Wukong's life experience is an eternal mystery. He is like a devil terminator who traveled back from the future. He has powerful firepower and is invulnerable. He came to this world and caused an uproar, breaking the order of the old world and almost ending the heaven.

You only know that Sun Wukong jumped out of a stone. He is actually a Terminator from an alien planet.

Bai Longma’s Workplace Diary Chapter 50. You only know that Sun Wukong jumped out of a stone. In fact, he is from an alien planet. Terminator

The life experience of Wukong is an eternal mystery. He is like the devil Terminator who traveled back from the future. He has powerful firepower and invulnerability. He came to this world and caused an uproar, breaking the order of the old world and almost ending the heaven. The terrible thing is that he cannot be destroyed, the magic power of heaven can do nothing to him, and the Tathagata of the West can only seal it.

Bajie still has lingering fears about the catastrophe in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago. He said: "The term devil terminator is not used correctly. The monkey should be the immortal terminator. He almost ended the era of immortal rule."

By Taishang According to Laojun 's research, the stone that gave birth to Wukong was a meteorite from the outer world. This outer world is the sky beyond the heaven, which is commonly known as the sky outside the sky.

Taishang Laojun once put forward a view that these stone monkeys are the seeds of life launched by aliens to the earth. Perhaps the evolution of aliens is different from that of the earth. They have had strong combat effectiveness since the ape era. In this way, when alien life evolves into the human era, its combat power will be so terrifying that even thinking about it makes heaven shudder. Laojun also said that maybe the monkeys come from the planet of the apes. Although they are powerful in combat, their IQ is not very high. This made the senior officials in Heaven somewhat relieved.

In fact, what they are most concerned about is the purpose of Wukong coming to this world. Tianting and Xitian pay close attention to the monkey's movements. The Six Ding Liujia , the Five Directions Revealed, Four Values ​​of Gongcao , and the 18 Guardian Jialan sent to secretly protect the group, a total of thirty-nine gods, ten times more than the group, so With such a huge lineup, you really thought they were sent to protect the Buddhist group. You are wrong, absolutely wrong. The real inside story is that these thirty-nine gods were sent by them to monitor the monkeys.

Dear readers, don’t believe it. If you can stretch out a foot from the myths fabricated by Heaven and think about it with your toes, you will understand why Heaven and the West care so much about such a small person as Tang Sanzang It is difficult to find a three-legged toad as a walking monk, but there are many two-legged monks. When the pilgrim dies, just send another one. Do you ever remember that Sha Wujing ate nine Buddhist monks when they fell under the grass in the Liusha River ? This shows that people who seek scriptures are insignificant, and the work of seeking scriptures is also dispensable. It is definitely not like what Master boasted. When time is tight and the task is heavy, Jade Emperor pays great attention to it, Tathagata personally arranges it, and Guanyin comes to command the heaven. The first priority in the world.

What Tianting and Xitian pay attention to is not Tang Sanzang, the Buddhist scripture seeker. This time, the Buddhist scripture seeker has taken advantage of the monkey. It is ridiculous that Tang Sanzang thinks he is the leading actor, but he does not know that he is actually just a supporting role.

There have been several incidents where the Terminator traveled back from the future. Of course, this was top secret and was sealed in confidential files and in the scientific research institutions of Heaven. Only the parties involved, the senior officials of Heaven and the scientific researchers involved in the research knew about it, but That doesn't mean the Terminator doesn't exist.

I know, it's coming. Although I don’t know Wukong’s model number is T-Several Hundred, I guess that Wukong’s code name is Rebel Monkey, which is a pretty cool name.

The rebel monkey subverts the various images of previous Terminators and no longer uses hot weapons such as the 1887 lever repeating shotgun, the MM-1 multi-shot grenade launcher or the Minigun M134 7.62mm six-barreled aviation machine gun. He returns to his ancestors and appears as a pet, holding a traditional cold weapon. He is still made of steel and iron, and is not afraid of swords and guns. At the same time, the bug of being afraid of fire and heat has been modified, making him more powerful and more realistic than previous Terminators. Ability, loaded with X-ray machine scanner, more prominently, added flying skills, instantly killing all flying tools, almost reaching sub-light speed.What a perfect terminator. It adopts bio-self-generated new energy technology and does not require charging. It is an absolutely green, environmentally friendly and pollution-free high-tech product.

I know a secret. Tianting and Xitian have been secretly developing replicas of monkeys. I think one day, sooner or later, they will show the replicas they have developed to compete with the original ones.

Many of the demons and ghosts along the way were actors from the Heavenly Court and the Western Heaven Sect. They used various designed plots to test the monkeys' reactions and obtain the various experimental data they needed. Of course, passerby A and bandit B were indispensable for this. Waiting for the cooperation of the extras.

I have always had a question, how could this unruly monkey be so patient and be able to work hard and honestly escort Tang Sanzang to obtain scriptures. After spending so long and walking such a long way, could he have his own purpose? What is his purpose? Every day he jumps up into the clouds, builds a pergola with his hands and looks into the distance. What is he looking for?

The previous Terminators always had their own tasks when they came back, either to destroy a person or to protect a person. This person was either a mother or a son. What is the mission of the rebel monkey?

Oh, I suddenly had an idea in my head. Who is the person that Wukong has been risking his life to protect? It's the master. Could it be that the master is the grown-up son?

I researched Master’s life experience, and my guess became more and more confirmed. Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty, male, whose birth name was Jiangliu, whose Buddhist name was Xuanzang, and whose nickname was Tripitaka. The mother comes from a prominent family, the daughter of the prime minister, and has a pure bloodline. Father, that's enough. There are two of them, one is the top scholar in a new subject, and the other is a water thief. Gratitudes and hatreds in the secular world are not the direction of my research. According to the needs of the time-travel plot, Tang Sanzang's father should be a warrior from the future. Then, the sudden appearance of this water thief confirmed our inference. There is another evidence, that is, the imperial court later sent 60,000 troops and horses to capture Tang Sanzang's water thief father. If it were not to deal with a future warrior with extraordinary combat power, would 60,000 troops and horses be needed?

And my master, Tang Sanzang, was thrown into the river by his mother when he was just born, but he survived. Master himself said: "At that time, my father was injured by water thieves and my mother was raped by water thieves. It took three months before she gave birth to me. I escaped my life in the water, but fortunately my mentor from Jinshan Temple rescued me and raised me." You said, if it were not for the genes of future warriors, this newborn premature baby, premature baby , which is only three months old, would not be able to save the life of a premature baby raised in an incubator for a thousand taels of silver a day. Unexpectedly, he could not die from drowning, hunger, freezing, or illness. He used the river water as amniotic fluid and swam thousands of miles to Jinshan Temple to be fished out by a monk. Don’t you think Master is also a legend?

I think monkeys often have a saying: good fortune, good fortune.

Thinking about it this way, it turns out that fate plays a trick on people, and fate plays a role in people.

Think about it again, Master is learning Buddhist scriptures, and monkeys are escorting you. Is this a coincidence? Or is it a planned show? On the surface, the two of them chanted the curse and played the trick of expulsion. In fact, they were just and Zhou Yu beating the yellow cover. One was willing to beat the other and the other was willing to suffer. Is the cooperation between the two of them a plank road built openly to hide the eyes and ears of heaven, but in fact, there is a hidden secret in the secret?

Imagine that if the monkey came from the future, he would naturally know that Tang Sanzang was going to obtain scriptures five hundred years later, so he deliberately made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace, attracting the attention of Heaven and the West, and deliberately urinated on the hands of the Tathagata, making the Tathagata very angry. He pressed on Tang Sanzang's only path to obtain scriptures.

Why should we suspect that the monkey is deliberately causing trouble in heaven? Think about it, Monkey was twice recruited as a civil servant by Heaven and resigned twice. These two times I worked as a civil servant, and once I was in charge of carriages and horses. This was the bulk of the expenses for the three public servants, and it was a lot of money. Once I was the director of the peach garden, and the peaches were huge.Both times were fat jobs. Have you ever heard of someone who got into civil service and resigned, then got into civil service and then resigned again?

It is really abnormal for Monkey to do this. Recruitment is the highest ideal for all the demons and monsters in the world. Monkey not only entered the system of Heaven, but also got an official position. Is there any reason for him to bother like this?

I wonder if Bajie and Sha Seng are also shouldering important responsibilities. Of course, they are not the important responsibilities of Journey to the West, but they are undercover agents sent by Heaven to lurk in the scripture-seeking team. Although the pig looks lazy and cunning, and is flirting with women all the way, this is all a disguise. Although the Sha Monk looked honest and naive, and couldn't beat a fart with three sticks, this was a hidden expression.

Who in the sky except the Queen Mother doesn’t know Chang’e is the Jade Emperor’s horse, Canopy doesn’t know? Tianpeng himself said that he drank too much. After drinking too much, did he have the courage to fall in love with the leader? Of course, it is possible that even though the drunk driving laws are so strict, there are still people who would go against the odds and try the law themselves.

Sha Wujing, that doorman, was sent to the Liusha River to dig sand just because he broke a wine glass? Isn’t it enough to destroy this little public property? What was broken was not a cultural relic. Lao Sha himself said that he went digging sand because he was checked because he didn’t bring his ID tag, but you can’t just keep digging by the river. Lao Sha said it was because he never found the ID tag, so what the hell? Don’t want to get a replacement one?

In short, everything is full of doubts and the Bourne Supremacy.

Looking at it coldly, these guys are all acting, it's all a show. Every event is planned in advance, and every result is prearranged. Just like a ball game in the sky, you are excited and waving the flag, cheering for the shot, sighing for the missed shot, cheering for the performance of the idols, yelling at the referee's decision, and shouting "silly B, silly B" with tens of thousands of people. Thinking that it is vigorous, spectacular and exciting. Later I found out that this was a match-fixing with a predetermined outcome. Whether the shot went in or missed, whether the penalty was fair or unfair, it was all a performance anyway. I also acted as a qualified extra, but I was not paid, and I had to buy a lunch box at my own expense. I finally realized that what silly B said was true.

Life is like a play, and everyone is an actor. You put your heart into it and work hard to play your role. Looking back, you find that it was fate that played a trick on you, and then your life was played on.

You see, I am a horse. Just because I don’t speak doesn’t mean that I don’t understand things.

To clarify, I am not an undercover agent. I would like to declare that the above revelations are entirely my guesses. Any similarity is purely coincidental. Xiaobai, I am not a screenwriter, a director, or number one, number two, number three. I am just an extra who was brought in by fate, and I don’t even have any lines.

As for how the plot of Journey to the West will develop in the future, and whether the Terminator can complete its mission, I don’t know. I only heard Master say that he learned the scriptures to save the world and save the future.