Summarizing the coincidences that have occurred in history, it is difficult to describe them in three words: dramatic. The magical moments in history are so coincidental that they look like a bad script written by a bad screenwriter. However, in the eyes of some history enthusias


The coincidence that happened in history is difficult to describe in three words: dramatic. The magical moments in history, all coincidentally look like a bad script written by a bad screenwriter.

However, in the eyes of some history enthusiasts, history is not magical enough. There are many magical scenes that have never happened in their imaginations. If there can be a Guan Gong battle Qin Qiong , , then there must be a lot of fun and people will smile.

In recent years, there has been a popular discussion on the Internet. What would happen if Alexander did not stop after attacking India and went all the way east to collide with China at that time?

The undefeated military god

Although it is impossible for such a thing to happen in real life, we can create a parallel time and space and use imagination to set up a war between the East and the West at that time.

Before making assumptions, we must first understand Alexander, and what period China was in during Alexander's time.

Alexander's life is easy to understand: A young hero, the first European emperor, a famous figure in military history.

Before Alexander inherited the throne, his homeland Macedonia was already the dominant Greece at that time. In the words of Macedonian enemies, Macedonia is a place where demons live, and everyone who lives in it is a demon who does all kinds of evil. With its strong military strength, Macedon defeated the decaying Athens and Sparta.

Therefore, the Macedonia that Alexander took over was a country with strong military strength and a status that was superior to other city-states. The people of his country practice martial arts, and their military qualities are quite extraordinary.

However, Macedonia like is still not enough to compete with Persia . Although Persia has long passed its peak, it is still quite confident in dealing with Macedonia. The Persians saw the chaos in Greece and had long had the idea of ​​occupying Greece and becoming the king of the west.

And Alexander is worthy of being regarded as a military god in the West.

Even if the enemy was several times greater than himself, Alexander had no fear in his heart. He used his position as leader to directly arrange for various city-states to send troops. Under Alexander's arrangement, a Greek coalition full of contradictions fought across the sea and began direct contact with the Persian army.

After many battles, the war completely turned to Alexander's side. The Persian army was retreating steadily. No matter how outstanding a general he was, he became the remnants of history in front of Alexander's army.

After taking over the main force of the Persian army, Alexander did not stop his conquests. He continued to lead his troops to march eastward, hoping to take all the city-states surrendered to Persia into his own hands.

As his territory grows larger, his imagination of distant places becomes more and more abundant. Eventually, he reached India. At this time, his empire had spanned three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.

In India, Alexander stopped. His army was already exhausted. Simply , Alexander made Babylon his capital, shifting the focus of the empire from developing territories to internal governance. His series of measures proved his outstanding ability to prevent the emerging empire from chaos.

From the beginning of commanding the army until his death, Alexander can be said to have never experienced failure in his life.The only ones in the ancient East who could compete with Alexander were Baiqi and Sun Tzu.

Such a character is naturally able to arouse everyone's imagination. If such a strongman comes to China, will he reap the benefits?

Alexander's Expedition vs Warring States Period Soldiers

Unfortunately, if Alexander came to China at that time and ignored problems such as acclimatization, Alexander would probably have won.

China in the third century BC was exactly in the Warring States period. China at this period was not yet the era of the rise of and in the Qin Dynasty. The most powerful one is Wei Guo which is at its peak.

Analyze from a tactical perspective. Although chariot tactics have gradually faded out of the stage of history at this time, in some countries, chariot tactics are still the mainstream tactic. The representative arm of this period was the Wei Wu soldiers of the Wei State..

Therefore, in a simple comparison, the best way is to use Wei soldiers to collide with Alexander's army.

Wei Wuzu's tactics are very simple, they are typical heavy infantry tactics. Carefully selected soldiers put on heavy armor and fought against the enemy according to their organization.

This army created by Wu Qi was unique in China at the time. When facing a chariot, Wei Wuzu used his flexibility to manipulate the enemy at the palm of his hand.

Although there are such powerful Wei soldiers, we must consider one thing, that is, Can the heavy armored infantry resist Alexander's army?

The answer is, is difficult.

Long before Wei Wu died, there was already a famous heavy armored infantry unit in the West - the Spartan warriors . With similar training methods and no equipment beyond the times, it can be considered that the combat power of Wei soldiers is quite close to that of Spartan warriors.

Alexander's troops were killed by stepping on the heads of Spartan warriors. The phalanx of the Macedonian army was specially designed to deal with heavy armored cavalry and heavy armored warriors.

It can be said that when the two fight, the one who suffers must be Wei Wuzu. Unless a revelation comes from heaven at this moment, allows Wei Wuzu to understand the essence of the Roman phalanx. Otherwise, Alexander's army is likely to suffer heavy losses.

So, was it possible for the Chinese army to defeat Alexander at that time?

This is possible. However, this also requires a prerequisite: the unity of all countries. If all countries could unite, their manpower and material resources would not be comparable to Alexander's army.


Of course, this kind of cross-time and space-style battle between Guan Gong and Qin Qiong is meaningless. After all, before modern times, there was no real large-scale conflict between Chinese and Western armies. It was not until the end of the Ming Dynasty that the army led by Zheng Chenggong had its first large-scale conflict with the Dutch army.

In the final analysis, the reason why netizens are keen on this kind of discussion is that there is still a layer of cultural lack of confidence. If the culture is confident, why bother discussing the scene of Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong?