On January 20, 1938, Liu Xiang, the "King of Sichuan" who led the army out of Sichuan to fight the Japanese in a high-profile manner, died in Hankou International Hospital. Indeed, Liu Xiang had suffered from stomach problems for many years. He had tried both traditional Chinese

On January 20, 1938, the "King of Sichuan" Liu Xiang, who led the army out of Sichuan to fight the Japanese in a high-profile manner, died in Hankou International Hospital. The official propaganda has been that Liu Xiang died of illness.

Liu Xiang

Indeed, Liu Xiang has suffered from stomach problems for many years. He has tried both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and even Daxian'er and Taoist , but he has never been able to cure it.

But there have been rumors that Liu Xiang did not die of illness. So how did he die? There are two theories in the market:

One is the "frightened to death theory"

In 1936, Chen Jitang and Li Zongren were electrified to rebel against Chiang Kai-shek. Liu Xiang secretly ordered the Sichuan troops to gather in Chengdu and Chongqing. At the same time, he wanted to find out what Chiang Kai-shek was saying. He urgently ordered Deng Hanxiang to go to Lushan to see Chiang Kai-shek and test Chiang Kai-shek's attitude toward Sichuan in an insidious manner so as to decide on a countermeasure. Chiang Kai-shek said: " Liu Fucheng (characterized by Liu Xiang) had evil intentions and mobilized troops at night to support Chen Jitang's rebellion. I am very clear about his every move!"

Chen Jitang left Li Zongren right

I learned that Chiang Kai-shek had this attitude , After that, Liu Xiang was deeply afraid, knowing that he could not defeat Chiang Kai-shek, especially his military commander , who was famous for assassinations. Chiang Kai-shek often made assassination lists and gave them to and Dai Li. As long as his name was on the list, he would basically die.

Dai Li left Chiang Kai-shek right

After the July 7th Incident broke out, Liu Xiang led his army out of Sichuan to fight the war, hoping to avoid the shame of the warlords' melee. When he arrived in Nanjing on November 12, the Songhu Anti-Japanese War had been defeated, and the Japanese army was approaching Nanjing in three directions. Liu Xiang understood that Nanjing could not be defended. Using tens of thousands of Sichuan soldiers as cannon fodder and being accused of "losing the capital" would not be worth the gain. So he excused himself and said, "Commitment, I just came here. I don't know where the team is yet. I'll go find out about it right away and then report back." Zi fainted.

When Chiang Kai-shek saw Liu Xiang like this, he first sent Liu Xiang to Hankou International Hospital, and then took Liu Xiang's concurrent post as commander-in-chief of the 23rd Army and let his subordinate Tang Shizun take over.

Liu Xiang didn't know it yet, but when he saw Tang Shizun coming to ask for the seal, he felt uncomfortable and said, "Zijin (Tang Shizun), if you want to do it, tell me and I will report it."

Tang Shizun

Liu Xiang Xiang was sent to Ward No. 1 of the Wanguo Hospital in Hankou, Hankou, where he secretly contacted the anti-Chiang factions. Dai Li immediately opened the third ward next to Liu Xiang and let Fan Shaozeng, who had a problem with Liu Xiang, move in and secretly monitor Liu Xiang.

A few days later, Pan Yinjiu, a regiment leader of Fan Shaozeng's old department, came back from the front and said to Fan Shaozeng: "I went to Liu Xiang's staff office to see my old friend Xu Siping. I entered the office. Xu Siping was concentrating on writing orders. , I stood behind him and took a peek, and saw the order asking Wang Zuanxu to lead two divisions out of Sichuan and occupy Yichang. When Xu found me standing behind him, he hurriedly covered the order. He said he was writing a letter to his family. "

Fan Shaozeng

At that time, Han Fuju was afraid that Chiang Kai-shek would destroy his army in the name of the war of resistance, and he was also afraid that Chiang Kai-shek would kill people with a knife and let the Japanese army destroy his strength, so he led his troops to abandon the Jinpu Line and retreat. Go to Xiangfan area. He did not expect that the retreat would give Chiang Kai-shek the excuse to kill him.

Fan Shaozeng reported the secret contact between Liu Xiang and Han Fuju to the Executive Yuan Kong Xiangxi. Kong Xiangxi immediately reported to Chiang Kai-shek. On January 12, 1938, Chiang Kai-shek arrested Han Fuju at the meeting "in the name of convening a meeting of military officers" in Kaifeng, China.

On the evening of January 19, Chief of Staff He Yingqin came to Hankou International Hospital carrying the secret messages between Liu Xiang and Han Fuju that had been intercepted and deciphered by Dai Li.

He Yingqin

He Yingqin told Liu Xiang with a straight face: "Han Fuju has been imprisoned!"

Liu Xiang was startled and pretended to be confused and asked: "Why?"

"Pa!" He Yingqin threw the folder with the secret code at the On the table, he said: "Look at what this is!"

After seeing it, Liu Xiang was horrified and at a loss. He Yingqin talked with him for a long time, then stood up and left. Soon, Liu Xiang vomited blood and fell unconscious. Liu Xiang died in Hankou the next day.

This is how Liu Xiang conspired with various warlords and was frightened to death when the matter was exposed.

Second, "Poison Theory"

After Liu Xiang's death, his wife Zhou Yushu immediately flew to Hankou to personally inspect Liu Xiang's body. But before the coffin could be transported, she flew back to Chengdu ahead of everyone else.

The next day, she held a banquet at home and invited thirty or forty people including Liu Xiang's cronies and subordinate division, brigade, and regimental leaders. After all the guests had arrived, Zhou Yushu was seen walking into the living room wearing sackcloth and mourning. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "The guests I invited today are all the best friends and subordinates of the supervisor (Liu Xiang) during his lifetime. The supervisor was poisoned by Chairman Chiang, and I hope you will avenge him."

Zhou Yushu left Liu Xiang right

She did not believe that Liu Xiang would die of illness. The day before in Hankou, she saw with her own eyes that there were purple and blue wounds on Liu Xiang's body. The divergent opinions and grief deepened her doubts about the cause of Liu Xiang's death.

But suspicion is suspicion after all. After Liu Xiang's death, the situation was no longer under the control of the Liu family. How easy is it for a female prostitute to find evidence of an assassination carefully arranged by a secret agent? Proceeding from the overall situation of national unity in the war of resistance, important people in Sichuan persuaded Zhou Yushu to deal with it carefully, and the matter gradually calmed down.

In fact, since Liu Xiang was admitted to the hospital, Dai Li not only arranged for Fan Shaozeng to live next door to him for surveillance, but also bribed the nurse responsible for caring for Liu Xiang.

That day, Dai Li's agents took the nurse to a remote corner while she was off work and asked: "The person you are looking after (Liu Xiang) is a butcher with blood on his hands. Now there are righteous people who are offering a lot of money to get rid of him." Are you willing to kill this bad guy?" When the nurse heard this, she was very frightened and thought, "How could such a murder happen to me? It's really unlucky." She hesitated and didn't know what to do. measures.

When she was confused, the spy added: "After such a glorious and righteous deed, I will not treat you badly in terms of money, status or any other aspect. If you don't agree, now that you know about it, you know the consequences..." Stop staring at her with vicious eyes.

After hearing this, the nurse had no choice but to agree and took the poison prepared by the agent in advance.

After that, every time she gave Liu Xiang medicine, she would replace the stomach medicine with poison. This kind of poison would not cause much harm to normal people, but for Liu Xiang, who had chronic stomach problems and vomited blood, it would be fatal within two days. It happened that He Yingqin came to confront him that day. Liu Xiang was frightened and stimulated. He was drenched in cold sweat, had stomach cramps, vomited blood one after another, filled a spittoon, and then returned to the west...