In China, there are many victims of Japanese chemical weapons who were forced to undergo flesh-cutting therapy. The layers of rotten flesh they cut off were layers of evil committed by the Japanese invaders. In 1994, Hiroshi Oyama served as the head of the "Chinese War Victims Cl

In China, there are many victims of Japanese chemical weapons. They were forced to undergo flesh-cutting therapy. The layers of rotten flesh that were cut off were layers of evil committed by the Japanese invaders.

By 2003, the top ten people who moved China included not only the well-known Yang Liwei and Zhong Nanshan, but also an old Japanese man named Hiroshi Oyama.

He helped Chinese victims of World War II through the law and sued the Japanese government. Since he was in his thirties, he has relentlessly pursued Japan's war crimes through the law, running around and shouting until he is old.

Hiroshi Oyama served as the head of the "Chinese War Victims Claims Claims Against Japan Lawyers Group" in 1994, leading more than 300 lawyers to seek justice. During his tenure, he took over all Chinese civil claims cases against Japan.

Because Japan has regulations that do not allow foreign lawyers to appear in court, it is Oyama Hiroshi and others who speak out for justice in Japanese courts every time.

They have been harassed and threatened by right-wing elements. Although the pressure is huge, they have been passing laws to require Japan to repent of its crimes during World War II.

Hiroshi Oyama and others worked diligently and frugally to sell their houses and land, and paid all the expenses of the Chinese victims and lawyers in Japan. The content of this article is that justice has no borders, history cannot be tampered with, and we pay tribute to the righteous Japanese lawyers!

1, textbook case, 23 consecutive years of litigation

Hiroshi Oyama was born in the 1930s. He experienced the "crazy era" created by Japanese militarism and saw many people being brainwashed and turned into cruel war machines.

In terms of status, Hiroshi Oyama became a famous lawyer in Japan in his thirties and earned a relatively high income. From a life perspective, if he had not sued the Japanese government, he would have had enough food and clothing throughout his life.

By 1963, Oyama Hiroshi accidentally met the Japanese historian Mr. Saburo Ienaga, and the two became good friends who talked about everything.

Saburo Ienaga is not only a famous historian, but also one of the history writers of Japanese textbooks. He plays a decisive role in the Japanese literary and art circles.

Judging from Saburo Ienaga's writing style, he believes that Japan should face up to history, just like Germany, not forgetting the past and exploring the future, and being wary of crazy militarism.

Before that, Oyama Hiroshi was not very interested in history, but his good friend Saburo Ienaga told him the real history of Japan's World War II and hoped that he could stand on the side of justice.

According to Mr. Saburo Ienaga, the articles he wrote about the Nanjing Massacre, 731 Germ Unit, etc. were originally part of Japanese textbooks to educate children to recognize the past.

What makes Saburo Ienaga and all walks of life angry is that the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture and Sports actually deleted all the articles he wrote and prevented children from reading and learning.

(Japanese historian: Mr. Saburo Ienaga)

Saburo Ienaga sensed that Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology may have evil intentions. Even if we don’t talk about conspiracy theories, why did the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology delete historical facts? We should give a convincing explanation. If we can delete textbook articles without permission today, will we be able to delete past sins at will in the future?

From the perspective of a historian, those bloody war crimes should have been "good advice" for those who read history wisely. How could they go the other way and deliberately erase them?

Therefore, Ienaga Saburo came to Oyama Hiroshi, hoping that this righteous lawyer could help him sue the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

After Oyama Hong learned about the ins and outs of this lawsuit, he felt deeply responsible and determined to help Saburo Ienaga.

Ever since, a lawsuit that has lasted for thirty-two years has begun in Japan.

The court heard that Saburo Ienaga was the plaintiff. He believed that the textbooks had correctly used his articles for many years and could educate Japanese children to understand the true history. However, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology had no right to delete his articles. In fact, the articles were Delete it all.

From the perspective of the entire human civilization, history will not change because of the opinions of a few people. If history is forcibly rewritten, it will only attract more ridicule from future generations, which is not good for the people and the national destiny, whether it is historical issues or anything else. The problem must be considered from a long-term perspective and we must understand what true patriotism is.

For this reason, the Japanese court held many hearings, but Saburo Ienaga and Hiroshi Oyama lost the lawsuit many times. They fought the lawsuit from the local court to the Japanese High Court.

Saburo Ienaga vowed to litigate to the end!

Hiroshi Oyama didn’t understand why Saburo Ienaga was so persistent at first, but as he learned more and more about history, he deeply understood the importance of truly inheriting history.

Until 1997, Oyama Hiroshi finally won the final victory after going through all kinds of hardships; but unfortunately, Saburo Ienaga passed away.

After more than thirty years of litigation, Oyama Hiroshi has withstood tremendous pressure. Because of these thirty years of litigation, he has become a role model in the Japanese legal community, especially in the field of history, and is regarded as the embodiment of justice.

Hiroshi Oyama said in an interview afterwards: "I understand Saburo Ienaga's oath and repent of his country's past crimes. This is true patriotism."

Obviously, Saburo Ienaga is familiar with history and has great wisdom. It's a pity that we lost to time and did not live to see the victory.

Hiroshi Oyama talked about the difficulties and dangers for most of his life. He said that he had been mentally prepared for this. As a native Japanese, he understood the Japanese right-wingers better. Extreme thoughts.

He emphasized that he had long thought that if he filed a lawsuit, he would encounter huge pressure. However, for the spirit of Mr. Saburo Ienaga, Japanese politicians must change their wrong historical concepts; they must restore justice for the Japanese people. The truth as history should be!

It can be seen from the above that Mr. Saburo Ienaga, a famous historian, deeply influenced Oyama Hiroshi and made him understand what true patriotism is.

2, served as the head of the legal team, selflessly helping Chinese war victims

Although World War II ended many years ago, and the war of aggression against China launched by Japan ended with the emperor's announcement of surrender, the Japanese invaders remained in China. All kinds of weapons, especially poison gas bombs, have become a major disaster.

Many Chinese villagers, who originally lived in peaceful villages or rushed to construction sites, have been repeatedly harmed by chemical weapons and bombs. Because of the huge losses,

sued the Japanese government for compensation.

In addition, there are many righteous Chinese veterans who also demand Japan to claim compensation, apologize, and face up to history. For example, the prisoner of war laborers who were forcibly brought to Japan suffered all kinds of humiliation.

These poor Chinese people urgently need help from righteous people after arriving in Japanese courts.

Moreover, some victims only accept formal court compensation and an apology from the Japanese government, but do not accept donations from the Japanese government through other channels.

Since then, hundreds of righteous lawyers in Japan have stood up at critical moments to provide free legal assistance to victims in China, not for compensation or fame or fortune, but to bring justice to society.

The background at that time was very complicated. First, the Chinese victims needed legal help for their claims; second, senior Japanese officials ignored the facts and actually said that the Nanjing Massacre "did not exist" and publicly said that China "fabricated" the murder. Shameless talk without shame.

When Japanese senior officials made such remarks that ignored the facts, they aroused public opinion. Many people denounced this ridiculous and shameful historical lie.

There is a Japanese justice lawyer named "Takashi Onodera" who took the lead in establishing the "Japanese Lawyers Group for Chinese War Victims' Claims", hereinafter referred to as the Claims Lawyers Group, advocating restoration of history and compensation to the victims.

(Mr. Onodera Takashi)

Because Onodera Takashi was so vocal, many righteous lawyers responded and took the initiative to join this "unpaid, nameless, and under tremendous pressure" lawyer organization.

Their purpose is to let the Japanese people have a correct concept of history, so that politicians can recognize the past and cannot shirk the responsibility for the war.

Because the situation is urgent and the responsibilities are heavy, we need a highly respected leader to lead everyone to fight against those shameful politicians who tamper with history and help those Chinese victims who need legal assistance.

Who can respond to everything at once? Who is the most virtuous and respected? When discussing who should be the leader, everyone without exception thought of Hiroshi Lai Oyama, hoping that this righteous example in the Japanese legal profession would lead everyone to sue the Japanese government.

Hiroshi Oyama received the invitation and attended the meeting of the claims lawyers group. After everyone voted, he was unanimously recommended to be the leader.

Oyama Hong was very happy. Although his hair was gray, he said he would devote his life to the cause of justice! After

established a team, he ended the previous dilemma of "lawyers fighting alone" and began to defend China's war victims in an organized and planned way and criticize those shameful politicians.

There is a Chinese lawyer named Su Xiangxiang, who specializes in litigation against Japan for victims of chemical weapons. Lawyer Su commented on the claims lawyer team led by Mr. Hiroshi Oyama: "They are our comrades, friends, and teachers. They are a group of noble personalities. Japanese!”

During the lawsuit together, the legal team led by Mr. Hiroshi Oyama gained the respect of Chinese lawyers. Their persistence and efforts for the cause of justice have moved batches of righteous people.

, the Chinese claims lawyer in Japan, hopes that the Chinese people can know more about Mr. Hiroshi Oyama and understand the great contribution of their just team of lawyers who have devoted a lot of effort to defending history.

Mr. Hiroshi Oyama worked hard for war victims and shouted for the truth of history. Hundreds of righteous Japanese lawyers in this organization devoted a lot of time and energy to this end.

In addition to the well-known Nanjing Massacre case, germ warfare case, and comfort women case, there are also the Zhejiang Yongan indiscriminate bombing case, the chemical weapons injury case, and the labor case...

For example: There are a large number of people in China who suffered from the Japanese The chemical weapons left behind were poisoned. Some people were sprayed with poisonous gas on their upper bodies while building roads; some were infected while investigating the chemical weapons left behind; and some children were sprayed with poisonous gas on half their bodies while playing in the wild...

Just in August 2003 The gas bomb leaked in Qiqihar on September 4th poisoned forty-four innocent Chinese people, and one person died of poisoning.

Victims have gone to Japan many times to sue the Japanese government. Because there is no specific medicine, many victims can only use flesh cutting for treatment.

There was a victim named Li Chen. On October 20, 1974, he was sweating profusely at a construction site in Jiamusi, when he suddenly saw that the mud pump was stuck, so he reached out to check and repair it, and encountered some black liquid. .

The workers who came later took out a gas bomb, so that their bodies were covered with large blisters, their breathing became heavier each time, and they always vomited yellow water.

(Li Chen and his wife Wu Fengqin)

The hospital invited many doctors, but they could not find the cause, so they were advised to find experts from the military.

When they were sent to the 202 Hospital, it was discovered that they were burned by mustard gas. After that, they went to many large hospitals of the People's Liberation Army. Although experts from all walks of life are doing their best to treat them, it is currently difficult to provide an effective cure.

Li Chen was hospitalized and his life was worse than death. The mainstay of his family had been lost, and his wife was forced to collect cinders to make a living. When the scalpel cut open his chest, many organs and bones had been fibrotic.

The rotten flesh was cut off layer after layer. Each layer was the sin of the Japanese invaders, and there were many victims like Li Chen.

According to Li Chen’s recollection, he would like to thank journalists and lawyers from China and Japan during the litigation process. He received everyone’s help when he filed the lawsuit in Tokyo.

According to the recollection of Chinese lawyer Luo Lijuan, after arriving in Japan, she received free help from more than 300 Japanese lawyers. They did not ask for compensation or fame or fortune, and everything was selfless.

Luo Lijuan went to Japan year after year to litigate cases in spring, summer, autumn and winter. One thing that moved her very much was that most of the expenses in Japan were provided by Japanese lawyers and volunteers, and the funds came from donations from all walks of life.

No one thought that the lawsuit would be so long. According to the memory of the victim Li Chen, he finally won the lawsuit in 2003.

Li Chen clearly remembered that day was September 29 of the same year. He did not understand the judge's Japanese at all. He only saw the Japanese lawyer's expression being very excited, making various gestures and gesticulating non-stop. There was no need to wait for an interpreter at that time. , he knew he had won the case!

At present, courts across Japan are very lax about the lawsuits filed by Chinese victims. After all the hardships, he finally received 190 million yen in compensation. Li Chen cried with tears in his eyes.

Based on the then exchange rate , it was roughly equivalent to 14 million yuan.

This same court rarely declares victory for victims like Li Chen, and most of them directly reject the plaintiff.

What followed was that the Koizumi government of Japan refused to obey the verdict and appealed to the High Court. What followed was a long legal "tug of war". If nothing else goes wrong, it is very likely to lose the case.

(Junichiro Koizumi)

Li Chen said something that is thought-provoking. He said that although the Japanese government has been perfunctory and evasive, he no longer hates the Japanese because there are many Japanese with conscience among the people.

When the victim gave a speech at a famous university in Japan, most Japanese people in the audience shed tears or even cried bitterly.

3. Outstanding contribution, won the honor of Touching China

According to Mr. Oyama Hiroshi, the biggest pressure is the problem of funding. The legal team they formed, firstly, raised money through the support meeting, and secondly, each member paid for it out of his own pocket. Of course, Funding mainly comes from the latter.

This support group is called "50 years after the war, Japan's conscience is questioned" and calls on everyone to donate voluntarily to support Oyama Hiroshi and others.

Because funds were too tight, when Hiroshi Oyama took more than 300 lawyers around to litigate, he always brought his own lunchbox to the court.

They themselves are very frugal, and they always provide generous assistance to Chinese lawyers and war victims. For example, for the Chinese lawyer mentioned above, the cost of entering Japan and flying back to China is about 50,000 yuan.

According to Oyama Hiroshi’s introduction, they took the initiative to bear all the expenses for Chinese lawyers and victims, trying not to let them spend any money.

Many victims are either seriously injured or are old and have difficulty moving. Most of them need family members to accompany them and take care of them, so the cost will also increase.

Oyama Hong and the others spent several million yuan on this from 1994 to early 2004, not counting the medical expenses donated to China.

Although the financial pressure was great, Oyama Hiro and the others never thought of giving up.

Take Onodera Toshi for example. He loaned tens of millions of yen and donated all of it to the legal team; there is a female member who would rather sell her house and rent a cabin to live in, but also donate to support the just cause of the legal team.

From beginning to end, Hiroshi Oyama has never received any penny in legal representation fees. Although he has been donating from his own pocket, his family understands his career and has given him great support.

According to an interview in 2004, Mr. Hiroshi Oyama said that there are less than 20,000 lawyers in Japan, and there are more than 300 lawyers participating in their legal team.

Since Mr. Hiroshi Oyama became the group leader, they have been harassed and intimidated by right-wing elements, including their family members, and they have been woken up by phone calls in the middle of the night.

What makes people angry is that one lawsuit after another has resulted in fewer wins and more losses. Although the outside world advised them to give up, more than 300 lawyers headed by Hiroshi Oyama said they would persist to the end.

What is worthy of recognition is that the lawsuit was not successful. The court recognized the historical facts and the judge admitted various war crimes committed by the Japanese army in China. This is equivalent to Oyama Hiroshi and others restoring the historical truth from a legal perspective.

Chinese lawyers involved in litigation, whether they win or lose, will always be grateful to Oyama Hiroshi and never complain because of losing.

By 2003, among the top ten people who moved China were not only Yang Liwei, who went to space, but also Hiroshi Oyama, a Japanese man in his seventies.

According to the award speech, this old man has been under tremendous pressure for many years and spent most of his youth and hard work relentlessly questioning Japan's war crimes of aggression against China.

In Oyama Hiroshi, we see the brilliance of justice, which does not regard countries and ethnic groups as boundaries, and can heal the barriers of language and mountains and seas.

was angry again and again and shouted again and again. Hiroshi Oyama selflessly helped the war victims in China in Japan and always stood for justice.

Warnings again and again, threats again and again, and the ugly faces of Japanese right-wingers can never block the light of justice of Mr. Oyama Hiroshi.

According to Oyama Hiroshi, Li Chen's claim is a personal right; and he helped Li Chen in the lawsuit to make Japan clearly aware of its aggression during World War II.

(Chemical weapons left by Japan in China)

Although Hiroshi Oyama is old and can no longer go to court to accuse the Japanese invaders of their crimes, the team he leads still advocates for the Chinese victims.

Until the epidemic, Chinese victims and lawyers could receive generous assistance from Japanese private lawyers when they filed claims against Japan.

After the epidemic, it was difficult to go abroad to appeal, so the claim was temporarily put on hold.

Many victims of the chemical weapons left behind by the Japanese army in China received donations from righteous people in Japan during their domestic physical examination and treatment.