People all over the world saw from newspapers the "too conspicuous" Stars and Stripes banner and the relaxed look on MacArthur's face at the "Return Ceremony". It should be said that Syngman Rhee did have mixed emotions at the time.

Syngman Rhee and MacArthur

On September 29, 1950, MacArthur and Syngman Rhee returned to Seoul together. At the "Returning the Capital Ceremony", Rhee had mixed feelings. People all over the world saw from newspapers the "too conspicuous" Stars and Stripes banner and the relaxed look on MacArthur's face at the "Return Ceremony". People all over the world also heard Syngman Rhee say on the radio: "My eternal gratitude..., I don't know what language to express it..."

United Nations Commander-in-Chief MacArthur

It should be said that Rhee Syngman It was really a mixed bag at the time. The turbulent situation in the Korean War and the changes in his personal political future in South Korea caught him off guard. In fact, his fate had always been in the hands of others, making him feel like he had been on the most thrilling and dangerous journey in the world from June to September. The roller coaster with the most twists and turns and the biggest drop.

On this day, the United Nations forces led by the United States stepped on the 38th line.

Celebration of the first anniversary of the founding of New China

Faced with this situation in North Korea, China’s leadership is deeply entangled. Even at the celebration of the first anniversary of the founding of New China on October 1, they sang and danced with the festive masses in action, but But my heart has been shrouded in worry. Although everyone attending the celebration knew that war had broken out in North Korea, they generally believed that this war was really far away from them.

Before deciding to send troops, China had expressed on many occasions that it would "not let the situation develop without taking action." However, in the eyes of American think tanks, this was nothing more than a bluff. Americans believe that the Chinese themselves have not stood firm, so they have no extra strength to help North Korea. Later facts proved that to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and indeed allowed China to gain a firm foothold in the world.

As the situation develops, a decision must be made immediately whether to send troops to North Korea. At this time, the opinions of the Chinese leadership cannot be unified. Lin Biao was ill, so he decided to send Peng Dehuai to Beijing for discussion.

Marshal Peng Dehuai

In 1935, Chairman Mao once specifically praised Peng Dehuai, "Who can make a sword with a sword, but I am General Peng." Just from this sentence, it can be seen that Peng Dehuai's military capabilities are very few.

On October 4, 1950, Peng Dehuai came to Beijing. The accompanying secretary held the Great Northwest Construction Plan in his hand. Mr. Peng also did not expect that this time he was asked not only to listen to his construction plan, but to go abroad to fight.

Marshal Lin Biao

Peng Dehuai came to the conference room of Zhongnanhai, and the meeting to discuss whether to send troops was in progress. The depressing atmosphere made Peng Dehuai glance around the venue and found a place to sit down without saying hello to anyone. In this meeting with obvious differences, Peng Dehuai gradually sorted out his thinking.

’s objections to sending troops mainly focus on these aspects. Years of war have left New China in poverty, and the wounds left by the war are in urgent need of treatment. The national economy, whether heavy industry or light industry, is either nonexistent or extremely exhausted, and fiscal revenue is even more stretched. These have put a lot of pressure on the new people's power.

Also, remote areas, some coastal islands and Taiwan have not yet been liberated. There are still more than one million remaining Kuomintang troops in these places. The people's political power in some places is not even stable, and they are often counterattacked and harassed by reactionary forces.

Furthermore, there are still many areas where the land reform work has not been completed or even started, and the new political power established has not yet been consolidated. The most important thing is that when going to North Korea to participate in the war, the opponent is the powerful United States, which is not an opponent at all in terms of national strength, especially heavy industry. Compared with the United States, it is a world of difference.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen

There is another reason that needs to be taken into consideration, and that is the military's weariness with war. In response, Nie Rongzhen, Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission and Acting Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, said: "It is best not to fight this war unless it is absolutely necessary."

The main opinion of the participants who supported participating in the war was that there were a large number of United Nations troops beside the Yalu River, which would definitely involve a lot of energy of New China.

"The lip is dead and the tooth is cold" is an unavoidable problem. This ancient story is well-known in China and has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people as a basic principle for maintaining their own security and a pragmatic security principle for handling international affairs.

Chairman Mao's speech at the meeting made this clear: "You all have reasons for what you said, but our neighboring countries are in a critical moment. We stand by and watch. No matter how we say it, we feel sad."

Peng Dehuai in the conference room He just listened silently and did not express his thoughts.

After the meeting, Mao Zedong asked the fiery general to think about it all night. That night, Peng Dehuai tossed and turned, the opinions from various meetings colliding back and forth in his mind, and he did not sleep a wink the entire night.

On the morning of October 5, Deng Xiaoping went to pick up Peng Dehuai from his residence in accordance with Chairman Mao’s wishes, and together they went to Chairman Mao’s residence in Zhongnanhai. As soon as Chairman Mao saw Peng Dehuai, he quickly asked him how he was thinking about it. Peng Dehuai immediately expressed his thoughtful opinion in a loud and clear voice: It is urgent to go abroad to fight in Korea.

The enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau continued to be held in the afternoon, and the differences and fierceness from yesterday continued at the meeting.

Gao Gang

At that time, he was the Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Secretary of the Northeast Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the Northeast Military and Political Commission, and Commander and Political Commissar of the Northeast Military Region. Gao Gang was because the Northeast region he governed was close to North Korea, so he was very important to The attitude of whether to send troops to North Korea is very important.

Gao Gang firmly opposed sending troops. The reason was that the new China was in desperate need of revitalization. In addition, the civil war had not yet completely ended, and the national finances were also stretched. Compared with the US military, the equipment was much inferior. If the defeat outweighed the gains, it would be best to The best way is to strengthen the defense of the Northeast region and actively defend, so as to cope with the ever-changing situation with stability.

Premier Zhou looked like when he was young

As soon as Gao Gang finished speaking, Zhou Enlai immediately asked him: "The border between China and North Korea is more than 1,000 kilometers. If we defend year after year, how many troops must be deployed? Every year in How much does it cost to defend?”

Peng Dehuai expressed his opinion at this time: It is necessary to send troops to North Korea. If the United States occupies North Korea, it will be a huge threat to China in the Yalu River and Taiwan Strait . He can fight whenever he wants. In this way, The threat comes not from one direction but from two directions, making it more difficult to deal with. Therefore, it is better to fight early than to fight late. If the war is defeated, it will mean that the liberation war will be won a few years later. This will help win the support of domestic and foreign forces and fight against reaction. The forces and pro-American forces are very necessary.

Chairman Mao strongly agreed with Mr. Peng’s opinion.

Chairman Mao finally concluded. It is an indisputable fact that there are currently various difficulties in the country. We are also facing entanglement from anti-China and anti-socialist forces internationally. But now it is the Americans who want to hammer nails into our heads. This is Challenge our bottom line, so this battle must be fought! We must overcome all difficulties and prioritize sending troops to North Korea. Our troops must cross the Yalu River before the United Nations troops enter Pyongyang!

The meeting decided that Peng Dehuai would serve as the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the combat forces entering North Korea, and he would work with the North Korean military and civilians to fight against US imperialism and its lackeys.

Chinese People’s Volunteers Chest Badge

On October 8, the title of the combat troops entering North Korea was officially determined, and the “Chinese People’s Volunteers” was born.

#True Knowledge New Coordinates# At this point, the Americans’ nightmare is about to begin, and the lingering shadow of the U.S. military is about to fall. Even now, Americans like to make war movies so much. They have filmed themes of the US military on the European battlefield over and over again. They have explored all the themes of ordinary US soldiers in such grand historical scenes, but they have never filmed a complete show. Korean war movie. From this perspective, the United States has a very unified understanding of the immortal contributions of the Chinese People’s Volunteers.