She was the first imperial concubine in the history of the Qing Dynasty and the love of Emperor Shunzhi's life. Emperor Shunzhi was crazy about her and became a monk for her. What is her charm that made Emperor Shunzhi love her so much? What kind of person is Concubine Dong E? To

She was the first imperial concubine in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and was the love of Emperor Shunzhi's life. Emperor Shunzhi was crazy about her and became a monk for her. What was her charm that made Emperor Shunzhi fall in love with her so much? , what kind of person was Concubine Dong E in history? Today we will talk about this topic.

Concubine Dong E, a native of Zhengbai Banner in Manchuria, the daughter of minister E Shuo , was first named Xian Fei when she entered the palace at the age of 18. Yes, you heard it right. She was 18 years old. The age of draft in the Qing Dynasty was 13 to 16 years old. Years old, 18-year-old Dong E's is indeed relatively old compared to other show girls, but there is nothing we can do about it. Who stopped her from entering the palace through normal means?

Speaking of her love with Shunzhi , it was like a real one. The ancient version of the domineering emperor fell in love with me. The domineering emperor Shunzhi fell in love with Dong E at a banquet at first sight. However, Dong E, who was 18 years old at this time, Dong E's family has been married for a long time. Who is Dong E's husband?

There have always been two theories about the identity of Dong E's first husband. The most common one is that Dong E was originally Shunzhi's half-brother, Bomu Boguoer's wife, and Bomu Bogooer was also the wife of Shunzhi. Shunzhi robbed Dong E's family and died. The second theory is that Dong E's family was originally the wife of a Manchu army flag officer.

was spotted by Shunzhi at a banquet. After the officer learned about it, he went home and reprimanded Dong E. After Shunzhi found out about it, he slapped the officer in public. The officer died of shame and anger. After that, Dong E entered the palace and became his concubine. These two theories are still inconclusive, but what is certain is that Dong E did marry before entering the palace.

The average age for aristocratic women in the Qing Dynasty was 15 years old, and Dong E was already 18 years old when she entered the palace. It is impossible for a noble girl from a prominent family to be unmarried, but it remains to be verified who she married. So such a Why did a married woman win the favor of Shunzhi? Could it be that Shunzhi’s idol was Cao Cao ?

Beauty has always been the standard for concubines, and the same is true for the Dong E family. But compared with other harem women, she also has a unique charm. Dong E, as a Manchu surname, means a kind of beautiful grass growing by the water. , just like her surname, Dong E's beauty is gentle and non-aggressive.

Due to her father's job transfer, Dong E grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. Not only does she not have the sass and boldness of a Manchu woman, but she has more of the softness of a woman from the south of the Yangtze River. Who can not like such a fragile interpreter flower? ?

What's more, this interpreter flower is also very talented. Dong E lived with his father in Suzhou and Hangzhou since he was a child. He received a good education from an early age and read various Confucian classics. He knew all the four books and five classics, played chess, calligraphy and painting. It was easy to pick up, and today it would be a seed player that every famous school needs to compete for.

Jiangnan cultivated her soft appearance, and poems and books further enriched her talents. Although Dong E is just a grass by the river, she has the tenacity of pampas grass . Isn't such a beautiful and strong little Baihua... Tailor-made for the domineering emperor, how could Shunzhi not fall in love with it after seeing it?

The emperor doesn’t care whether you are a wife or not, so bring it to you. Dong E entered the palace and became Concubine Dong E. In the thirteenth year of Shunzhi (1656), Dong E entered the palace and was named a virtuous concubine. She was promoted in a month. As an imperial concubine, the speed of promotion is unparalleled.

Concubine Dong E, who got a promotion and a salary increase, did not become arrogant because of her favor. Instead, she took the overall situation into consideration, always thought of others, served thoughtfully and often advised Shunzhi, and often advised Shunzhi to go to other concubines' palaces. Over time, Shunzhi became even more fascinated by her. , but as an emperor, would Shunzhi really fall in love with a woman just because of this?

As an emperor, how could Shunzhi be easily impressed by a woman? What is the unknown reason for this? In addition to his own charm, Dong E's favor is also inseparable from Shunzhi's growing environment.

Although Shunzhi came to the throne at the age of 6, his uncle Dorgon was always in power. Although he took charge after Dorgon's death, he did not fully control the court. In order to expand his power and secure the throne under his buttocks, , he had to make a woman he didn't like his queen.

The concubines in the harem are all Manchu and Mongolian women. Manchu and Mongolian women are free and bold, but Shunzhi doesn't like this one. It may be because of the genes of his father Huang Tai Chi . He also likes women who are as gentle as water and regard their husbands as their heaven. , but there is no one of this type in his harem. The concubines in the harem don't like it, and the former ministers are disobedient.

Just imagine, after a hard day's work, the plan that I thought was a good one was ruthlessly rejected by my subordinates. Finally, when I got off work, my mother Xiaozhuang still kept nagging in my ears that I didn't want to do it. Who can stand it when you are mature and disobedient, and your wife is still showing off even when you want to sleep?

What's more, Shunzhi is still the emperor. He is rich all over the world, but he is unable to change the status quo. Amidst all these dissatisfactions, he suddenly sees someone who meets his expectations in everything. It's not just her who must set the old house on fire. In this way, Concubine Dong E became his entire passion.

Moreover, Shunzhi was an outlier among the emperors. He had too much romance and melancholy in his heart that an emperor should not have. He liked poetry and songs, and Dong E could write poems and sing with him. He was devoted to monk Zen, and Dong E was even more fond of poetry. He has a unique understanding of Zen. In this deep palace, Dong E is the only person who understands and supports him. How could Shunzhi not love Dong E like this.