after the generals.

Therefore, Li Hu was once called Dayehu, which just proves that he is Han. Otherwise, Yuwentai would not have had to change his surname to Daye, and just call him back to his old Xianbei surname. Later, after Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, he ordered all Han families who changed their Xianbei surnames to change their surnames back to Han surnames, so Daye Yuan restored his ancestral surname and changed his name to Li Yuan.

corrects a rumor. Many people say that Li Shimin was once named Oh Ye Shimin. Li Yuan restored his surname to Li and gave birth to his eldest son Li Jiancheng 8 years later. Even Li Jiancheng was not named Daye, let alone Li Shimin.

Is the Li family a Longxi Li or a poor family?

Since Li Hu is not a Hu, which Han family does he come from?

Regarding the origin of the Li Tang royal family, that is, Li Hu, there are mainly the following theories:

1, Li Hu originated from the Li family in Longxi

The Tang royal family claimed to be derived from the Li family in Longxi , and its distant ancestor was the flying general Li Guang, Xiliang The founding monarch Li Hao was the sixth generation ancestor of Li Hu.

The Li family in Longxi is one of the five famous families in history, a top wealthy family. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, there have been countless people who wanted to join the Five Families and Qiwang.

So is Li Hu a descendant of Li Hao, the king of Xiliang?

In May of the first year of Wude (618), Li Yuan, the grandson of Li Hu, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, establishing the Tang Dynasty ; on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month (July 3), Li Yuan pursued his great-grandfather Li Xi as the posthumous title of Duke Xuan Jian. His great-grandfather Li Tianxi was King Yi, his posthumous grandfather Li Hu was the emperor Jing, with the temple name Taizu; his posthumous father Li Bing was the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Therefore, when the Tang Dynasty was first established, Li Yuan only traced back four generations of ancestors, the earliest being his great-great-grandfather Li Xi.

It is estimated that Li Yuan had not figured out how to fabricate the history of his ancestors at that time, so he only traced it back to his great-grandfather Li Xi. Later, in order to show that the Li family was originally a descendant of a noble family, the emperors of the Tang Dynasty promoted themselves. It was not until Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty that Xiliang was founded. The monarch Li Hao is the ancestor of the Li Tang royal family.

Why do you say that?

According to the lineage claimed by the Tang royal family, Li Hao had Zixin and Fei. Xin gave birth to Li Chong'er , Li Chong'er gave birth to Li Xi; Fei gave birth to Li Bao, and Li Bao gave birth to Li Chong. Therefore, Li Xi and Li Chong were brothers from the same great-grandfather. Their relationship should be considered very close, and they should at least know each other.

During the Taihe period of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Li Chong was a very noble person, unmatched by anyone in the family at that time. Later, the Northern Wei Dynasty designated a famous family from all over the world, with (Longxi Li) Bao and others as the crown. It can be seen that Li Bao and Li Chong were the most prominent families in Longxi.

Li Xi and Li Chong are brothers with the same great ancestor, and records show that they are similar in age. How could it be possible that Li Xi, a cousin of the same ancestor, was a high-ranking official at the three-gong level, but went to guard the border in the six towns that had been marginalized at that time? After all, the soldiers in the six towns at that time had already "never offended the world, and no one dared to fight with them" "Be with us."

What's more important is that the Li Chong family of the Longxi Li family does not admit that the Li Xi family are brothers of the same clan.

After all, it was an era when family values ​​were extremely important. The Li family in Longxi was such a prominent family, so they should attach great importance to the genealogy registration of their descendants. The evidence is conclusive that Li Chong’s descendants do not recognize him.

Therefore, Li Hu’s lineage from the Li family in Longxi is fake.

2, Li Hu originated from the Zhaojun Li family or the poor Li family

Longyao County in Hebei Province. It is famous for the cemetery of the ancestors of the Li and Tang royal families. Li Hu's grandfather Li Xi and father Li Tianci are buried here.

In the early Tang Dynasty, three generations of emperors, Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Li Zhi, repaired the cemetery in Longyao County, and the scale gradually expanded.

The famous historian Chen Yinke believes that the location of the Longyao Tang Tomb is the ancestral home of Li Tang based on the words "King Wei's ancestral home" in the eulogy of the Longyao Tang Tomb and the "Guangye Temple Stele". He pointed out that Li Xi and Li Tianci, father and son, were buried together, which is an example of clan burial.

Chen Yinke believed that Li Hu originated from the Li family in Zhaojun.

However, the author of the inscription on the Guangye Temple stele was only a Jiupin county captain, and the authoritativeness of what was written by a small county public security bureau chief was not very high. Moreover, it only buried two generations of Li Xi and Li Tianci in the cemetery. The Li clan cemetery is also somewhat reluctant.

Therefore, it is doubtful whether Li Hu’s family is located in Longyao County, Hebei Province, but it is certain that Li Hu originated from the northern Han people.

Based on the status of the Six Towns in the imperial court at that time and the treatment of the soldiers and civilians in the Six Towns, whether Li Hu was exiled from the Six Towns for non-active reasons such as committing crimes or the lower-level warriors went to the border to surrender themselves, he should not have come from a high-ranking family. The famous family should be the "broken residence" or "fake" of the Li family in Zhaojun.

In this regard, Li Hu is different from the original Xianbei tribe leaders in the six towns of Heba, Yuwen, and Dugu. His family background must not be high.

is located in the border town of Wuchuan, surrounded by mostly Xianbei people. In order to obtain a better development prospect, Li Hu will naturally choose to integrate more actively into Xianbei.

According to Chen Yinke's research, the Li Tang royal family can be traced back to a person named Li Chuguba. Li Hu has an elder brother named "Qitou" and a younger brother named "Qidou". This shows that Li Hu's family has been completely Xianbei. It can be seen from their names that they think they are Xianbei people or are afraid that others will not think they are Xianbei people.

It can be seen from this that Li Hu must be of authentic Han origin, but the Li Hu family should be from a poor family. Through his own efforts, he grew into a wealthy family, and by Li Yuan's generation, he became the master of the world.

As for the Li and Tang royal family having Hu blood, there is no doubt about it.

Li Yuan's mother Dugu is the fourth daughter of Dugu Xin. Dugu is from the Xiongnu . Although there are rumors that Dugu is the descendant of Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty who lived in the grassland, it is not credible, and Dugu is so famous in the grassland. It's been a long time, and it has been mixed for n generations.

Li Yuan's wife is Dou, Her uncle is Yuwen Yong, Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty from Xianbei. Li Shimin's wife Changsun Queen was also from Xianbei.

There were many intermarriages between the royal family of the Tang Dynasty and the Hu people. Starting from Li Hu, Xianbei became serious. Therefore, the Hu people in the Li Tang royal family had many styles. This also explains why the marriage relationship of the Li Tang royal family was chaotic. , the reason is that it was influenced by the customs of the Hu people in the north.

It is precisely because of this that the Tang Dynasty was able to absorb the essence of all ethnic groups, embrace all rivers, be inclusive, and sweep away the decadence of the Central Plains culture since and the Jin Dynasty , making Chinese culture once again full of vitality and creating a prosperous age unprecedented in China.

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