In 1924, the National Revolution was surging. With the assistance of the Third Communist International, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party joined hands for the first time. Sun Yat-sen founded the Chinese Kuomintang Army Officer School. The school was located on Huangpu Island

text | Yingsha


Zeng Guofan ’s military thoughts have influenced several generations. Most importantly, he passed on an indomitable spirit and unyielding national justice. Huangpu Military Academy is the product of the influence of Zeng Guofan's thoughts on building and running the army.

In 1924, the National Revolution was surging. With the assistance of the Third Communist International, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party joined hands for the first time. Sun Yat-sen founded the Chinese Kuomintang Army Officer School. The school was located on Huangpu Island in the southeast of Guangzhou. It was called Huangpu Military Academy for short. As the basis, the National Revolutionary Army was formed. Mr. Sun Yat-sen placed his hope in the revolutionary army, like Zeng Guofan's Hunan Army, to clean up the old rivers and mountains and save China from danger.

Mr. Sun Yat-sen once wrote a couplet to "my brother Jieshi":

"Nurture the righteousness of the world and perfect the people of the past and present"

The general idea is to encourage Chiang Kai-shek to follow the example of Zeng Guofan and other sages, to be a person with a noble and perfect personality, and to serve the country loyally.

The Whampoa Military Academy opened in November 1926. A large number of outstanding Communist Party members entered the military academy to study, with the number reaching an unprecedented 4,400. After Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution and "purged the party", only about 800 cadets remained in the military academy. Thousands of Communists left the Communist Party of China. With the original intention of revolution, they condensed into an invincible elite force, galloped and fought in the mountains and rivers of the motherland, and built the new People's Republic with their blood.

After the breakup of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek were already leaders of two opposing camps. What is commendable is that Zeng Guofan's military spirit and national salvation ideas have been ignited in their hearts.

Mr. Yang Changji, who graduated from the Current Affairs School, is known as the pioneer of modern national education in the New Culture Movement .

The statues at the former site of Hunan Provincial First Normal School (the third from the left are Yang Changji)

Yang Changji, who lived in Itakura for a long time, is known as "Mr. Itakura". Yang Changji studied under Tan Sitong in his early years. After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898, he gave up his official career and turned to the West to search for the truth. In the spring of 1913, after returning from studying abroad, Mr. Hunan was invited by Hunan Normal University and the First Normal University of China to serve as a tutor for ethics and education courses. He trained a large number of aspiring young people such as Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Xi Jinping Xiao Zisheng, etc., and provided cutting-edge talents and backbone forces for China's new democratic revolution.

Mr. Yang Changji admired Zeng Guofan highly, and his thoughts directly influenced Mao Zedong. "Lecture Hall Records", Mao Zedong's only preserved reading notebook, records a large number of quotations about Zeng Guofan, especially Mr. Yang Changji's questions and examination questions when he taught Mao Zedong. There is a lot of content involving Zeng Guofan.

Zeng Guofan once compiled a book " Miscellaneous Notes on Classics and History", which Mao Zedong spoke highly of. It talked about perseverance and perseverance, which deeply inspired him. Zeng Guofan once said, "The sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, and the Nanshan Mountains can be moved. The sun and the moon have passed, and they can no longer be traced back." In 1916, Mao Zedong wrote a poem about his aspirations, including a couplet: "Confidence that in two hundred years of life, I will "When the water hits three thousand miles", it points out that we should cherish time like gold, be inspired and promising, and express our strong enterprising spirit and lofty ambitions.

Zeng Guofan, who led the troops, attached great importance to physical training, paid attention to daily classes, and promoted military drills. When Mao Zedong was studying in Changsha, he put forward the idea of ​​"civilizing his spirit and barbarizing his body", and he practiced it by practicing swimming, running, and cold water bathing throughout his life. Bath, persevere.

Zeng Guofan attached great importance to "loving the people as the first priority of running a military". Mao Zedong paid attention to this throughout his life. When he first established the Red Army, he formulated the "Three Major Disciplines, Eight Points of Attention", the source of which is Zeng Guofan "March Love Folk Song". In 1911, Cai E compiled "Quotations of Zeng Hu Zhibing". Mao Zedong carefully studied this work, realized the importance of ideological and political work, and absorbed the essence of loving the people, loving the soldiers, and attaching importance to spiritual education.Today, when we go to visit the leader's former residence in Shaoshan , we can still see two books on the desk of the Mao family ancestral hall, one is the Mao family genealogy, and the other is " Zeng Wenzheng" Gongjiashu ".

Chiang Kai-shek has been imitating Zeng Guofan throughout his life. He often has two books on his bedside, one of which is "The Complete Works of Zeng Wenzhenggong". Zeng Guofan advocated loyalty to the emperor, defense of Taoism, and running the army with Confucianism. His military training methods were based on "Sima's Art of War" and Qi Jiguang's "New Book of Ji Xiao" and "Records of Military Training". When running the army, the selection of generals was the first priority. Point out the importance of loyalty, courage and bloodshed. Chiang Kai-shek regarded these as his principles for running the army. He required the generals to "recognize history clearly and follow Zeng Hu's example." Zeng Guofan presented waist knives to his subordinates. When Chiang Kai-shek served as the principal of Whampoa Military Academy, he also awarded the " Zhongzheng Sword " to the students and subordinates to gain their loyalty to him. In 1934, Chiang Kai-shek launched the New Life Movement in Nanchang, hoping to use the "Four Dimensions and Eight Virtues" of Confucianism to reshape social morality and values. The Kuomintang politicians' admiration for sages quickly received a response from the academic community. A large number of Zeng Guofan's books were published, and Zeng Guofan was evaluated as the master of Chinese culture and a key figure in saving the nation's survival, forming an upsurge in learning from Zeng Guofan.

In the period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, with the joint promotion of the elites in the military, political and cultural circles, the integrity of the nation was forged in hardships, flowing in the blood of the national heroes, and replenished to their bone marrow like calcium. Here, strength and toughness are formed. Inspired by the spirit of revolutionary struggle and fearless heroism, China's Anti-Japanese War witnessed the emergence of quite spectacular figures and deeds. The heroes used their lives to prove that China has "no surrendering generals, only beheaded generals." They composed one after another heroic songs in which they sacrificed their lives for the country.

On August 1, 1934, the full text of the briefing "Red China" published by Ruijin published the "Declaration of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army for the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Northward Anti-Japanese War", which is known as the "August 1st Declaration" in history. This battle cry marked that China's advanced elements and vanguard forces, with the Communist Party of China as the main body, sounded the charge to confront the Japanese aggressors.

html In mid-August, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army went north to fight against Japan. The advance team advanced towards the borders of Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi. In early 1935, they were surrounded by the Kuomintang army in the Huaiyu Mountain area of ​​​​Huaiyu Mountain. Most of the soldiers were martyred, and Fang Zhimin and Liu Chouxi were unfortunately captured. Fang Zhimin was in prison, and before and after his sacrifice, he still kept his longing for New China in his heart. He wrote:

"It is urgent to save China from collapse and destruction, to save our dying mother from being eaten alive by the devil of imperialism."

"I believe that by then, there will be activity everywhere The creation of the world is full of rapid progress, joyful songs will replace lamentations, smiling faces will replace crying faces, prosperity will replace poverty, health will replace suffering, wisdom will replace ignorance, friendship will replace vendetta, and the joy of life will be The sorrow of death will be replaced, and the bright garden will replace the desolate wasteland. "At this time, our nation can stand in front of mankind with no shame, and the mother who gave birth to us will be most beautifully decorated. Join hands with all mothers in the world on an equal footing. "

" Such a glorious day will never be in the distant future, but in the very near future. "

This is the swan song of a revolutionary before his execution. It is his heart and blood. The sound of pulsating fists and fists; the voice full of hope, echoing sonorously across the land of China like a great bell and a great Lu, inspiring countless brave revolutionary comrades to cut through the thorns and bravely move toward the beautiful blueprint and direction he drew. go ahead.


Mr. Baili said: "When the country is in crisis, everyone has the opportunity to become a soldier."

In May 1943, in order to force Chiang Kai-shek to surrender, the Japanese invaders approached the last gateway to Sichuan on the Yangtze River Shipai Fortress , Huangpu fourth-term student Hu Lian was ordered to lead the army to resist.Before the war, General Chen Cheng called him and asked: "Are you sure of holding the fortress?" Hu Lian replied categorically: "Although success is not sure, Cheng Ren is determined!"

Looking back at history, we can see that it still remains today. , the suicide note written by General Hu Lian to his father and wife at home is written in black and white, and the words are like iron.

"Letter to Father"


My son is now ordered to defend the Shipai Fortress. He is fighting alone and has an unpredictable future. However, there is no other way except success and becoming a benevolent person. There are many benevolent public figures, and having a son can kill the country, and the great kindness is also comforting. Wei'er has been engaged in state affairs for more than ten years. Shushui Huan has been deprived of this position for a long time, so he is very sad now. Mr. Qian adds clothes and food at the right time, which is how he can win over the soul of a stubborn child.

Regards Jin An.

"Letter to My Wife"

"I am now ordered to guard the Shipai Fortress. It is my duty, so I have no worries. I am only a relative of a poor family, with a young wife and young children. The country is thousands of miles away, and I am alone and helpless. I feel a little sad, but I have no choice but to accept my fate..."

"I have failed you a lot during my more than ten years of military service. Now I say goodbye to you. I am deeply grateful. I leave you a gold watch, a fountain pen and a diary. Let’s commemorate this. Don’t be sad or hurt when you read this letter. After a hundred years of life, you will eventually die, and it is appropriate to die happily. "

" When you grow up, you still want to be a soldier to avenge your father. It is appropriate to be loyal to the country..."

Don't be sad when parting, separated by thousands of miles, old friends will be extinct, what kind of tearing pain is that? However, the country and the nation have clear righteousness, and the general will not take a step back.

The following is the heaven-sacrifice oath that General Hu Lian led all the soldiers on the day before the Battle of Shipai. It is also a collective will.

"Oath of Sacrifice to Heaven by the 11th Army Division of the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China"

Hu Lian, commander of the 11th Army Division, sincerely declares to the gods of the mountains and rivers. I now lead a majestic army to defend the land that my ancestors worked hard and left to us. I am justified in my name, drinking from the ghosts and gods, my determination is firm, and I will fight to the death. Han thieves do not stand in harmony, as there is a clear saying in ancient times. Huayi must be distinguished carefully, and the Spring and Autumn Period should be preserved. Live as a soldier, die as a soldier. Future generations view the present, and today's people also view the past. Why am I worried? If a thief comes, I will kill him with all my strength and sacrifice my life. However, I firmly believe that the blue sky will protect the faithful. In the bloody battle, victory is within grasp!

This Oath

At noon on May 27, the 32nd year of the Republic of China,

, a strong man came to Yishui, and his fierce energy penetrated his long tassel. Starting from May 28th to the afternoon of May 31st, on a narrow battlefield of dozens of miles, the Chinese and Japanese troops strangled each other and fought to the death. Shipai, homophonic to "failure", was the place where the Japanese invaders were destined to fail. The invaders finally ended in a disastrous defeat. After that, the Japanese army never crossed Shipai again.

Since 1937, the anti-Japanese battlefield has been like a giant meat grinder, killing tens of millions of adult men in China, and there is a serious shortage of soldiers. Most of those who took the oath to fight in the Battle of Shipai were children aged sixteen or seventeen.

The heroes who died suddenly have no tombstones or inscriptions. However, the majestic mountains must remember it, and the roaring rivers must remember that on that afternoon in 1943, thousands of Chinese boys fell in the place where they swore a blood oath, and fell in the crowd. In the pool of blood surrounded by mountains; the Yangtze River, the longest and widest mother river in China, will continue to flow without any hindrance, and it will rush to the sea with great strength. What will always protect it is the sudden halt of youth and the loyal souls of the young warriors who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Almost at the same time, on the top of White Mountain , on the shore of Black Water, in the vastest mountains in China, the anti-Japanese allied forces led by the Communist Party of China were experiencing more severe battles and life-and-death tests. In other places, the war of resistance lasted for eight years, but in the Northeast it lasted for 14 years, or even longer. In addition to fierce enemies, lack of clothing, quilts, and food, they also had to contend with extreme ice, snow, and cold weather.

In 1939, General Li Zhaolin of the Anti-Japanese Alliance wrote a song "Camp Song". This military song has been sung among the brothers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance , inspiring them to fight.The lyrics read:

"The wind is roaring, the snow is flying,

The marching horses are hesitant, and the cold is invading the people who are awake at night.

The fire roasts the chest to warm, the wind blows the back is cold,

The comrades work hard and sweep across the source of the Nenjiang River,


Unite and take back our country! "

General Li's song was originally used to boost the morale of his comrades, but the content of the song also shows how difficult and dangerous the war environment was at that time.

Under the crazy siege and pursuit of the Japanese army, in the winter of 1940, there was no soldier around Yang Jingyu. This was the coldest season in Northeast China. According to meteorological records at the time, the lowest temperature in the Mengjiang area where Yang Jingyu was located was minus 42 degrees.

This day is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It is a day for family reunions. Yang Jingyu, who has not eaten a grain of rice for several days, is alone. Wearing a thin cotton-padded coat with exposed holes and damaged cotton shoes with leaking soles, he goes down the mountain to the village. Looking for some food, he met Zhao Tingxi, a puppet army officer in plain clothes. Zhao Tingxi recognized him and advised him: "I think you should surrender. Now Manchukuo will not kill those who surrender."

How did Zhao Tingxi know that more than just not killing, the Japanese had already made their wishful thinking. If Yang When Jingyu surrendered, he was immediately appointed as Minister of Military and Political Affairs of the Puppet Manchukuo. At the same time, Yang Jingyu's prestige was used to induce the entire Northeastern anti-Japanese coalition to lay down their weapons and surrender.

After listening to Zhao Tingxi's words, Yang Jingyu was silent for a while, and then asked Zhao Tingxi: "Fellow, we Chinese have surrendered, is there still China?"

Zhao Tingxi was speechless, he didn't understand at all, General Yang Why are you willing to go into the mountains and forests, sleep in the ice and snow, suffer from cold, hunger, and suffer all kinds of hardships, instead of taking refuge with the Japanese invaders and living a good life with rich clothes and fine food? How does he know the difference between being a human and being a dog?

Zhao Tingxi didn't even know that Yang Jingyu had never had a military rank. Yang Jingyu's title of "general" was not given by the National Government but by the anti-Japanese people. He led the army to resist not at all for the high official salary, but for the motherland for which he was willing to sacrifice his life. This was the unswerving spiritual source in his heart.

Zhao Tingxi soon passed the news of the discovery of General Yang to the Director of the Police Department, Kishitani Ryuichiro, and the Japanese army surrounded General Yang. The general was exhausted and died after drinking bullets. The Japanese cut off General Yang's head and dissected his intestines. They wanted to see how Yang Jingyu survived. When the general's stomach was cut open, only grass roots and cotton wadding were exposed.

Kishitani Ryuichiro suddenly knelt down and began to cry.

Kishitani's sadness includes the traditional Japanese admiration for martial arts, as well as his great despair caused by his inability to face the failure of Japan's strategy of recruiting and appeasing the Northeast, and more importantly, in the face of General Yang's loyalty and courage, he served the general The trembling and repentance coming from the depths of the soul were impressed by the courage of those who would rather die than surrender.

Because he knew very well that although General Yang fell, he was by no means fighting alone. Behind him, there were Zhou Baozhong, Li Zhaolin, Zhao Shangzhi, Ma Zhanshan, and countless Yang Jingyu, and they would always be there. The unconquerable Chinese nation!

Eight days later, in accordance with the order of Ryuichiro Kishitani, a public memorial ceremony for General Yang was held. Including Japanese generals, all puppet Manchukuo officials above the village chief attended, and together they stood in silence and bowed to Yang Jingyu's body.

In 1945, on the eve of Japan's surrender, Ryuichiro Kishitani led his entire family, his wife and children to commit suicide. In the year when Ryuichiro Kishitani committed suicide, with the assistance of the Soviet Red Army, more than a thousand veterans of the Anti-Japanese War carried General Yang's legacy and fought back from the Hsing'an Mountains, and together with their comrades, they liberated Northeast China. Throughout the territory, the territory that had been ravaged and trampled by the Japanese invaders for a long time was recovered.

On September 30, 1949, the day before the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Monument to the People's Heroes, the people's leader Mao Zedong affectionately comforted the spirits of the heroes in heaven:

In the past three years, during the People's Liberation War and the The people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the people's revolution will be immortal! Over the past thirty years, the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution will be immortal! This dates back to 1840. Since then, in order to oppose internal and external enemies, strive for national independence and people's freedom and happiness, the people's heroes who have sacrificed in various struggles will be immortal!


We came out of the living room and saw jasmine in the center of the Tongxi Temple patio. The fresh and refined jasmine is quietly blooming for the first time, blooming lightly. The simple and fragrant jasmine flower from the field blooms so beautifully. It is not as graceful and luxurious as the peony, nor as delicate and gorgeous as the azalea . It is simple and natural, but it is so fresh and moving.

Suddenly I remembered that I had watched a China Central Radio and Television Station program. A beautiful host used a hammer to ring an ancient chime . The chime bell also has the surname "Zeng" and is called Zeng Houyi Chime Bell . The name of the song is "Jasmine". The host's beautiful figure is as graceful as a dragon, and she hits the chimes gently with a wooden hammer. She is so familiar and at ease. That harmonious and beautiful voice is unique to China. It is the confident voice of the young republic and the chant of countless ancient souls traveling through history.

I have also read such a record:

The Krupp Family Historical Archives in Essen, Germany, preserves a diary written in 1896 by Ms. Berta Krupp, a member of the Krupp family.

html In May 0896, Beta was just ten years old. He was invited by his father to attend the coronation ceremony of Tsar Nicholas II . It was a world-class political stage and he had to face heads of state or diplomats from many countries. That day, every time the Russian emcee read the name of a country, the representative of that country stood up solemnly and played and sang the country's national anthem. When I was thinking about the Qing Dynasty, an old man in a wheelchair was pushed in from outside the venue. There was a dead silence in the venue, and all eyes were turned to the silent old man in the wheelchair. Immediately, the venue became noisy again. Everyone seemed to understand something and began to laugh at the Qing Dynasty for not having its own national anthem. Some people even laughed uncontrollably, as if they had heard a funny joke.

Exposed to the contemptuous gazes of envoys from various countries, enduring the contempt and disdain, the old man straightened his posture. His face instantly turned red, then turned pale, and then changed from white to gray, from gray to red, and from Turning red to purple, with a uncertain face, Beta was worried that some unpredictable embarrassment or misfortune would befall the old man. But who could have expected that in less than a minute, the old man in the wheelchair suddenly stood up, cleared his throat, and sang a song with his hoarse voice and incomplete teeth. Singing it in a hoarse voice, it turned out to be exceptionally high-pitched, desolate and melodious! It was the folk ditty "Jasmine" from his hometown. When he sang the first note, the venue was immediately filled with solemnity. As soon as he finished singing, the entire venue erupted into a storm of applause that lasted for a long time. Later, her father told her that this old man was an official of the Qing Dynasty, named Li Hongzhang , and was a former disciple of Zeng Guofan.

After Li Hongzhang returned to China, the imperial court greatly praised his actions in standing up for the national integrity and recognized the status of "Jasmine" as the "national anthem". For a long time thereafter, the Qing Dynasty used "Jasmine" sung by Li Hongzhang as its national anthem.

"Jasmine" originated from the Yangzhou Qing song " Flower Tune " of Nanjing Liuhe , which has been popular among Chinese people for thousands of years. In 1804, the British Ambassador to China, John Bello, recorded the score of "Jasmine" and brought it back to his hometown. The song began to spread in Europe and South America.

In 1924, the world-famous opera master and Italian composer Puccini used the tune of "Jasmine" as one of the main musical materials in the opera " Turandot ". As this opera classic spreads, the fragrance of Chinese folk song "Jasmine" spreads more widely overseas.

In 1942, musician He Fang went to Liuhe to collect music and recorded the melody and lyrics of this song one by one from a well-known local folk artist. In 1957, he adapted the original music and lyrics.

At midnight on June 30, 1997, a century of vicissitudes will bring about the final great historical change. Hong Kong, which was ceded in the Opium War in 1840, will return to the embrace of the motherland. At the handover ceremony, before the leaders of China and Britain appeared, the military bands of the two countries each played three pieces of music. The first piece of music played by the Chinese military band was "Jasmine".

On August 3, 2003, the emblem of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China was solemnly unveiled in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing. When athlete Deng Yaping and movie star Jackie Chan supported the emblem and walked slowly onto the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, orchestral music sounded again. The moving melody of "Jasmine Flower" is euphemistically intertwined with strength, delicacy with passion, and agility with determination. It is like a fit woman strolling calmly in the wind and rain of the world.

"Jasmine", this ancient folk song, is popular in the motherland, its fragrance spreads thousands of miles, its lingering sound lingers, and its charm is endless. Now, " March of the Volunteers " is floating high in any corner of the world, and will continue to make great progress all the way. It complements Niao Tingting's "Jasmine" with its hardness and softness, complementing each other. In the powerful and elegant singing, the prosperous China, just as martyr Chen Tianhua and martyr Fang Zhimin expected, is walking hand in hand with other countries in the world at her vigorous pace, peaceful, open, firm and full of confidence.

Holding the warm and lingering fragrance of jasmine tea in my hands, I strolled outside the courtyard of Tongxi Temple together with layman Zhou and Brother Zhou.

In the distance, the white clouds embedded in the sky reflect the shining golden light under the setting sun, making it look particularly gorgeous. As far as the field of vision can be seen, there are green and vast mountains, calm and heavy. The road passes through the middle of the valley and winds into the depths of the mountain, just like the road we have walked and want to take in life. A ray of setting sun smeared over from the valley, staining the layers of mountains, shining so brightly, as if sprinkled with a layer of golden dew, as if walking into a fairy tale world.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, I said with emotion, just as the sunset at Tongxi Temple is setting in the vast sky, Zeng Guofan's era has completely ended in history. But I know that the dazzling sun will rise more brilliantly tomorrow, because this is spring, and I happen to be standing in the spring of China. In the future, or not far away, this suffering nation will have more beautiful springs coming one after another!

In a trance, in the haziness of nightfall, Han Lei's powerful and high-spirited singing came from the depths of the mountains:

 In the surging river

 You are a wave

 In the rolling mountains

 You are A strange peak

You hide your loneliness in the gap of the dark clouds

You write your dreams in the blue sky and grassland

You burn yourself to warm the earth

Let yourself become ashes

Let the wisps of flames dance

That is your last
