In our country's hundreds of years of historical development, every step taken is not easy and will leave a real mark. Especially in ancient times, when China was still under the rule of the feudal regime, people were often forced to suffer behaviors that were beyond the enduranc

In our country's hundreds of years of historical development, every step taken is not easy and will leave a solid mark.

Especially in ancient times, when China was still under the rule of the feudal regime, people were often forced to suffer behaviors that were beyond the endurance of ordinary people.

When we look back at many historical facts about the ancient palace, we have mixed emotions and it is difficult to express the depression in our hearts.

After all, it is not only the royal family with noble birth who can live in the palace, there are also many servants who were forced to enter the palace in order to serve the dignitaries, and have experienced many "inhuman" treatments since then.

This group of people included eunuchs.

The identity of "eunuch" is a servant who accompanies the emperor day and night. He is also one of the least status people in the palace.

The only thing people have always paid attention to about eunuchs, is that they think they have a special status. Before becoming eunuchs, everyone must go through the "purification" process.

But what I didn’t expect was that in addition to men, there were also women eunuchs.

In real historical records, not only did female eunuchs exist, they also suffered from more cruel "purification rituals" than male eunuchs.

Why eunuchs need to purify themselves

Anyone who has watched costume dramas can easily find that there are always people with special status in the palace. Not only do they have a humble status and no freedom in life, but they also have to undergo a very unbearable treatment after entering the palace - purification.

Purification is also called castration. This is a method of identifying the eunuchs in the ancient palace.

As long as you want to become a eunuch, you must undergo a purification baptism to prepare yourself to accompany the monarch wholeheartedly.

What kind of cruel torture is purification? Why do you need to purify yourself first to become a eunuch?

Not everyone has the opportunity to become a eunuch. Usually this person has to be recommended by someone with status.

And only through a piece of documentary evidence from others can you have the opportunity to enter the palace and become a candidate for a eunuch.

Purification is a kind of torture that makes the eunuch completely lose his fertility.

After the candidate voluntarily signs the certificate, the palace will send someone to invite an experienced knife maker to perform the so-called "castration operation", and then the eunuch will be born.

The process of cleansing is fixed and is the same for everyone.

In order to avoid infection after the excretion after the operation, the candidate must fast before castration. After three or four days, he will be brought into the room, blindfolded, and the castration operation will be completed under the restraints of others.

The whole cleansing process is very fast, but for those who undergo the surgery, it is often difficult to conceal the sadness and pain.

After all, it is an operation without protective measures. Once the operation is not handled properly, the candidate will die due to infection or excessive bleeding.

Although the process of purification is terrifying, to become a eunuch, you must go through this ordeal.

This is because in the palace, the eunuch's duty is to serve the emperor and his clan and convey his orders. In order to complete their work better, eunuchs must often enter and exit the royal inner rooms, and they will also passively see many things that "should not be seen".

In the imperial palace, the emperor’s concubines were the most numerous.

In such an environment where there are so many beauties, it is easy for a man to have inappropriate thoughts.

In order to ensure absolute loyalty, the best way is to make the eunuchs completely sterile.

In addition, for the emperor, eunuchs were a kind of labor force that could be available at any time.

In order to prevent the eunuchs from having disputes about right and wrong in the palace, they came up with the idea of ​​castrating them and completely cut off other distracting thoughts in their minds.

Therefore, although purification is a very cruel method, it had a meaningful existence in ancient times.

After all, in feudal rule, the emperor would only protect his own interests. In order to make the rule more powerful, he must do this.

The purification of female eunuchs

In our understanding, although we know that there are eunuchs, we only know about male eunuchs in most cases, and we rarely see female eunuchs.

In fact, in our historical records, eunuchs do exist.

The rise of the identity of female eunuchs was mainly during the period of Wu Zetian Female practitioners at that time were called female officials, which means female eunuchs.

During the Wu Zetian period, , since there was no precedent for the emperor to be a woman, it was naturally difficult for male eunuchs to serve him properly. Although female eunuchs had appeared before, they were not popular. It was not until the Queen came to power that female eunuchs began to appear in large numbers.

The main responsibility of the female officials at this time was to serve the Queen, the Queen and others. Not only must they help take care of the chores in the harem, but they must also convey edicts to them, and the objects to whom the female eunuchs convey are all the concubines and other figures in the harem.

Although most of the time they come into contact with women, they inevitably come into contact with men such as princes and dignitaries. Therefore, ancient female eunuchs, like male eunuchs, need to be purified.

Some people may find it strange that male eunuchs are castrated, so how do female eunuchs purify themselves?

In fact, in history, the purification of female eunuchs was even more frightening. According to historical records, becoming a female eunuch must go through the process of purification. The implication of is to destroy a woman's fertility and make her a "waste" with no desires or desires.

The pregnancy process of women is completed in the uterus. The most direct way to completely lose fertility is to let women lose the uterus organ.

Therefore, the method implemented for female eunuchs to purify themselves was to "remove the uterus."

Although it sounds like a very simple operation now, in ancient times, there were no surgical conditions at all. If you wanted to remove the uterus, you could only do it by beating the female body with a stick.

In other words, in order for a female eunuch to complete her purification, she must be continuously beaten on the abdomen in front of a group of people, causing the uterus to fall on its own, and then scraped off the uterus with a hook. The whole process is very cruel, especially for women. It hurts beyond belief.

In order to prevent them from having love affairs, they did not hesitate to adopt such a dehumanizing method. made the female eunuchs taste despair in an unbearable situation, and they had no desire or desire.

The Sorrow of Feudal Rulers

Female eunuchs in history were truly lower-class people with no human rights and were also one of the victims of feudal society.

Eunuchs are actually the people at the bottom of society. rulers directly attack their spiritual level through purification, and through physical harm, they completely lose their will and can only do repetitive tasks peacefully.

The fate of the eunuchs was very tragic, especially the female eunuchs, who devoted their whole lives to their masters. already suffered a double blow to the spirit and body. In the end, they were summarily dealt with for inappropriate words and deeds, and died of old age in the palace. No one knows either.

When we look at the ruling class in ancient times, we often find that the emperors were rigidly minded and only wanted to rule with authority, completely ignoring human rights. fully interprets the sad fact of feudal rule in the palace where hierarchies are differentiated.

From this point of view, eunuchs are actually the epitome of feudal society and a direct reflection of the orderly hierarchy and class division in feudal history.

This dehumanizing behavior of purging one's body is not only targeted at men, but even weak women cannot escape this disaster. This not only reflects the emperor's exclusive power, but also reflects the inequality of human rights that pervades feudal society. , is really heartbreaking.


When we have gone through hundreds of years of dynasty changes and society has developed to this day, we have slowly received more education, and only then can we dare to say that everyone is born equal, and can we dare to advocate that men and women are also equal. .

But sadly, we are not our ancestors and cannot change history. In the emperor's era of feudal society, human rights were out of the question.

Society is constantly improving, and people’s ideas are constantly being updated. Therefore, people have long had a consensus on positions like eunuchs: their existence is wrong, and will naturally not allow them to appear in today's development of modern civilization.

But looking at the world, there are always countries without human rights. There are still wails everywhere, and there is darkness that we cannot see, waiting for rescue.

Fortunately, China's feudal history has turned over, people have been able to understand:

First of all, we must be a complete and independent person, Secondly, we can do our best to shine in our own lives.