In 1924, at the suggestion of Hu Shi, Tsinghua University President Cao Yunxiang planned to establish the Tsinghua Academy of Chinese Studies. With Wu Mi's efforts, four tutors were invited, namely Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Chen Yinke, and Zhao Yuanren.

Mr. Chen Yinke did not make many couplets, but almost every couplet that has been handed down is a classic. Some are humorous, some are meaningful, and some have bitter stories behind them. Today I choose eight sub-comments and one comment.

The four great tutors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the one on the far right is Wu Mi.

In 1924, at the suggestion of Hu Shi, Tsinghua University President Cao Yunxiang prepared to establish Tsinghua University. With Wu Mi's efforts, four tutors were invited, namely Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Chen Yinke, Zhao Yuanren. This couplet was given by Mr. Chen to his classmates in class in 1926. "Sage of the South China Sea" in the first couplet is the honorific title of Kang Youwei. Liang Qichao was a disciple of Kang Youwei. Now everyone has become a disciple of Liang Qichao, so he is a disciple again. The second line says that Mr. Wang Guowei was once the teacher of Emperor Xuantong and Puyi. Now you are also Mr. Wang’s students. Aren’t you classmates with Puyi? This couplet was humorous and very exciting. The students laughed and applauded after listening to it.

Hu Shi

2. Tsinghua Examination Questions

Upper couplet: Sun Xingzhe Second couplet: Hu Shizhi (or Zu Chongzhi)

In 1932, Tsinghua University College of Chinese Studies held the entrance examination for freshmen, and the director of the Chinese Language Department Liu Wendian asked Chen Yinke to draft the test questions on his behalf, and Mr. Chen came up I wrote an essay titled "Sleepwalking in Tsinghua Garden" and the first couplet of "Sun Xingzhe", and asked the candidates to correct the pairs. Mr. Chen's self-made answer to this couplet is " Zu Chongzhi ". "Ancestor" and "Sun" are opposite, which is a pair of surnames and seniority. "Chong" versus "Xing" are both actions; "Zhi" versus "Zhi" is the so-called "Zhi". This is okay for nature.

The level of the candidates at that time was different. Some were good at Zhu Bajie , and some were good at Sha Wujing . Most of them handed in blank papers. It is said that only Mr. Zhou Zumo came out against Hu Shi. Mr. Chen was very happy after seeing it. He believed that "hozens are apes, and the pronunciation of 'walker' and 'suit' can be related to each other." Later, Mr. Zhou Zumo was admitted and became a famous linguist.

Liu Wendian

3. Southwest Associated University Avoiding enemy air attacks, the alliance

acted according to the opportunity;

was buried in peace.

According to records in books such as "Returning from the South to the North" and " Rumors and Anecdotes of Liu Wendian", during the Anti-Japanese War, Mr. Chen moved to the Southwest Associated University with the school. At that time, the Japanese invaders had frequent air raids. When the teachers heard the air raid sirens, everyone He quickly ran to a nearby air raid shelter. Chen Yinke then had an idea and wrote this couplet. The two sentences in this couplet are both idioms, but with a double entendre, acting when an opportunity arises has turned into taking action quickly when seeing an airplane, and hiding in the ground has turned into hiding in an underground air-raid shelter to be safe, which is full of fun. .

Here is a tidbit from that time. Once everyone was fleeing to avoid a Japanese aircraft attack. When Shen Congwen passed by Liu Wendian, Liu Wendian was furious and cursed: "Chen Yinque ran to preserve the essence of the country, and I ran to preserve "Zhuangzi" 》;Students are running to preserve the cultural fire, but you are of no use. Why run if you follow me?


4. Script presented to Wu Milian

If the rain does not come, the rain will come again;

His life is uncertain! Rest in this life.

This couplet was sent by Chen Yinke to his friend Wu Mi (also known as Yusheng) in the 1930s. Wu Mi pursued Mao Yanwen in his early years, and Mao Yanwen later married Xiong Xiling, who was "a pear tree crushing begonias". The first couplet shows Du Fu , and the second couplet shows Li Shangyin ; the upper couplet embeds the word "rain" twice, and the second couplet embeds two characters. The word "生" means "Yusheng" is Wu Mi's character.This couplet refers to the fact that Wu Mixin’s pursuit of his wife is not enough, and his old wife is divorced. It’s really uncertain whether he will end his life or not!

Luo Jialun

5. Gift Luo Jialun couplet

does not understand family law, scientific metaphysics;

is incoherent, Chinese and Western.

After the success of the Northern Expedition, in 1928, the Nationalist Government sent Luo Jialun to be the first president of Tsinghua University. After Luo took office, he first visited Chen Yinke and presented him with his new book "Science and Metaphysics". Chen flipped through it and did this on a whim. This couplet embedded the word "Jialun" in the subject, with a double entendre, "not familiar with family law", which seemed to be derogatory, but actually praised Luo Jialun's scientific knowledge, which was a new style. figure. "The language is incoherent" is also a compliment to Luo Jialun's knowledge of both Chinese and Western studies, his desire to advance before restraint, and his writing is also very exciting.

Mr. and Mrs. Chen Yinke

6. Self-elegiac couplet

Weeping to Niu Yi, even for eight years, it is a history of heartbreak;

It is difficult for a disabled person to hide, and Jiuquan will wait for a while and the eyes will be dry.

This is a couplet between Chen Ziwan and his wife who was seriously ill. The first couplet describes the deep love between husband and wife. Looking back on the forty years of experience, they feel heartbroken. The second couplet says that looking at the disabled body, it is difficult to get rid of the chaos of the world. The wife under the nine springs, wait for a moment for me, a husband who is blinded by crying. The two died shortly after.

Wang Guowei

7. Save the Kingdom of Wei

After seventeen years, the soul of the family and the country has been lost, and there are still water and mountains left, leaving them with the ministers to die;

Five thousand toothpicks, new hands, unexamined, strange characters, false inheritance Life is doubly painful.

After Wang Guowei died, he left a suicide note and gave his books to Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen made this couplet. The first couplet describes Wang Guowei's mentality of jumping into the lake and died, and the second couplet describes Wang Guowei's academic achievements. "Jiaguo" refers to the Qing Dynasty, which was overthrown by the Revolution of 1911. "The remaining water and the remaining mountains" refers to the Summer Palace. "Leichen" refers to Qu Yuan, also known as Wang Guowei. "Toothpick" refers to classics, and "Xuanwen Qizi" refers to Wang Guowei's achievements in oracle bone inscriptions, ancient Chinese prose, and poetry, which are very wonderful.

Xu Dishan

8. The couplet of Xu Dishan

The personnel are extremely troublesome, Gao Zhai invites guests, Xiaosi belongs to the literary world, and the mind is dark and dark, and I don’t realize it; .

Xu Dishan was a good friend of Chen Yinke. He died in 1941. Mr. Chen often used the word "Jin Dian" in this elegiac couplet. The "Xiao Temple belongs to the text" in the first couplet means that Xu Dishan liked to stay in quiet temples to read and write. His frequent visits included places in Hong Kong. Temples in Castle Peak and Lantau Island. What the second couplet mentions is that Chen Yinke entrusted his wife and daughter to Xu Dishan. The whole couplet is neat and tidy, and the classics contain modern classics. It's very exciting!

