The 1980s was a period of change for our country. At this time, our country adjusted its direction and returned to the right track. However, due to the accumulated disadvantages caused by the previous years of turmoil, people at that time had a weak concept of the rule of law. Th

During the "Hard Crackdown" in 1983, many children of high-ranking cadres were sentenced to death. Who were they?

The 1980s was a period of change for our country. At this time, our country adjusted its direction and returned to the right track. However, due to the long-standing disadvantages caused by the previous years of turmoil, people at that time had a weak concept of the rule of law. , the moral level has declined, the number of idle and unemployed people has increased, there are great hidden dangers to social order, some serious cases with bad consequences have occurred from time to time, and the crime rate has skyrocketed, which has caused adverse factors to the stability and unity of society.

Because of this, a crackdown campaign is imperative. In August 1983, the central government promulgated the "Decision on Severe Crackdown on Criminal Activities". Relevant departments launched a vigorous attack to punish criminals, crack down on criminal gangs, rectify social order, and safeguard the interests of the people. During this process, approximately 1.77 million criminals were punished, including several children of high-ranking cadres.

01. Hangzhou's "Two Bears"

The real names of these "Two Bears" are Xiong Ziping and Xiong Beiping. They are biological brothers, both sons of Xiong Shaotang. General Xiong Shaotang was rated as a major general because of his concern for his family and country and his outstanding military exploits. However, as a father, he had no time to take care of his family due to his busy work schedule. He left his two sons under the full care of his wife and rarely interfered with their children's education.

The wife was extremely protective and doting on her two sons, but she did not expect that this would lead to the situation of "a spoiled child is like a child killed". As they grew older, they became more and more indulgent and unreasonable, and did not distinguish between right and wrong. When I was in school, I often bullied my classmates and ignored the teacher's teachings. After entering the army, Xiong Beiping became even more unscrupulous. During this period, Xiong Beiping even violated a female soldier without mercy.

Later, the two brothers returned to Hangzhou and worked in a state-owned enterprise. They became more and more arrogant and raped more than 140 women. Being so lawless, he was naturally arrested and imprisoned during this purge operation, and was eventually sentenced to death, ending up with the consequences.

02. Chen Dongping

Chen Zaidao has been a soldier all his life. He joined the revolution at the age of seventeen. He has experienced the Jute Uprising, the Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, the Long March, the Anti-Japanese War, and the Liberation War. He has fought countless desperate battles with the enemy in a hail of bullets. Unexpectedly, his son Chen Dongping didn't have the demeanor of a general's son at all.

Chen Dongping, who lived a comfortable life since childhood, developed the habit of being arrogant, extravagant and lazy. He often caused trouble and got into fights in school. In order to temper his child's will, Chen Zaidao sent his son to . How could we know that not only did he not repent, he also made even bigger mistakes.

He had a vague understanding of the United States through some channels, and he actually began to yearn for life in the United States. If it was just that, he became more and more obsessed in the critical period, and even developed into collaboration with the enemy and treason, passing important information about our country to the relevant departments of the United States. situation. He was so stupid and ignorant that he didn't even know how bad this behavior was. Even though he was later sent to a farm for labor reform, he still refused to change his ways. In 1984, he was sentenced to death, which was a huge relief.

03. Zhu Guohua

Zhu Guohua is the grandson of Mr. Zhu. Once upon a time, he was also a well-behaved and lovely child, with good academic performance and good behavior. But since his father's death, the family has lost someone who can strictly discipline him. After working, he gradually became associated with some idle people in society. These people fawned over him because of his identity. His thoughts were gradually infected by unhealthy tendencies, and he began to think that he was a prominent person with a high status and could do whatever he wanted.

Under the influence of these rogues, he later developed to the extent of repeatedly violating women from good families. After he was arrested, he thought that because of his status, he would not be dealt with seriously. Unexpectedly, after his grandmother and Mr. Zhu’s wife Kang Keqing learned about it, not only did she not intervene, but she even said resolutely: The prince broke the law and broke the law with the common people. Same crime. Eventually, his life came to an end.

04. Hu Xiaoyang

Hu Xiaoyang is also similar to the children of the above-mentioned high-ranking cadres. He was also doted on by his family, encountered bad people, and eventually grew into an arrogant and domineering social scum with no sense of law or morality. He violated many women. Later, he was sentenced to death.

The above people are just some of the children of high-ranking officials in this operation. It is said that the law is not noble and the rope cannot be bent. The serious treatment of these children of high-ranking officials demonstrates the principle of equality for everyone, establishes the authority of the law, and also Let social order gradually stabilize. Nowadays, the concept of rule of law has become more and more popular among the people. We should consciously abide by the law and be a good law-abiding public