I know Pingxiang, Jiangxi because of Anyuan, the painting of a great man walking among the mountains with an umbrella. Autumn Harvest Uprising Square is located in the city, not far from Pingxiang Station. The Autumn Harvest Uprising Monument is built in the center of the Autumn

knows Pingxiang, Jiangxi because of Anyuan, the painting of a great man walking among the mountains with an umbrella.

Autumn Harvest Uprising Square

The square is in the city, not far from Pingxiang Station .

The Autumn Harvest Uprising Monument is built in the center of the Autumn Harvest Uprising Square.

There is an inscription on the front of the base, and reliefs on the other three sides.

"Red Light in Zhangjiawan"

"Moving to Jinggang"

The back of the monument is " Xijiang Moon·Autumn Harvest Uprising"

Xijiang Moon·Autumn Harvest Uprising

The army is called the workers' and peasants' revolution, and its flag is sickle and axe.

We should not stop at Kuanglu area, but go straight to Xiaoxiang.

The landlords are heavily oppressed, and the peasants all share the same hatred.

During the autumn harvest season, dusk clouds are sad, and there is a riot with a thunderbolt.

Below the monument is the Pingxiang Exhibition Hall of the Autumn Harvest Uprising

The border between Hunan and Jiangxi was turbulent that year.

When the wind goes smoothly, there will be no waves, and when the wind goes against the wind, there will be no fear.

Wearing stars and moon, chanting and walking.

The Autumn Harvest Uprising gave birth to the first party flag

Anyuan Road Miners' Movement Memorial Hall

Anyuan Road Miners' Movement Memorial Hall is located in Anyuan Town, Anyuan District, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, 6 kilometers away from Pingxiang City urban area.

In the autumn and winter of 1921, teachers visited Anyuan twice to investigate and publicize the work to the workers.

Inside the museum, there are reliefs depicting underground coal mining.

The popular oil painting back then

In that passionate era, it attracted countless heroes to bow down!

The former site of the Miners Club on Anyuan Road

A hundred years have passed, and the world has changed.

History tells us a lot

The former site of Anyuan Road Miners’ Tutorial Night School

A new era, a new journey.

Experience the working environment of the old seniors

I left Pingxiang and ended the Pingxiang Red Mark journey.

Buddha said:

Death is not losing life, but walking out of time.

There is nothing to lose in life, we are just passing by.

The road is at our own feet.

Where to go, no one can decide our direction,

only ourselves.