Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Zhang Ao and correspondent Du Ying tried on clothes and took pictures in volunteer uniforms for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics; Gacha blind box to draw your own Xicheng badge; AR enhancement, in In front of the tomb of Martyr Gao Junyu, h

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Zhang Ao and correspondent Du Ying

somatosensory fitting, put on the 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics volunteer uniforms to take photos; Gacha blind box, draw your own West City Badge; AR enhanced, "talk" with martyr Gao Junyu through the mobile phone in front of the tomb of Gao Junyu ... In the golden month of July, in Taoranting Park, "the party flag points to the direction of the regiment flag - 100 years of Xicheng youth working hard with the party "Year" themed digital exhibition leads the audience to experience "Youth on Fire".

2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. Over the past 100 years, batches of Xicheng young people have worked with the Party and forged ahead with the Party, writing Xicheng’s shining youth chapters in the century-old Party history. Recently, the Xicheng District Committee of the Communist Youth League, in conjunction with the Propaganda Department of the Xicheng District Committee, the Party History Office of the Xicheng District Committee, Taoranting Street and Taoranting Park, planned and launched a theme exhibition, which was held in Taoran, where the tomb of martyr Gao Junyu, the first secretary of the Beijing Socialist Youth League, is The pavilion park was launched to unite and lead the young people to firmly follow the party and make contributions in a new era.

According to reports, the exhibition has three exhibition areas: Mercy Temple , Martyr Gao Junyu’s Tomb and the Central Indoor Exhibition. Through historical pictures, cultural relics and historical materials, audio and video, virtual reality and other exhibition forms, the exhibition reviews and displays the century-old struggle of the Xicheng Youth League members.

The central exhibition area is located in the northwest exhibition hall in the park. The exhibition hall covers an area of ​​about 400 square meters. It is divided into four parts: "Awakening", "Advance", "Pioneering" and "Struggle". It takes the four periods of the century-old party history as the axis, and through pictures, texts, Physical objects, digital technology and other means have three-dimensionally and vividly demonstrated the four periods of the new democratic revolution, the socialist revolution and construction period, the reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction period, and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the leadership of the party, a generation of Xicheng youths have continued their glorious journey of striving to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The

exhibition also focuses on the characteristics of young people, integrates digital technology, and specially sets up a "scene restoration photo area". Through taking photos and other forms, the audience can have a dialogue with history and engage in immersive interactive communication.

technology has injected a new sense of perception into this exhibition. The glorious century-old history of the Xicheng Communist Youth League and the majority of youth members who have worked hard with the party has been extended to the infinite digital space through the power of technology.

Taoranting Park South Gate, Mercy Temple, Gao Junyu Martyr’s Tomb, Exhibition Hall and other points along the way were based on the existing sites, breaking the limitations of physical space, conducting high-precision scanning and data collection, and replicating a scene that is the same as the real scene The virtual space uses AR technology to combine the virtual and the real to combine the three-dimensional model and the real landscape into one, further expanding the content of the visit, allowing the audience to seamlessly superimpose the AR effect in real time during the visit to achieve a three-dimensional immersion. visit experience.

It is reported that the exhibition will last until July 20. In addition, the exhibition launched a themed online VR panoramic exhibition. Young members of the group can experience it by scanning the QR code on the poster without leaving home, and experience the immersive VR panoramic experience. In the next step, the Youth League Committee will also launch thematic youth group courses in conjunction with the exhibition to further experience the special power of young people to advance with the party.

Photo courtesy of Xicheng District Propaganda Department