Whenever Emperor Kangxi is mentioned, there are always endless topics about him: Aixinjueluo Xuanye, the longest reigning emperor in the feudal dynasty, eradicated Obai, pacified the three feudal lords, personally conquered Galdan, and pacified Tibet. , building water conservancy

Whenever Emperor Kangxi is mentioned, there are always endless topics about him: Aixinjueluo Xuanye, the longest-reigning emperor in the feudal dynasty, eradicated Obai, pacified the San Francisco, and personally conquered Karma Erdan, pacifying Tibet, building water conservancy... Any major event that would be considered a big deal for an ordinary emperor was accomplished by Emperor Kangxi alone.

Although this Mingjun had the heroic deeds of opening up new territories, his heart was still delicate and sensitive. The so-called "there is a tiger in the heart, smelling the roses " is like this, although "Kangxi Dynasty" focuses on portraying The well-received TV series about Kangxi's life did not detail the ups and downs of Emperor Kangxi's emotional life, but it is undeniable that Emperor Kangxi also had his own "white moonlight".

In "Kangxi Dynasty", Emperor Kangxi, who stood at the pinnacle of power, stood facing the window with his concubine Rong Fei in his arms. In front of the window, a bright full moon shone on the two of them. At this moment, Emperor Kangxi suddenly thought of her, the one who had passed away. A woman who has lived for many years.

This woman knew and stayed with Kangxi, but died due to dystocia, and she also indirectly triggered the tragic "nine sons to seize the legitimate " in the later period of the Kangxi Dynasty.

She is Kangxi's first queen-Queen Hesheli.

1. When powerful ministers encountered difficulties, they married important officials.

The marriage between Emperor Kangxi and Queen Hesheli was a typical example of marriage. As a common method used by the Qing court to maintain imperial rule, this method of marrying important ministers was both common and important. It's sad that two people who have no feelings and don't know what they are are tied together forcibly, and all their enthusiasm and hope are gradually consumed in the deep palace. It is very terrible.

Fortunately, although Emperor Kangxi and Queen Hesheli were involved in the situation, they were able to enjoy each other, which is very rare in the royal family.

Hesheli's , the Manchurian Yellow Flag, his grandfather was one of the founding heroes of the Qing Dynasty . Having a grandfather who held a high position of public importance was both a shackle and an opportunity for Hesheli.

In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, Emperor Shunzhi, who had only reigned for more than ten years, died of smallpox at the age of only 24. The only contribution this emperor made to the Qing court was probably to leave behind a legacy that would shine brightly in the future. Emperor Kangxi , Aixinjueluo Xuanye.

However, at this time, Shunzhi's successor Xuan Ye was only 8 years old and could not yet rule in person. Emperor Shunzhi also paved the way for the young emperor-he handed over the power of auxiliary government to the "four auxiliary officials" whom he trusted and relied on most. "Ministers": Sony, Shuksaha, Ebilong and Obai, and Hesheli's grandfather Sony ranked first among the four ministers because of his high position and power.

At first, the four ministers worked conscientiously and devoted themselves to the country. However, as time went by, Sony became old and gradually stopped interfering in political affairs. Shuksaha was reprimanded by civil and military officials for his early report on Dorgon As a treacherous and sycophantic villain, he was deeply ostracized, while Yi Bilong quickly attached himself to Ao Bai like a wallflower. In this way, Ao Bai rose rapidly from the bottom of the four ministers, and soon became the most powerful official. Holding military power, relying on power to dominate the emperor day after day, and not taking Emperor Kangxi seriously, he is like the second Dorgon alive.

The empress dowager Xiaozhuang who was deeply harmed by Dorgon could not sit still. Although she had lived in the palace for a long time, it did not affect her overall planning. In today's rapidly changing court situation, only the old fox Sony, who was wise and protective, could compete with Obai. , how can we bring Sony into our own camp? The marriage of

is the safest, most robust and most durable method.

Under this situation, Hesheli became the first queen selected by Emperor Kangxi.

2. The emperor and the empress were emotionally distant at first, but the queen was very affectionate.

In the fourth year of Kangxi, on the eighth day of September, it was a beautiful and sunny day. The emperor and empress got married. On the tenth day of September, the wedding was completed, and Hesheli officially became the Kangxi Emperor. After the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, she was also the only queen of the Hesheli family.

The registration of the Hesheli family has also brought the entire Hesheli family to a new level. Originally, the Hesheli family was not considered prominent because of its literary career. In his early years, Sony accumulated great military exploits in the north and south to achieve what he is today. In high positions, after Queen Hesheli entered the palace, Sony's sons were promoted many times. Unfortunately, Sony's sons were arrogant and lazy, and did not bring any substantial effect to the development of the family.

And the Eight Banners showgirls who entered the palace with the queen were not fuel-efficient lamps. Among them were the later famous concubines Hui Fei, Rong Fei and Yifei - Kangxi, who was only 12 years old, had at least 13 With more than three wives and concubines, it can be imagined that the emperor and the empress did not spend much time with each other. However, Kangxi knew how to coordinate the harem and tried his best to keep the rain and dew equal, because the harem was closely related to the previous dynasty, and no concubine could neglect it.

In the feudal dynasty, the emperor pursued stability in the country, and often had no control over their marriage and love. Queen Hesheli also understood this. Although she was young, she was well-educated, respectful and diligent.

But because the two had no emotional basis, and because of his grandfather Sony, Emperor Kangxi always thought of her grandfather Sony whenever he saw Queen Hesheli, so at first, the relationship between the emperor and the empress was not good.

One is a pampered boudoir lady, and the other is a young and willful king of a country. Queen Hesheli and Kangxi did not get along at first. According to records, Kangxi had a 13-year-old concubine at that time. Concubine Rong, Ma Jia, gave birth to the emperor's eldest son in the sixth year of Kangxi, and concubine Zhang gave birth to the emperor's eldest daughter in the seventh year of Kangxi. Kangxi's first two children were not born to the queen, so it can be seen that the two It was really emotionally distant at first.

This is also reflected concretely in "Kangxi Dynasty": On the day of the emperor's wedding, Kangxi did not spend the night with his new wife, but went to find Sumala Aunt who had grown up with him. , this made Hesheli, a wife for the first time at the age of 13, at a loss. She even asked her grandfather Sony for advice. Sony gave Hesheli three pieces of advice: do not fight, rob, or be jealous, package yourself, and wait for the emperor. Hesheli readily accepted it. .

A year later, Hershey's gentleness and understanding were recognized by Kangxi. She finally entered the closed heart of the young emperor, and Kangxi was able to shed the filter of "Sony's granddaughter" and go Really feeling the erudition and thoughtfulness of Hesheli, the two of them treated each other with sincerity and treated each other with respect.

In the eighth year of Kangxi's reign, Hesheli gave birth to his imperial son Chenghu, who was also Kangxi's most distinguished eldest son. In May of this year, Kangxi had already gotten rid of Obai, the thorn in his side, and officially took charge of the government. In this year, 16 Kangxi was so proud when he was in power at the age of 15 and had Lin'er. The high-spirited young man decided to pay a visit to Xiaoling and tell his father, Emperor Shunzhi, who was already under the emperor, the good news.

In August of the ninth year of Kangxi, Queen Hesheli and Emperor Kangxi paid homage to the tomb of Emperor Shunzhi together. This was the only time Queen Hesheli went out for activities in her short life.

In the eleventh year of Kangxi, Kangxi, who was accompanying his grandmother, Queen Mother Xiaozhuang, to recuperate in Tangquan, Chicheng, received a report that his eldest son Chenghu, who was less than three years old, died of illness.

The death of his noble eldest son at an early age, coupled with the death of his two sons before him, was a great blow to Kangxi. However, he, who had always been filial, still smiled and talked as usual in front of his grandmother, lest her grandmother would be overly sad when she knew the news.

Later Xiaozhuang still learned about the death of her eldest son. She ordered Kangxi to return to the palace to comfort Queen Hesheli who had just lost her son. On February 27, Kangxi obeyed the order of the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang and returned to Beijing to take care of Hesheli. After only a short stay of one day, he returned to Tangquan on the grounds that "the queen was recovering from illness".

At that moment, I don’t know how heartbroken and sad Queen Hesheli must have been after she had just lost her son. History books do not record a single word about Queen Hesheli who lost her son, but we can infer how heartbroken she must be.

20 years old, just like a flower, Queen Hesheli has already experienced family marriage, neglect of her husband, early loss of her son, and staying in the capital. Each of these events is like a poisonous thorn in her heart. Although Kangxi respected her enough, but her status was still outside the country and below the Queen Mother.

Even if she understands the righteousness deeply, at this time, Hesheli is just a fragile and sad mother who lost her son.

3. Losing a child and having a difficult childbirth, a beauty with a poor life eventually became the White Moonlight of Kangxi

Your kindness is like water, fleeting. Women in the harem are fighting for their stomachs. How can there be time left for the queen to grieve the spring and autumn? The eldest son died in the first month of the year. In February , Nala's gave birth to the prince Baoqing ( Yinti ). Fortunately, Hesheli was young and deeply favored. A year later, she became pregnant again.

If the eighth year of Kangxi was the highlight of Emperor Kangxi, then in the thirteenth year of Kangxi, the 21-year-old Emperor Kangxi encountered his first Waterloo: Wu Sangui rebelled years ago, and later Prince Zhu San rebelled. On the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month, the fourth son of the emperor died, and on the twelfth day of the fourth lunar month, Ma Jia gave birth to the prince Changhua, who died on the day he was born. However, none of this could compare to the impact that Kangxi had on the third day of the fifth lunar month.

On the third day of May, Queen Hesheli gave birth to her second son Baocheng ( Yinreng ). Only two hours after Baocheng was born, Queen Hesheli died of dystocia at the age of 21.

After the death of Queen Hesheli, Kangxi was extremely grieved. He retired from the court for five days and ordered all civil and military officials and wives to mourn. Starting from the year of Hesheli's death, Emperor Kangxi would personally go to Beijing in person on the third day of every lunar month. 30 miles away, Gong Huacheng paid homage to Queen Renxiao , which lasted for eight months.

The posthumous title he gave to Queen Hesheli was "Queen Renxiao". Before Hesheli, the posthumous titles of the queens of the Qing Dynasty all started with the word "filial piety", but Kangxi gave his queen the word "benevolence". The ancients were very fond of this. The word "Benevolence" is respected, "Being a king ends with benevolence." Using "Ren" as a posthumous title is a supreme affirmation. Moreover, Kangxi's own posthumous title was also "Emperor Benevolence", which shows the deep relationship between him and his first wife.

In addition, Kangxi also personally wrote a posthumous document for Queen Hesheli. This was the only posthumous document written by Emperor Kangxi for the queen. Although he later appointed two more queens, none of them had this treatment.

As for the son Baocheng (Yinreng) whom Queen Hesheli exchanged with her life, Kangxi made him the prince and taught him carefully. When Yinreng was infected with smallpox, Kangxi personally took care of him until he recovered. Although the prince did not live up to expectations and did not meet Emperor Kangxi's requirements for a prince, Emperor Kangxi still fought against both sides. He did not give up on this arrogant and violent prince until he finally saw that the dead wood could not be carved. This also triggered the fight for the heir among the nine sons. Great war.

As for Kangxi's feelings for Queen Hesheli, he felt guilty. He felt guilty for neglecting her at the beginning of their marriage. He felt guilty that he was busy with state affairs and didn't care about her. He felt guilty that she was worried about her body day and night. He felt guilty for doing so. Guquan imprisoned her in the palace.

After Queen Hesheli left, Kangxi went to Gonghua City more than 80 times. In the 16th year of Kangxi, although the second queen was only appointed for less than ten days, Kangxi went to Gonghua City in person to mourn Yuan's wife regardless of taboos. On New Year's Eve of the same year In the rain and snow, Kangxi still went to Gonghua City to accompany his deceased wife.


As the first queen of Emperor Kangxi, Hesheli accompanied Kangxi through the difficult period of Obei's dictatorship. As a young couple, they were in the same boat for ten years. Kangxi's feelings for Queen Hesheli were the purest. During the ten years, Queen Hesheli tried her best to assist and was diligent in internal governance, allowing Kangxi to successfully complete the early power transition after ascending the throne with the support of the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang, which made a good start for Kangxi's 60 years of hard work.

The early death of Queen Hesheli also allowed Kangxi to forever connect her with his youth. Although he was not like his father, Emperor Shunzhi, who could keep his body as pure as jade for true love, and could want beauty rather than power. He could be the only one in his life, but no matter how treacherous the court was, no matter how dangerous and cunning the enemy he faced, he would always have a pure land for that girl in his heart.