In September 1930, warlord Han Fuju took office as chairman of Shandong Province and began his seven-year rule over Shandong. The story about Han Fuju is widely circulated among the people in Shandong and has been recorded in official and unofficial history. Some people say that

In September 1930, the warlord Han Fuju took office as chairman of Shandong Province and began his seven-year rule over Shandong. The story about Han Fuju is widely circulated among the people in Shandong and has been recorded in official and unofficial history. Some people say that he is proficient in military affairs, civilized and martial arts, while others say that he is self-willed, rude and barbaric. There are different opinions about his merits and demerits.

Han Fuju

Han Fuju was born in the military. Although he attended private schools for several years in his early years, his overall education level was not high. When he was in charge of Shandong, he still basically followed the old method of managing the army, and acted rudely and simply, thus leaving a lot of problems.

Han Fuju saw Li Qingzhao Temple and asked casually: What does this woman do?

Although Han Fuju lacks culture, he especially likes to be arty, which caused many jokes.

Han Fuju especially likes to lecture in public, but his logic is always unclear and full of loopholes. Once, he went to Qilu University to give a speech on the anniversary. His speech was as follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, here you are:

What is the weather today? Well, today is a great day for a speech. Are everyone present at the meeting? Okay, it looks like it’s about eight-fifths! Those who didn't come raise their hands, it's great, we are all here, you came in great numbers, I am really cold too.

Today, my brother called everyone together for a training. If my brother said something wrong, please forgive each other. Because brothers can’t compare with everyone else. You are educated people. You are all college students, middle school students and overseas students. You rabble are science and chemistry majors. You all know English from seven or eight countries. Brother, I am a big boss. Even Chinese people I don’t understand English either. You crawled out of a pen holder, brother, I crawled out of a cannon barrel.

It really makes me happy to speak here today, and I am so grateful. Actually, I am not qualified to speak to you. When I talk about it, it’s like... yes, playing the piano to a cow!

The audience below were all dumbfounded after hearing this.

Another time, Han Fuju, surrounded by his men, came to Daming Lake to play. The weather was just right. Han Fuju fell in love with the scenery and became inspired by poetry. He recited a poem:

Daming Lake, Ming Lake is big, there are lotus flowers in Daming Lake. , a toad is lying on the lotus, poking and jumping.


His subordinates applauded continuously. Although the accompanying scholars felt disdainful, they could only nod and deal with it due to Han Fuju's majesty.

After Han Deju and others came out of Daming Lake, they came to Baotu Spring. Han Fuju saw that there was a temple for the female poet Li Qingzhao built beside Baotu Spring, so he casually asked: "What does this woman do?"

His subordinates replied : "She is a Southern Song Dynasty poet."

Another subordinate flattered him and said: "Since Chairman Han is here, he should leave a famous sentence so that future generations can praise it."

Han Fuju opened his mouth and came: "Baotu Spring, The spring is as thick as three eyes, gurgling, gurgling, gurgling." Everyone applauded again.

Later, Han Fuju and others came to Qianfo Mountain. While climbing the mountain, Han Fuju accidentally kicked a stone. He staggered and almost fell. Everyone hurried forward to help him. But he was inspired and said: "I wrote the first couplet, 'The rocks on the mountain are broken and crumbling.' Can any of you correct the second couplet?"

Qianfo Mountain

The entourage thought for a long time, but they couldn't get it right, and they were so anxious. sweat. At this time, Han Fuju said with a smile: "My second line is 'The water in the river boils and becomes cold.'" Everyone was relieved and applauded in unison.

The female student was wearing short sleeves, and Han Fuju slapped her several times. In 1933, Han Fuju responded to the call of the Nanjing National Government and called on the people of Shandong to actively respond to the "New Life Movement." One of the important contents was to order the ban. "Fancy costumes."

During the Republic of China, there were many styles of clothing in the country, especially many women wearing clothes with exposed arms and legs. Han Fuju was very disgusted with this. He believed that: strange clothes are offensive to morals and are a harbinger of the degeneration of our nation and should be strictly banned. .So he formulated the "Jinan City Interim Measures for Strange Costumes", which stipulated that all kinds of women's clothing must cover the elbows and knees, and strictly ordered all women in the province to dress accordingly.

Women's Clothing During the Republic of China

As a result, the business of tailor shops in Jinan suddenly became booming. There were endless changes of clothes every day and endless money was made. Feng Shouda, the owner of a "Mingxin Clothing Store", out of commercial interests, posted a couplet at the door of his store:

Love the party and the country, and everyone in this store yearns for a new life;

obeys the provincial government, and the girls of each family wear old clothes.

Hengbiao: Common Beauty

Han Fuju was very happy after learning about this incident. He specially ordered the appointment of Feng Shouda as the deputy leader of the "New Life Movement Command Group" and gave him a bonus of 500 yuan.

One day, Han Fuju was traveling incognito again and happened to encounter a group of female students walking on the roadside. One of them was wearing an elbow-revealing top and a leg-revealing short skirt. Han Fuju was very angry, so he stepped forward and asked her: "Is the notice I issued wrong?" You must wear fancy clothes, don't you know? "How dare you disobey my order?"

This female student didn't know Han Fuju, so she retorted: "What kind of announcement did you make?"

Han Fuju couldn't help but wonder. Angry, he slapped the female student several times. The female student was so embarrassed and angry that she lay on the ground and rolled around crying, attracting many passers-by to watch. The entourage was afraid that the matter would get serious, so they quickly advised Han Fuju, "It is not good for this matter to spread. We must take her back to the provincial capital as soon as possible, and then call the Department of Education and let them take her back and deal with it."

Han Fuju immediately ordered his entourage to hold his daughter. The student got into his car. Unexpectedly, the female student thought the other party was going to kidnap her and shouted for help. In the end, Han Fuju went to great lengths to bring the female student back to the provincial capital.

After the Education Department Minister He Siyuan came over, he persuaded Han Fuju to send someone to send the female student home. However, the female student was too frightened and cried and shouted, "Kill me!" He Siyuan had to tell Han Fuju He said: "This child is very pitiful. Will the chairman consider asking her father to take her back?"

Han Fuju had no choice but to ask for the female student's home address and then invited her father over. The female student’s father is named Cao Zhuting. He once worked as an accountant and is now retired at home. After Cao Zhuting arrived at the provincial capital, he was afraid that Han Fuju would cause trouble for him, so he quickly bowed and said, "May I ask what Chairman Han's instructions are?" She told her story about being beaten for wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and said: "I did this wrong. I will give you 100 yuan. When you go back, make her some long-sleeved gowns. Please take your daughter back." "Okay."

Cao Zhuting said quickly: "My tutor is so bad that my daughter made the chairman angry. I deserve to die, but it depends on the chairman."

These words were very suitable for Han Fuju, and he was a little more fond of Cao Zhuting. I liked him, so I invited him to sit down and chatted with him about home affairs. When Han Fuju heard that Cao Zhuting had worked as an accountant, he immediately expressed his position: "You have been an accountant, so you are certainly good at managing money. Tomorrow I will appoint you as the director of the tax bureau."

Cao Zhuting was very surprised and quickly declined, saying: "Chairman Meng thinks highly of me. I am very grateful to you, but I am old and I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the kindness of the chairman. I hope the chairman will consider it again."

Han Fuju waved his hand and said: "I said you can do it, you can do it, no need to refuse! You go home and prepare."

Han Fuju and his wife

Two days later, Cao Zhuting was appointed as the director of a certain taxation branch.Later, the people of Jinan made this incident into a song and sang it:

Mr. Chairman Han, it is not a joke to hit someone, the beating made the daughter of the Cao family scream;

Oh, the daughter of the Cao family screamed well, screamed loudly, and screamed out Dad is the chief;

Chairman Han, Director Cao, what a slap in the face!

Han Fuju was watching a play, and he wanted to see "Guan Gong Battles Qin Qiong"

One day, Han Fuju's father wanted to watch a play. As a sign of filial piety, Han Fuju personally accompanied his father to the theater that night. The theater leader presented the play list for that night, and Father Han asked: "Which show will be performed tonight?"

The theater leader said with a smile: "To tell you what the old man said, the play is called 'Guan Gong Walks a Thousand Miles and Rides Alone '."

Stills of Riding Thousands of Miles Alone

Mr. Han asked: "Where is Guan Gong from?"

The class leader replied: "He is from Shanxi."

Mr. Han said dissatisfiedly: "He doesn't want to wait in Shanxi, so what are you doing in Shandong? In this case, We, Shandong, also have a general to fight the enemy. We cannot lose the face of our Shandong people!"

Han Fuju asked the adjutant: "Which famous general is from Jinan?"

The adjutant replied: "Qin Qiong is from Jinan."

Han Fuju. Immediately decided: "This is not over, let Qin Qiong meet this Guan Gong."

"Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" is a traditional play. The lines have been sung by the entire troupe. Suddenly, Qin Qiong is added. What does the actor do? play? The class leader had to complain to Han Fuju: "Guan Gong is from the Han Dynasty, and Qin Qiong is from the Tang Dynasty. They are more than 400 years apart. How can we perform this play?" You have to act even if you don't want to act. As long as the old man is happy, I will reward you. Otherwise, each of you will hit 20 big boards and drive out Jinan Mansion . You will never want to act in this territory in the future."

In the end, Han Fuju also emphasized: " Tonight, it must be called Qin Shubao defeated Guan Yunchang , let’s see who is better, he from Shanxi or us from Shandong.”

The class leader had no choice but to go backstage immediately and ask the actors to prepare quickly. The actors looked up to the sky after hearing this. Sighing, helpless, he hurriedly went into battle, made up random things, and made no sense. He really staged a farce of "Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong" in time and space.

How did Han Fuju resolve the case?

Han Fuju liked to read public case novels such as "Bao Gong's Case", "Shi Gong's Case" and "Peng Gong's Case" when he was in charge of Shandong Province. In order to flaunt his "people-loving politics", he often personally intervened in civil and criminal matters. Litigation and calling himself "Han Qingtian". When Han Fuju tried a case, he judged the case entirely based on his personal feelings, likes and dislikes, and did not allow others to disagree. He often said: "When my upper lip and lower lip touch, it is the law."

Han Fuju's trial usually takes place on Wednesdays and Wednesdays. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, the venue is always in front of the Provincial Hall. There are four screens in the middle and two tiers of platforms in front. Han Fuju always stands or sits on the second tier of platforms. During the interrogation, the two judges each held the case file and lined up on the left and right of Han Fuju. In front of Han Fuju was a law enforcement team with guns and live ammunition. A large bundle of ropes and seven or eight military sticks were placed on the ground.

After the trial began, the military judge stood next to Han Fuju and read the prisoner's resume and charges loudly. After the reading was completed, Han Fuju slowly put his right hand to his forehead and stroked it, looking at the prisoner standing alone. Then he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then lowered his hand from his forehead. If he moved his hand to the right, the prisoner was released; But if he waved his hand to the left, it meant that the prisoner had no face in the world and should be shot.

Every time after an interrogation, Han Fuju would always ask the people around him: "How did my trial go?"

His subordinates could only reply: "The chairman did a good job."

Once, Han Fuju tried two cases of a chicken thief and a cow thief at the same time. He first said to the cow thief: "Cows are silent and can still be stolen. You are not guilty. Go free!" "

The people who were watching were all shocked. They thought: A cow was not cheap at that time. This person had committed such a big crime and was acquitted. Then the person who stole the chicken would definitely be fine.

Unexpectedly, Han Fuju was at this time. He said to the person who stole the chicken: "You are so bold. The chicken squawks as soon as you catch it. You still dare to steal it. What else do you dare not do?" Too abominable, shoot! "So the chicken thief was shot.

One Saturday morning, Shandong Provincial Government Senator and democrat Sha Qianli sent an orderly named "Xiaodao" to the provincial government compound to deliver a letter. After Xiaodao finished delivering the letter, By the way, he went to the interrogation hall to watch Han Fuju handle the case. He thought it was very interesting that Han Fuju used gestures to decide whether the prisoner would live or die, so he wanted to squeeze in to the front to have a closer look. Unexpectedly, he unknowingly squeezed into the queue of prisoners.

After the interrogation, the law enforcement team mistakenly thought. Xiaodao was also with the prisoner and was about to pull him into the truck. Xiaodao shouted anxiously: "Why did you tie me up?" "

Han Fuju shouted: "Shoot you! "

Xiaodao was so frightened that he cried: "Oh, I am Xiaodao, and I am here to deliver a letter! "

Han Fuju heard "small road" as "little thief" and thought he was here to deliver a message to the bandits. He couldn't help but get angry: "The messenger should be killed too. You are a 'little thief' now, but you might become a 'big thief' in the future. ', it's better to kill him early, pull him out and shoot him! "

Just like that, a 15-year-old pageboy became an unjust ghost in a strange way.

After dark, Sha Qianli had not seen the trail back, so he called Han Fuju. Then Han Fuju remembered that there seemed to be a "message messenger" in the morning. However, it was too late and he was shot by himself. In the end, he had to pay 1,000 yuan to the family of the deceased. The folk customs in Lunan were fierce, and vendettas often occurred between clans. In 1925, Linyi Wang. The surname Tang killed 6 people surnamed Tang. In 1930, the surname Tang took revenge and killed seven people surnamed Wang. In the autumn of 1935, Han Fuju heard the case and was extremely angry. He immediately ordered the Wang and Tang families to be summoned to the lobby.

Han Fuju asked the family named Tang: "How many people are there in your family?" "

The person surnamed Tang said: "There are 11 people, the oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is 12 years old. "

Han Fuju immediately announced: "Arrest all 11 people named Tang and shoot them all!

The county magistrate on the side was shocked and said quickly: "Chairman, a person named Wang also killed someone!" "

Han Fuju said: "The murder by the surname Wang was in the 14th year of the Republic of China. I was not the provincial chairman, so I don't care; in the 19th year of the Republic of China, I was already the provincial chairman. If the surname Tang dared to kill people, that was arrogant and arrogant. Don't say any more! "

Han Fuju and Chiang Kai-shek

An adviser to the provincial government advised Han Fuju again: "Chairman, let the 84-year-old man named Tang go!"

Han Fuju blinked strangely: "If I keep him, he will cry to death. Why bother?" It’s better to die together! "

Looking at these incidents, we can find that Han Fuju has neither culture nor legal awareness, and is rude and casual in his dealings, which is why he makes so many jokes for today's people to laugh at.

About the author: Brother Di, a An office worker born in the 1990s, has been writing full-time for 2 years, and has published many articles with more than 100,000 hits on major self-media platforms. If you are interested in self-media, writing, and making money, you want to do a side job every month after get off work. , part-time job, you can search and follow my public account " Emperor Ge talks about history " to discuss and make progress together with
