Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, the King of England asked Adam Smith, why do people like you who do not produce, work, or create wealth dare to say that you can make the country rich and strong? Adam Smith replied, 'Transactions themselves create wealth. The more transa

Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, the King of England asked Adam Smith, why do people like you who do not produce, do not work, and do not create wealth dare to say that you can make the country rich and strong?

Adam Smith replied, 'Transactions themselves will create wealth. The more transactions there are, the more wealth there will be. Listening to people like us and continuing to promote transactions will naturally make the country rich and powerful. Of course I don’t know whether this story of ’

is true or false. After all, I myself read it from an article written by a man named Ou a long time ago. There is still a possibility that it is purely fabricated.

But regardless of whether the story itself is true or false, this witty answer always wins people's hearts and is flexibly used by simple people.

For example, for a stockholder, or to be more polite, an investor, someone will often ask him with bad intentions or good intentions, "If you trade stocks every day and don't work, even if you make money, what impact will it have on society?" , What significance does it have for the country and mankind? "

Stock investors a few years ago may have been faced with this question and couldn't answer it. They could only talk about charity and give back to the society in the future, and then cover their faces. And go.

But things have changed in recent years. They will answer you openly. Although their behavior of stir-frying is different from stir-frying and cannot produce anything edible, the meaning is far greater than cooking at home. Because their behavior, although on the surface, is no different from playing mahjong or fighting landlords. But in essence, in a small way, it is to support a certain industry in the country and to support the rise and revitalization of certain domestic products. In a big way, it is to support the progress of human technological civilization and to add fuel to the shining stars of mankind.

When they buy breeding stocks for 100 yuan, they create pig farms one after another, three- or four-yuan sows one after another, guiding countless funds to support the breeding industry and satisfy the needs of the country and the country. food security of the people.

When they buy electric vehicle stocks for 100 yuan, it is breaking the Western monopoly on the heavy automobile industry. It is a counterattack against the entire industry chain. It is green, development, ecology, technology, automation, artificial intelligence An ode to . His 100 yuan will become the fatal screw that defeats Yilong.

Don't look, in your eyes, it's just a click of the mouse, a stroke of the finger. However, between talking, laughing and looking around, it is the sparkle of human science and technology, the endless wealth that supports the progress of the entire civilization, and a small amount of stock investors. , but it is a big step forward in social value. . . . . Does this statement of

make sense? Of course it makes sense! Is this a good answer? Of course!

So, as the saying goes, a jade can be harvested from a mountain of stones. Can we apply this experience to other fields? After all, there must be many people like the author who are always questioned and ridiculed as having no real meaning in many things they do in reality.

For example, posting headlines, public accounts, etc., and posting seemingly meaningless and nutritious verbal articles, daily micro-headlines, even if they make money (although the author did not make money, because no one read it), Many people will definitely ask, if you just type every day, even if you make money to support yourself, what significance and wealth value have you created for the country and society?

Although from Adam Smith to Friedman , countless experts and scholars have tried to demonstrate a truth: as long as a person or a company works wholeheartedly for its own wealth and safeguards its own interests, it is beneficial to the entire industry. The best contribution to the country and society.

But this answer is obviously not in line with our values.

Therefore, we obviously need a better and better answer so that everyone can understand that we publish headline articles, or micro-headlines with dozens of words can also create value for society.

So, how to say it?